import os
def login(useauthless = True, **kw):
+ """A convenience function for loginasync.
+ This function will initiate an asynchronous login per the
+ loginasync command, and then run a select loop while waiting for
+ it to complete. It will return a tuple (res, reason), where res is
+ the result code, and reason is an explanatory text for any error.
+ res can be any of the following:
+ * success: Login completed successfully
+ * nologin: No authentication mechanism could be negotiated
+ * server: An error occurred on the server
+ * user: An error occurred in the library
+ * conv: The password conversation mechanism failed
+ * authfail: The server refused the login (due to e.g. bad credentials)
+ """
result = [None]
def mycb(*v):
result[0] = v
return result[0]
def mustconnect(host, port = -1):
+ """A convenience function for connect.
+ This function will connect to the given host, perform a select
+ loop, and ensure that the server approves of the connection. If
+ any of these steps fail, an exception is raised. If successful,
+ the file descriptor for the server connection is returned.
+ """
fd = connect(host, port)
while True:
resp = getresp()
return fd
def cnl(host = None, port = -1, useauthless = True, **kw):
+ """A convenience function for connect and loginasync.
+ This function will connect to the given server, or the server in
+ the environment variable $DCSERVER if none is given, and
+ authenticate to the server. If any of the steps fail, an exception
+ is raised.
+ """
if host is None:
host = os.getenv("DCSERVER")
if host is None:
return fd
def ecmd(*args):
+ """A convenience function for qcmd.
+ This function will queue the given command, and then wait in a
+ select loop until the command has been carried out. The return
+ value is a Response object, corresponding to the reponse from the
+ server.
+ """
tag = qcmd(*args)
while True:
resp = getresp(tag)
return resp
def ecmda(code, *args):
+ """A convenience function for ecmd.
+ This function does essentially the same as ecmd, but it will also
+ check so that the response has the given numerical code. If not,
+ an exception is raised.
+ """
resp = ecmd(*args)
if resp.getcode() != code:
raise ValueError, resp.getcode()