descriptionICMP Domain Name utilities
ownerFredrik Tolf
last changeSun, 13 Dec 2009 20:54:27 +0000 (21:54 +0100)
2009-12-13 Fredrik TolfGITified repo. master
2006-04-27 fredrikCheck for error return from getaddrinfo...
2006-04-27 fredrikTake version number from autoconf.
2006-04-27 fredrikTake version number from autoconf.
2006-04-27 fredrikTake version number from autoconf.
2006-04-27 fredrikTake version number from autoconf.
2006-04-27 fredrikFactored ICMP structs and defs into icmpdefs.h.
2006-04-27 fredrikFactored ICMP structs and defs into icmpdefs.h.
2006-04-27 fredrikFactored ICMP structs and defs into icmpdefs.h.
2006-01-15 fredrikCommit CL.
2006-01-15 fredrikFixed chkconfig values to make sure icmpdnd is started...
2006-01-13 fredrikCommitted changelog.
2006-01-12 fredrikOops...
2006-01-12 fredrikBump version and add manpages to output.
2006-01-12 fredrikBump version and add manpages to output.
2006-01-12 fredrikRename manpages
15 years ago master