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accesslog - Access logger for ashd(7)


accesslog [-hFaeL] [-f FORMAT] [-p PIDFILE] OUTFILE CHILD [ARGS…]

accesslog -P LOGFILE


The accesslog handler starts a single child handler which it passes all requests it receives, but also logs information about every such request to OUTFILE. As for the format of the log records, see the FORMAT section, below.

accesslog is a persistent handler, as defined in ashd(7), and the specified child handler must also be a persistent handler.

If OUTFILE is -, log records will be written on standard output. Otherwise, the specified filename is opened in append mode and kept open for as long as accesslog runs. SIGHUP can be sent to accesslog in order to get it to reopen the log file, which can be useful e.g. for log rotation.

If the child handler exits, accesslog exits as well.

Normally, accesslog locks the logfile using fcntl(2) to ensure that only one process writes to a logfile at any time. The -L switch can be used to override that behavior to let several processes share a logfile, or to use logfiles that cannot be locked for some reason.


Print a brief help message to standard output and exit.
Do not flush the log file buffers for each log record. (This refers to the internal buffers, not the filesystem buffers.)
Use the specified FORMAT string instead of the default log record format. See the FORMAT section, below, for a description of the FORMAT string. See also the -e option.
Write the PID of the accesslog process to PIDFILE. PIDFILE may be -, in which case the string ".pid" is appended to the log file name and used instead.
Try to emulate the Apache "combined" log format as closely as possible. Currently, the remote user, identd user, status code and number of sent bytes in Apache’s combined format are replaced with dashes. Effectively, the following format string is used:
%A - - [%{%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z}t] "%m %u %v" %c %o "%R" "%G"
Make extended log data available. This option makes accesslog run in a different mode where it looks at not only the request, but also the (entire) response, which requires quite a bit more CPU time per request. However, some log items are only available in this mode; these have been marked as such under the FORMAT section, below.
Do not attempt to lock the logfile. Note that this switch conflicts with the use of the -P option.
Makes accesslog fetch the PID of the process currently holding the lock on LOGFILE, write that to standard output, and then exit. No further command-line arguments are processed. This option is useful for sending SIGHUP to accesslog when rotating logfiles without having to use a PID file.


The log record format is specified with the -f option described above. The format string is used as a template and certain fields are expanded. Characters in the format string not matching such fields are output as they are. A field is specified as a percent sign, followed by an optional argument enclosed in braces, followed by a single character specifying the item to log.

By default, the following format string is used:

%{%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}t %m %u %A "%G"

The following log items are currently specified:

Expands into the HTTP header named by HEADER. If the specified header does not exist in the request, %h expands into a dash.
Expands into the entire raw URL part of the request.
Expands into the raw URL part of the request, with any query string removed if present.
Expands into the HTTP method.
Expands into the HTTP version string.
Expands into the current rest string.
Expands into the current time, in RFC822 format, unless there is an argument present, in which case the argument is used as a format string to strftime(3). The time is expressed in the local timezone.
As for %t, but UTC time is used instead.
Expands into the non-integral fraction of the second of the current time, expressed in microseconds and padded with zeroes to 6 digits. For example, %{%H:%M:%S}t.%s can be used to log fractional time.
Expands into the X-Ash-Address header.
Expands into the Host header.
Expands into the Referer header.
Expands into the User-Agent header.

The following log items are only available when running in extended mode, requested by the -e option, as described above. If unavailable due to not running in extended mode, each of the log items below will instead expand into a dash.

Expands into the HTTP status code of the response.
Expands into the number of bytes sent by the client as a request-body. HTTP headers are not counted.
Expands into the number of bytes sent back by the handler, to the client, as the response-body. HTTP headers are not counted, and neither are overhead as part of any required transfer-encoding, such as chunking.
Expands into the time it took for the handler to complete the response, expressed as seconds with 6 decimals precision.

In any expanded field, any "unsafe" characters are escaped. Currently, this means that double-quotes and backslashes are prepended with a backslash, newlines and tabs are expressed as, respectively, \n and \t, and any other byte less than 32 or greater than 127 is expressed as \xAA, where AA is the hexadecimal representation of the byte.


Reopen the log file by name. If the log file name cannot be re-opened, the old log file stream continues in use.


Fredrik Tolf <>

