struct trinfo {
int ostate;
+ int opos;
+ time_t lastprog;
void updatewrite(void);
tr->udata = tri = memset(smalloc(sizeof(*tri)), 0, sizeof(*tri));
tr->destroycb = destroytr;
tri->ostate = tr->state;
+ tri->opos = tr->curpos;
+ tri->lastprog = time(NULL);
+/* XXX: Achtung! Too DC-specific! */
+wchar_t *getfilename(wchar_t *path)
+ wchar_t *p;
+ if((p = wcsrchr(path, L'\\')) == NULL)
+ return(path);
+ else
+ return(p + 1);
void trstatechange(struct dc_transfer *tr, int ostate)
- if(ostate == DC_TRNS_MAIN) {
+ if((ostate == DC_TRNS_MAIN) && (tr->dir == DC_TRNSD_DOWN)) {
if(tr->state == DC_TRNS_DONE) {
- notify(&trnote, "transfer.complete", _("Transfer complete"), _("Finished downloading %ls from %ls"), tr->path, tr->peernick);
+ notify(&trnote, "transfer.complete", _("Transfer complete"), _("Finished downloading %ls from %ls"), getfilename(tr->path), tr->peernick);
} else {
- notify(&trnote, "transfer.error", _("Transfer interrupted"), _("The transfer of %ls from %ls was interrupted from the other side"), tr->path, tr->peernick);
+ notify(&trnote, "transfer.error", _("Transfer interrupted"), _("The transfer of %ls from %ls was interrupted from the other side"), getfilename(tr->path), tr->peernick);
struct dc_transfer *tr;
struct trinfo *tri;
+ time_t now;
+ now = time(NULL);
for(tr = dc_transfers; tr != NULL; tr = tr->next) {
if(tr->udata == NULL) {
trstatechange(tr, tri->ostate);
tri->ostate = tr->state;
+ if(tri->opos != tr->curpos) {
+ tri->opos = tr->curpos;
+ tri->lastprog = now;
+ }
+#ifdef NOTIFY
+ if((tr->state = DC_TRNS_MAIN) && (now - tri->lastprog > 600)) {
+ notify(&trnote, "transfer.error", _("Transfer stalled"), _("The transfer of %ls from %ls has not made progress for 10 minutes"), getfilename(tr->path), tr->peernick);
+ }