--- /dev/null
+ ashd - A Sane HTTP Daemon
+ Copyright (C) 2008 Fredrik Tolf <fredrik@dolda2000.com>
+ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <sys/poll.h>
+#include <arpa/inet.h>
+#include <config.h>
+#include <utils.h>
+#include <log.h>
+#include <req.h>
+#include <resp.h>
+#include <proc.h>
+#include <cf.h>
+#define SBUCKETS 7
+struct source {
+ char data[16];
+ unsigned int len, hash;
+struct waiting {
+ struct hthead *req;
+ int fd;
+struct bucket {
+ struct source id;
+ double level, last, etime;
+ typedbuf(struct waiting) brim;
+ int thpos;
+struct btime {
+ struct bucket *bk;
+ double tm;
+struct config {
+ double size, rate, retain;
+ int brimsize;
+static struct bucket *sbuckets[1 << SBUCKETS];
+static struct bucket **buckets = sbuckets;
+static int hashlen = SBUCKETS, nbuckets = 0;
+static typedbuf(struct btime) timeheap;
+static int child, reload;
+static double now;
+static const struct config defcfg = {
+ .size = 100, .rate = 10,
+ .retain = 10, .brimsize = 10,
+static struct config cf;
+static double rtime(void)
+ static int init = 0;
+ static struct timespec or;
+ struct timespec ts;
+ clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts);
+ if(!init) {
+ or = ts;
+ init = 1;
+ }
+ return((ts.tv_sec - or.tv_sec) + ((ts.tv_nsec - or.tv_nsec) / 1000000000.0));
+static struct source reqsource(struct hthead *req)
+ int i;
+ char *sa;
+ struct in_addr a4;
+ struct in6_addr a6;
+ struct source ret;
+ ret = (struct source){};
+ if((sa = getheader(req, "X-Ash-Address")) != NULL) {
+ if(inet_pton(AF_INET, sa, &a4) == 1) {
+ memcpy(ret.data, &a4, ret.len = sizeof(a4));
+ } else if(inet_pton(AF_INET6, sa, &a6) == 1) {
+ memcpy(ret.data, &a6, ret.len = sizeof(a6));
+ }
+ }
+ for(i = 0, ret.hash = 0; i < ret.len; i++)
+ ret.hash = (ret.hash * 31) + ret.data[i];
+ return(ret);
+static void rehash(int nlen)
+ int i, o, n, m, pl, nl;
+ struct bucket **new, **old;
+ old = buckets;
+ if(nlen <= SBUCKETS) {
+ nlen = SBUCKETS;
+ new = sbuckets;
+ } else {
+ new = szmalloc(sizeof(*new) * (1 << nlen));
+ }
+ if(nlen == hashlen)
+ return;
+ assert(old != new);
+ pl = 1 << hashlen; nl = 1 << nlen; m = nl - 1;
+ for(i = 0; i < pl; i++) {
+ if(!old[i])
+ continue;
+ for(o = old[i]->id.hash & m, n = 0; n < nl; o = (o + 1) & m, n++) {
+ if(!new[o]) {
+ new[o] = old[i];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(old != sbuckets)
+ free(old);
+ buckets = new;
+ hashlen = nlen;
+static struct bucket *hashget(struct source *src)
+ unsigned int i, n, N, m;
+ struct bucket *bk;
+ m = (N = (1 << hashlen)) - 1;
+ for(i = src->hash & m, n = 0; n < N; i = (i + 1) & m, n++) {
+ bk = buckets[i];
+ if(bk && (bk->id.len == src->len) && !memcmp(bk->id.data, src->data, src->len))
+ return(bk);
+ }
+ for(i = src->hash & m; buckets[i]; i = (i + 1) & m);
+ buckets[i] = bk = szmalloc(sizeof(*bk));
+ memcpy(&bk->id, src, sizeof(*src));
+ bk->last = bk->etime = now;
+ bk->thpos = -1;
+ if(++nbuckets > (1 << (hashlen - 1)))
+ rehash(hashlen + 1);
+ return(bk);
+static void hashdel(struct bucket *bk)
+ unsigned int i, o, p, n, N, m;
+ struct bucket *sb;
+ m = (N = (1 << hashlen)) - 1;
+ for(i = bk->id.hash & m, n = 0; n < N; i = (i + 1) & m, n++) {
+ assert((sb = buckets[i]) != NULL);
+ if((sb->id.len == bk->id.len) && !memcmp(sb->id.data, bk->id.data, bk->id.len))
+ break;
+ }
+ assert(sb == bk);
+ buckets[i] = NULL;
+ for(o = (i + 1) & m; buckets[o] != NULL; o = (o + 1) & m) {
+ sb = buckets[o];
+ p = (sb->id.hash - i) & m;
+ if((p == 0) || (p > ((o - i) & m))) {
+ buckets[i] = sb;
+ buckets[o] = NULL;
+ i = o;
+ }
+ }
+ if(--nbuckets <= (1 << (hashlen - 3)))
+ rehash(hashlen - 1);
+static void thraise(struct btime bt, int n)
+ int p;
+ while(n > 0) {
+ p = (n - 1) >> 1;
+ if(timeheap.b[p].tm <= bt.tm)
+ break;
+ (timeheap.b[n] = timeheap.b[p]).bk->thpos = n;
+ n = p;
+ }
+ (timeheap.b[n] = bt).bk->thpos = n;
+static void thlower(struct btime bt, int n)
+ int c1, c2, c;
+ while(1) {
+ c2 = (c1 = (n << 1) + 1) + 1;
+ if(c1 >= timeheap.d)
+ break;
+ c = ((c2 < timeheap.d) && (timeheap.b[c2].tm < timeheap.b[c1].tm)) ? c2 : c1;
+ if(timeheap.b[c].tm > bt.tm)
+ break;
+ (timeheap.b[n] = timeheap.b[c]).bk->thpos = n;
+ n = c;
+ }
+ (timeheap.b[n] = bt).bk->thpos = n;
+static void thadjust(struct btime bt, int n)
+ if((n > 0) && (timeheap.b[(n - 1) >> 1].tm > bt.tm))
+ thraise(bt, n);
+ else
+ thlower(bt, n);
+static void freebucket(struct bucket *bk)
+ int i, n;
+ struct btime r;
+ hashdel(bk);
+ if((n = bk->thpos) >= 0) {
+ r = timeheap.b[--timeheap.d];
+ if(n < timeheap.d)
+ thadjust(r, n);
+ }
+ for(i = 0; i < bk->brim.d; i++) {
+ freehthead(bk->brim.b[i].req);
+ close(bk->brim.b[i].fd);
+ }
+ buffree(bk->brim);
+ free(bk);
+static void updbtime(struct bucket *bk)
+ double tm, tm2;
+ tm = (bk->level == 0) ? (bk->etime + cf.retain) : (bk->last + (bk->level / cf.rate) + cf.retain);
+ if(bk->brim.d > 0) {
+ tm2 = bk->last + ((bk->level - cf.size) / cf.rate);
+ tm = (tm2 < tm) ? tm2 : tm;
+ }
+ if(bk->thpos < 0) {
+ sizebuf(timeheap, ++timeheap.d);
+ thraise((struct btime){bk, tm}, timeheap.d - 1);
+ } else {
+ thadjust((struct btime){bk, tm}, bk->thpos);
+ }
+static void tickbucket(struct bucket *bk)
+ double delta, ll;
+ delta = now - bk->last;
+ bk->last = now;
+ ll = bk->level;
+ if((bk->level -= delta * cf.rate) < 0) {
+ bk->level = 0;
+ if(ll > 0)
+ bk->etime = now;
+ }
+ while((bk->brim.d > 0) && (bk->level < cf.size)) {
+ if(sendreq(child, bk->brim.b[0].req, bk->brim.b[0].fd)) {
+ flog(LOG_ERR, "ratequeue: could not pass request to child: %s", strerror(errno));
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ freehthead(bk->brim.b[0].req);
+ close(bk->brim.b[0].fd);
+ bufdel(bk->brim, 0);
+ bk->level += 1;
+ }
+static void checkbtime(struct bucket *bk)
+ tickbucket(bk);
+ if((bk->level == 0) && (now >= bk->etime + cf.retain)) {
+ freebucket(bk);
+ return;
+ }
+ updbtime(bk);
+static void serve(struct hthead *req, int fd)
+ struct source src;
+ struct bucket *bk;
+ now = rtime();
+ src = reqsource(req);
+ bk = hashget(&src);
+ tickbucket(bk);
+ if(bk->level < cf.size) {
+ bk->level += 1;
+ if(sendreq(child, req, fd)) {
+ flog(LOG_ERR, "ratequeue: could not pass request to child: %s", strerror(errno));
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ freehthead(req);
+ close(fd);
+ } else if(bk->brim.d < cf.brimsize) {
+ bufadd(bk->brim, ((struct waiting){.req = req, .fd = fd}));
+ } else {
+ simpleerror(fd, 429, "Too many requests", "Your client is being throttled for issuing too frequent requests.");
+ freehthead(req);
+ close(fd);
+ }
+ updbtime(bk);
+static int parseint(char *str, int *dst)
+ long buf;
+ char *p;
+ buf = strtol(str, &p, 0);
+ if((p == str) || *p)
+ return(-1);
+ *dst = buf;
+ return(0);
+static int parsefloat(char *str, double *dst)
+ double buf;
+ char *p;
+ buf = strtod(str, &p);
+ if((p == str) || *p)
+ return(-1);
+ *dst = buf;
+ return(0);
+static int readconf(char *path, struct config *buf)
+ FILE *fp;
+ struct cfstate *s;
+ int rv;
+ if((fp = fopen(path, "r")) == NULL) {
+ flog(LOG_ERR, "ratequeue: %s: %s", path, strerror(errno));
+ return(-1);
+ }
+ *buf = defcfg;
+ s = mkcfparser(fp, path);
+ rv = -1;
+ while(1) {
+ getcfline(s);
+ if(!strcmp(s->argv[0], "eof")) {
+ break;
+ } else if(!strcmp(s->argv[0], "size")) {
+ if((s->argc < 2) || parsefloat(s->argv[1], &buf->size)) {
+ flog(LOG_ERR, "%s:%i: missing or invalid `size' argument");
+ goto err;
+ }
+ } else if(!strcmp(s->argv[0], "rate")) {
+ if((s->argc < 2) || parsefloat(s->argv[1], &buf->rate)) {
+ flog(LOG_ERR, "%s:%i: missing or invalid `rate' argument");
+ goto err;
+ }
+ } else if(!strcmp(s->argv[0], "brim")) {
+ if((s->argc < 2) || parseint(s->argv[1], &buf->brimsize)) {
+ flog(LOG_ERR, "%s:%i: missing or invalid `brim' argument");
+ goto err;
+ }
+ } else {
+ flog(LOG_WARNING, "%s:%i: unknown directive `%s'", s->file, s->lno, s->argv[0]);
+ }
+ }
+ rv = 0;
+ freecfparser(s);
+ fclose(fp);
+ return(rv);
+static void huphandler(int sig)
+ reload = 1;
+static void usage(FILE *out)
+ fprintf(out, "usage: ratequeue [-h] [-s BUCKET-SIZE] [-r RATE] [-b BRIM-SIZE] PROGRAM [ARGS...]\n");
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+ int c, rv;
+ int fd;
+ struct hthead *req;
+ struct pollfd pfd;
+ double timeout;
+ char *cfname;
+ struct config cfbuf;
+ cf = defcfg;
+ cfname = NULL;
+ while((c = getopt(argc, argv, "+hc:s:r:b:")) >= 0) {
+ switch(c) {
+ case 'h':
+ usage(stdout);
+ return(0);
+ case 'c':
+ cfname = optarg;
+ break;
+ case 's':
+ parsefloat(optarg, &cf.size);
+ break;
+ case 'r':
+ parsefloat(optarg, &cf.rate);
+ break;
+ case 'b':
+ parseint(optarg, &cf.brimsize);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(argc - optind < 1) {
+ usage(stderr);
+ return(1);
+ }
+ if(cfname) {
+ if(readconf(cfname, &cfbuf))
+ return(1);
+ cf = cfbuf;
+ }
+ if((child = stdmkchild(argv + optind, NULL, NULL)) < 0) {
+ flog(LOG_ERR, "ratequeue: could not fork child: %s", strerror(errno));
+ return(1);
+ }
+ sigaction(SIGHUP, &(struct sigaction){.sa_handler = huphandler}, NULL);
+ while(1) {
+ if(reload) {
+ if(cfname) {
+ if(!readconf(cfname, &cfbuf))
+ cf = cfbuf;
+ }
+ reload = 0;
+ }
+ now = rtime();
+ pfd = (struct pollfd){.fd = 0, .events = POLLIN};
+ timeout = (timeheap.d > 0) ? timeheap.b[0].tm : -1;
+ if((rv = poll(&pfd, 1, (timeout < 0) ? -1 : (int)((timeout + 0.1 - now) * 1000))) < 0) {
+ if(errno != EINTR) {
+ flog(LOG_ERR, "ratequeue: error in poll: %s", strerror(errno));
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ }
+ if(pfd.revents) {
+ if((fd = recvreq(0, &req)) < 0) {
+ if(errno == EINTR)
+ continue;
+ if(errno != 0)
+ flog(LOG_ERR, "recvreq: %s", strerror(errno));
+ break;
+ }
+ serve(req, fd);
+ }
+ while((timeheap.d > 0) && ((now = rtime()) >= timeheap.b[0].tm))
+ checkbtime(timeheap.b[0].bk);
+ }
+ return(0);