descriptionUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
ownerTomas Wenström
last changeMon, 14 Jun 2021 20:07:25 +0000 (22:07 +0200)
2021-06-14 Tomas WenströmFine-tune fire mode master
2021-06-14 Tomas WenströmAdd fire mode
2021-06-14 Tomas WenströmRename noise mode
2020-11-22 Tomas WenströmMerge branch 'master' of ssh://
2020-11-22 Tomas WenströmAny number of colors (>1) for noise mode
2020-07-14 Tomas WenströmAdd very special handling for the MJPG video format
2020-07-14 Tomas WenströmAvoid division by zero
2020-07-14 Tomas WenströmDon't specify JDK version in name of jdk property
2020-07-13 Tomas WenströmAdd video device to config
2019-12-06 Tomas WenströmBugfix - seconds to milliseconds
2019-12-06 Tomas WenströmDon't calculate sun colors when sun is completely up
2019-12-06 Tomas WenströmMove ListPosition inside VideoFrame
2019-12-06 Tomas WenströmBugfix - let PipeController set modes
2019-12-02 Tomas WenströmMerge branch 'master' of ssh://
2019-12-02 Tomas WenströmSynchronize on threads on wait/notify
2019-12-02 Tomas WenströmCan't pop the last mode
3 years ago master