--- /dev/null
+#include <config.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <doldaconnect/uilib.h>
+#include <doldaconnect/uimisc.h>
+#include <doldaconnect/utils.h>
+#include <gaim.h>
+#include <plugin.h>
+#include <version.h>
+#include <accountopt.h>
+#include <roomlist.h>
+#include <util.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+struct conndata {
+ int fd;
+ int readhdl, writehdl;
+ GaimConnection *gc;
+ GaimRoomlist *roomlist;
+static struct conndata *inuse = NULL;
+static void dcfdcb(struct conndata *data, int fd, GaimInputCondition condition);
+static void updatewrite(struct conndata *data)
+ if(dc_wantwrite()) {
+ if(data->writehdl == -1)
+ data->writehdl = gaim_input_add(data->fd, GAIM_INPUT_WRITE, (void (*)(void *, int, GaimInputCondition))dcfdcb, data);
+ } else {
+ if(data->writehdl != -1) {
+ gaim_input_remove(data->writehdl);
+ data->writehdl = -1;
+ }
+ }
+static void disconnected(struct conndata *data)
+ if(inuse == data)
+ inuse = NULL;
+ if(data->readhdl != -1) {
+ gaim_input_remove(data->readhdl);
+ data->readhdl = -1;
+ }
+ if(data->writehdl != -1) {
+ gaim_input_remove(data->writehdl);
+ data->writehdl = -1;
+ }
+ data->fd = -1;
+static int loginconv(int type, wchar_t *text, char **resp, struct conndata *data)
+ switch(type) {
+ if(data->gc->account->password == NULL) {
+ updatewrite(data);
+ return(1);
+ } else {
+ *resp = sstrdup(data->gc->account->password);
+ updatewrite(data);
+ return(0);
+ }
+ default:
+ updatewrite(data);
+ return(1);
+ }
+static void newpeercb(struct dc_fnetpeer *peer)
+ struct conndata *data;
+ GaimConversation *conv;
+ data = peer->fn->udata;
+ if((conv = gaim_find_chat(data->gc, peer->fn->id)) != NULL)
+ {
+ gaim_conv_chat_add_user(GAIM_CONV_CHAT(conv), icswcstombs(peer->nick, "UTF-8", NULL), NULL, GAIM_CBFLAGS_NONE, FALSE);
+ }
+static void delpeercb(struct dc_fnetpeer *peer)
+ struct conndata *data;
+ GaimConversation *conv;
+ data = peer->fn->udata;
+ if((conv = gaim_find_chat(data->gc, peer->fn->id)) != NULL)
+ {
+ gaim_conv_chat_remove_user(GAIM_CONV_CHAT(conv), icswcstombs(peer->nick, "UTF-8", NULL), NULL);
+ }
+static void chpeercb(struct dc_fnetpeer *peer)
+static void fillpeerlist(struct dc_fnetnode *fn, int resp, struct conndata *data)
+static void getfnlistcb(int resp, struct conndata *data)
+ struct dc_fnetnode *fn;
+ for(fn = dc_fnetnodes; fn != NULL; fn = fn->next)
+ {
+ dc_getpeerlistasync(fn, (void (*)(struct dc_fnetnode *, int, void *))fillpeerlist, data);
+ fn->udata = data;
+ fn->newpeercb = newpeercb;
+ fn->delpeercb = delpeercb;
+ fn->chpeercb = chpeercb;
+ }
+static void logincb(int err, wchar_t *reason, struct conndata *data)
+ if(err != DC_LOGIN_ERR_SUCCESS) {
+ dc_disconnect();
+ disconnected(data);
+ gaim_connection_error(data->gc, "Invalid login");
+ return;
+ }
+ gaim_connection_set_state(data->gc, GAIM_CONNECTED);
+ serv_finish_login(data->gc);
+ dc_queuecmd(NULL, NULL, L"notify", L"fn:chat", L"on", L"fn:act", L"on", L"fn:peer", L"on", NULL);
+ dc_getfnlistasync((void (*)(int, void *))getfnlistcb, data);
+static void dcfdcb(struct conndata *data, int fd, GaimInputCondition condition)
+ struct dc_response *resp;
+ struct dc_intresp *ires;
+ struct dc_fnetnode *fn;
+ GaimConversation *conv;
+ char *peer, *msg;
+ if(((condition & GAIM_INPUT_READ) && dc_handleread()) || ((condition & GAIM_INPUT_WRITE) && dc_handlewrite()))
+ {
+ disconnected(data);
+ gaim_connection_error(data->gc, "Server has disconnected");
+ return;
+ }
+ while((resp = dc_getresp()) != NULL) {
+ if(!wcscmp(resp->cmdname, L".connect")) {
+ if(resp->code == 200) {
+ gaim_connection_update_progress(data->gc, "Authenticating", 2, 3);
+ dc_loginasync(NULL, 1, (int (*)(int, wchar_t *, char **, void *))loginconv, (void (*)(int, wchar_t *, void *))logincb, data);
+ } else {
+ dc_disconnect();
+ disconnected(data);
+ gaim_connection_error(data->gc, "Server refused connection");
+ return;
+ }
+ } else if(!wcscmp(resp->cmdname, L".notify")) {
+ dc_uimisc_handlenotify(resp);
+ switch(resp->code) {
+ case 600:
+ if((ires = dc_interpret(resp)) != NULL)
+ {
+ if((fn = dc_findfnetnode(ires->argv[0].val.num)) != NULL)
+ {
+ if(ires->argv[1].val.num)
+ {
+ /* XXX: Handle different rooms */
+ if((conv = gaim_find_chat(data->gc, fn->id)) != NULL)
+ {
+ peer = icwcstombs(ires->argv[3].val.str, "UTF-8");
+ msg = gaim_escape_html(icswcstombs(ires->argv[4].val.str, "UTF-8", NULL));
+ serv_got_chat_in(data->gc, gaim_conv_chat_get_id(GAIM_CONV_CHAT(conv)), peer, 0, msg, time(NULL));
+ g_free(msg);
+ free(peer);
+ }
+ } else {
+ peer = icwcstombs(ires->argv[3].val.str, "UTF-8");
+ msg = gaim_escape_html(icswcstombs(ires->argv[4].val.str, "UTF-8", NULL));
+ if(!gaim_account_get_bool(data->gc->account, "represspm", FALSE) || (gaim_find_conversation_with_account(peer, data->gc->account) != NULL))
+ serv_got_im(data->gc, peer, msg, 0, time(NULL));
+ g_free(msg);
+ free(peer);
+ }
+ }
+ dc_freeires(ires);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 601:
+ case 602:
+ case 603:
+ case 604:
+ if((ires = dc_interpret(resp)) != NULL)
+ {
+ if((fn = dc_findfnetnode(ires->argv[0].val.num)) != NULL)
+ {
+ fn->udata = data;
+ fn->newpeercb = newpeercb;
+ fn->delpeercb = delpeercb;
+ fn->chpeercb = chpeercb;
+ }
+ dc_freeires(ires);
+ }
+ case 605:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ updatewrite(data);
+static int gi_sendchat(GaimConnection *gc, int id, const char *what)
+ struct conndata *data;
+ struct dc_fnetnode *fn;
+ wchar_t *wwhat;
+ data = gc->proto_data;
+ if((fn = dc_findfnetnode(id)) == NULL)
+ return(-EINVAL);
+ /* XXX: Handle chat rooms */
+ if((wwhat = icmbstowcs((char *)what, "UTF-8")) == NULL)
+ return(-errno);
+ dc_queuecmd(NULL, NULL, L"sendchat", L"%%i", fn->id, L"1", L"", L"%%ls", wwhat, NULL);
+ free(wwhat);
+ updatewrite(data);
+ return(0);
+static int gi_sendim(GaimConnection *gc, const char *who, const char *what, GaimConvImFlags flags)
+ struct conndata *data;
+ struct dc_fnetnode *fn, *tfn;
+ struct dc_fnetpeer *peer, *tpeer;
+ wchar_t *wwho, *wwhat;
+ int en;
+ data = gc->proto_data;
+ if((wwho = icmbstowcs((char *)who, "UTF-8")) == NULL)
+ return(-errno);
+ tpeer = NULL;
+ for(fn = dc_fnetnodes; fn != NULL; fn = fn->next) {
+ for(peer = fn->peers; peer != NULL; peer = peer->next) {
+ if(!wcscmp(wwho, peer->nick)) {
+ if(tpeer == NULL) {
+ tpeer = peer;
+ tfn = fn;
+ } else {
+ free(wwho);
+ return(-ESRCH);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(tpeer == NULL) {
+ free(wwho);
+ return(-ESRCH);
+ }
+ if((wwhat = icmbstowcs((char *)what, "UTF-8")) == NULL) {
+ en = errno;
+ free(wwho);
+ return(-en);
+ }
+ dc_queuecmd(NULL, NULL, L"sendchat", L"%%i", tfn->id, L"0", L"%%ls", wwho, L"%%ls", wwhat, NULL);
+ free(wwho);
+ free(wwhat);
+ updatewrite(data);
+ return(1);
+static const char *gi_listicon(GaimAccount *a, GaimBuddy *b)
+ return("dolcon");
+static struct conndata *newconndata(void)
+ struct conndata *new;
+ new = smalloc(sizeof(*new));
+ memset(new, 0, sizeof(*new));
+ new->fd = -1;
+ new->readhdl = new->writehdl = -1;
+ return(new);
+static void freeconndata(struct conndata *data)
+ if(data->roomlist != NULL)
+ gaim_roomlist_unref(data->roomlist);
+ if(inuse == data)
+ inuse = NULL;
+ if(data->readhdl != -1)
+ gaim_input_remove(data->readhdl);
+ if(data->writehdl != -1)
+ gaim_input_remove(data->writehdl);
+ if(data->fd >= 0)
+ dc_disconnect();
+ free(data);
+static void gi_login(GaimAccount *act)
+ GaimConnection *gc;
+ struct conndata *data;
+ gc = gaim_account_get_connection(act);
+ gc->proto_data = data = newconndata();
+ data->gc = gc;
+ if(inuse != NULL) {
+ gaim_connection_error(gc, "Dolda Connect library already in use");
+ return;
+ }
+ gaim_connection_update_progress(gc, "Connecting", 1, 3);
+ if((data->fd = dc_connect((char *)gaim_account_get_string(act, "server", "localhost"), -1)) < 0)
+ {
+ gaim_connection_error(gc, "Could not connect to server");
+ return;
+ }
+ data->readhdl = gaim_input_add(data->fd, GAIM_INPUT_READ, (void (*)(void *, int, GaimInputCondition))dcfdcb, data);
+ updatewrite(data);
+ inuse = data;
+static void gi_close(GaimConnection *gc)
+ struct conndata *data;
+ data = gc->proto_data;
+ freeconndata(data);
+static GaimRoomlist *gi_getlist(GaimConnection *gc)
+ struct conndata *data;
+ GList *fields;
+ GaimRoomlist *rl;
+ GaimRoomlistField *f;
+ GaimRoomlistRoom *r;
+ struct dc_fnetnode *fn;
+ data = gc->proto_data;
+ if(data->roomlist != NULL)
+ gaim_roomlist_unref(data->roomlist);
+ data->roomlist = rl = gaim_roomlist_new(gaim_connection_get_account(gc));
+ fields = NULL;
+ f = gaim_roomlist_field_new(GAIM_ROOMLIST_FIELD_INT, "", "id", TRUE);
+ fields = g_list_append(fields, f);
+ f = gaim_roomlist_field_new(GAIM_ROOMLIST_FIELD_INT, "Users", "users", FALSE);
+ fields = g_list_append(fields, f);
+ gaim_roomlist_set_fields(rl, fields);
+ for(fn = dc_fnetnodes; fn != NULL; fn = fn->next) {
+ if(fn->state != DC_FNN_STATE_EST)
+ continue;
+ r = gaim_roomlist_room_new(GAIM_ROOMLIST_ROOMTYPE_ROOM, icswcstombs(fn->name, "UTF-8", NULL), NULL);
+ gaim_roomlist_room_add_field(rl, r, GINT_TO_POINTER(fn->id));
+ gaim_roomlist_room_add_field(rl, r, GINT_TO_POINTER(fn->numusers));
+ gaim_roomlist_room_add(rl, r);
+ }
+ gaim_roomlist_set_in_progress(rl, FALSE);
+ return(rl);
+static void gi_cancelgetlist(GaimRoomlist *rl)
+ GaimConnection *gc;
+ struct conndata *data;
+ if((gc = gaim_account_get_connection(rl->account)) == NULL)
+ return;
+ data = gc->proto_data;
+ gaim_roomlist_set_in_progress(rl, FALSE);
+ if(data->roomlist == rl) {
+ data->roomlist = NULL;
+ gaim_roomlist_unref(rl);
+ }
+static void getpeerlistcb(struct dc_fnetnode *fn, int resp, struct conndata *data)
+ GaimConversation *conv;
+ struct dc_fnetpeer *peer;
+ if(resp == 200)
+ {
+ if(gaim_find_chat(data->gc, fn->id) != NULL)
+ return;
+ conv = serv_got_joined_chat(data->gc, fn->id, icswcstombs(fn->name, "UTF-8", NULL));
+ for(peer = fn->peers; peer != NULL; peer = peer->next)
+ gaim_conv_chat_add_user(GAIM_CONV_CHAT(conv), icswcstombs(peer->nick, "UTF-8", NULL), NULL, GAIM_CBFLAGS_NONE, FALSE);
+ }
+static void gi_joinchat(GaimConnection *gc, GHashTable *chatdata)
+ struct conndata *data;
+ struct dc_fnetnode *fn;
+ data = gc->proto_data;
+ if((fn = dc_findfnetnode(GPOINTER_TO_INT(g_hash_table_lookup(chatdata, "id")))) == NULL)
+ return;
+ if(gaim_find_chat(gc, fn->id) != NULL)
+ return;
+ dc_getpeerlistasync(fn, (void (*)(struct dc_fnetnode *, int, void *))getpeerlistcb, data);
+ updatewrite(data);
+static GaimPluginProtocolInfo protinfo = {
+ .icon_spec = NO_BUDDY_ICONS,
+ .list_icon = gi_listicon,
+ .login = gi_login,
+ .close = gi_close,
+ .roomlist_get_list = gi_getlist,
+ .roomlist_cancel = gi_cancelgetlist,
+ .join_chat = gi_joinchat,
+ .chat_send = gi_sendchat,
+ .send_im = gi_sendim,
+static GaimPluginInfo info = {
+ .major_version = GAIM_MAJOR_VERSION,
+ .minor_version = GAIM_MINOR_VERSION,
+ .id = "prpl-dolcon",
+ .name = "Dolda Connect",
+ .version = VERSION,
+ .summary = "Dolda Connect chat plugin",
+ .description = "Allows Gaim to be used as a chat user interface for the Dolda Connect daemon",
+ .author = "Fredrik Tolf <fredrik@dolda2000.com>",
+ .homepage = "http://www.dolda2000.com/~fredrik/doldaconnect/",
+ .extra_info = &protinfo
+static void init(GaimPlugin *pl)
+ GaimAccountOption *opt;
+ dc_init();
+ opt = gaim_account_option_string_new("Server", "server", "localhost");
+ protinfo.protocol_options = g_list_append(protinfo.protocol_options, opt);
+ opt = gaim_account_option_int_new("Port", "port", -1);
+ protinfo.protocol_options = g_list_append(protinfo.protocol_options, opt);
+ opt = gaim_account_option_bool_new("Do not pop up private messages automatically", "represspm", FALSE);
+ protinfo.protocol_options = g_list_append(protinfo.protocol_options, opt);
+GAIM_INIT_PLUGIN(dolcon, init, info);