static struct configvar myvars[] =
+ /** The name of the service principal to use. */
{CONF_VAR_STRING, "service", {.str = L"doldacond"}},
+ /** The path to an alternative keytab file. If unspecified, the
+ * system default keytab will be used. */
{CONF_VAR_STRING, "keytab", {.str = L""}},
+ /** Whether to renew renewable credentials automatically before
+ * they expire. */
{CONF_VAR_BOOL, "renewcreds", {.num = 1}},
+ /** If true, the default credentials cache will be used, which is
+ * useful for e.g. Linux kernel key handling. If false, a file
+ * credentials cache will be created using mkstemp(3), using the
+ * pattern /tmp/krb5cc_dc_$UID_XXXXXX. */
{CONF_VAR_BOOL, "usedefcc", {.num = 0}},
static struct configvar myvars[] =
+ /** The name of the PAM service file to use. */
{CONF_VAR_STRING, "pamserv", {.str = L"doldacond"}},
+ /** Specifies whether insecure authentication is to be allowed. If
+ * you are not completely sure what you are doing, never turn this
+ * on without also turning on net.onlylocal. */
{CONF_VAR_BOOL, "authless", {.num = 1}},
static struct configvar myvars[] =
+ /** The default nick name to use. The nickname can also be
+ * specified for individual hubs, overriding this setting. */
{CONF_VAR_STRING, "defnick", {.str = L"DoldaConnect user"}},
+ /** When scanning shares, this bitmask is consulted for every
+ * regular file. Unless the file's mode has the bits specified by
+ * this mask set, it will not be shared. */
{CONF_VAR_INT, "scanfilemask", {.num = 0004}},
+ /** When scanning shares, this bitmask is consulted for every
+ * directory encountered. Unless the directory's mode has the bits
+ * specified by this mask set, it will be ignored and any files
+ * under it will not be shared. */
{CONF_VAR_INT, "scandirmask", {.num = 0005}},
+ /** The filename to use for the hash cache (see the FILES section
+ * for more information). */
{CONF_VAR_STRING, "hashcache", {.str = L"dc-hashcache"}},
static struct configvar myvars[] =
+ /** The number of seconds to wait between searches. Most hubs
+ * require at least ten seconds, and quite often network lag will
+ * often make searches arrive to the hub more often than sent. It
+ * may be semi-dangerous to specify too low a value, since hubs
+ * will often kick users that search too often (even when the
+ * reason is network lag -- there is no way for the hub to know
+ * this), but it is quite annoying to set too high a value. 15 to
+ * 40 seconds are the recommended range (although the default is
+ * 15 seconds, it is recommended to set to 30 seconds). */
{CONF_VAR_INT, "srchwait", {.num = 15}},
+ /** The TOS value to use for hub connections (see the TOS VALUES
+ * section). */
{CONF_VAR_INT, "fntos", {.num = 0}},
+ /** The TOS value to use for peer connections (see the TOS VALUES
+ * section). */
{CONF_VAR_INT, "fnptos", {.num = 0}},
+ /** Specifies a maximum number of simultaneously connected
+ * hubs. Attempts to connect to new hubs beyond this limit will
+ * return an error. Set to zero to remove the limit. */
{CONF_VAR_INT, "maxnodes", {.num = 0}},
static struct configvar myvars[] = {
+ /** Specifies a specific UDP port to use for ADC search
+ * results. If left unspecified, a port is allocated
+ * dynamically. Useful for NAT routers (see also the
+ * net.visibleipv4 address for those cases). */
{CONF_VAR_INT, "udpport", {.num = 0}},
+ /** Specifies a specific TCP port to use for ADC peer
+ * connections. If left unspecified, a port is allocated
+ * dynamically. Useful for NAT routers (see also the
+ * net.visibleipv4 address for those cases). */
{CONF_VAR_INT, "tcpport", {.num = 0}},
static struct configvar myvars[] =
+ /** Specifies the share description reported to other DC users. */
{CONF_VAR_STRING, "desc", {.str = L""}},
+ /** Specifies the speed reported to other DC users. Normal values
+ * are 28.8Kbps, 33.6Kbps, 56Kbps, Satellite, ISDN, DSL, Cable,
+ * LAN(T1) or LAN(T3)*/
{CONF_VAR_STRING, "speedstring", {.str = L"LAN(T1)"}},
+ /** The e-mail address to report to other DC users. */
{CONF_VAR_STRING, "email", {.str = L""}},
+ /** Specifies a specific UDP port to use for DC search results. If
+ * left unspecified, a port is allocated dynamically. Useful for
+ * NAT routers (see also the net.visibleipv4 address for those
+ * cases). */
{CONF_VAR_INT, "udpport", {.num = 0}},
+ /** Specifies a specific TCP port to use for DC peer
+ * connections. If left unspecified, a port is allocated
+ * dynamically. Useful for NAT routers (see also the
+ * net.visibleipv4 address for those cases). */
{CONF_VAR_INT, "tcpport", {.num = 0}},
+ /** If set to true, doldacond will do its best to emulate DC++
+ * (currently v0.674). This should be left off if at all possible,
+ * since turning it on will violate the rules of most hubs and
+ * thus give hub owners an actual reason to kick you if it is
+ * detected. It might be needed for some of the more bone-headed
+ * hub owners, though. Note that DC++ emulation can also be turned
+ * on or off for individual hubs, overriding this setting. */
{CONF_VAR_BOOL, "dcppemu", {.num = 0}},
static struct configvar myvars[] =
- /* 0 = Direct mode, 1 = Passive mode, 2 = SOCKS proxy */
+ /** The network mode to use. Currently supported values are 0 for
+ * active mode and 1 for passive mode. In the future, SOCKS5 proxy
+ * support may be added. */
{CONF_VAR_INT, "mode", {.num = 0}},
+ /** Set the SO_REUSEADDR socket option on listening sockets, so
+ * that dead TCP connections waiting for timeout are ignored. */
{CONF_VAR_BOOL, "reuseaddr", {.num = 0}},
- /* Only for direct mode */
+ /** Overrides the IPv4 address reported to other clients in active
+ * mode. Useful for servers behind NAT routers. If both this and
+ * net.publicif are unspecified the address of the hub connection
+ * is used. */
{CONF_VAR_IPV4, "visibleipv4", {.ipv4 = {0}}},
+ /** Specifies an interface name from which to fetch the IPv4
+ * address reported to other clients in active mode. If both this
+ * and net.visibleipv4 are unspecified the address of the hub
+ * connection is used. */
{CONF_VAR_STRING, "publicif", {.str = L""}},
/* Diffserv should be supported on IPv4, too, but I don't know the
* API to do that. */
+ /** The Diffserv value to use on IPv6 connections when the
+ * minimize cost TOS value is used (see the TOS VALUES
+ * section). */
{CONF_VAR_INT, "diffserv-mincost", {.num = 0}},
+ /** The Diffserv value to use on IPv6 connections when the
+ * maximize reliability TOS value is used (see the TOS VALUES
+ * section). */
{CONF_VAR_INT, "diffserv-maxrel", {.num = 0}},
+ /** The Diffserv value to use on IPv6 connections when the
+ * maximize throughput TOS value is used (see the TOS VALUES
+ * section). */
{CONF_VAR_INT, "diffserv-maxtp", {.num = 0}},
+ /** The Diffserv value to use on IPv6 connections when the
+ * minimize delay TOS value is used (see the TOS VALUES
+ * section). */
{CONF_VAR_INT, "diffserv-mindelay", {.num = 0}},
static struct configvar myvars[] =
+ /** The maximum number of simultaneously permitted uploads. A
+ * common hub rule is that you will need at least as many slots as
+ * the number of hubs to which you are connected. */
{CONF_VAR_INT, "slots", {.num = 3}},
+ /** The TOS value to use for upload connections (see the TOS
+ * VALUES section). */
{CONF_VAR_INT, "ultos", {.num = SOCK_TOS_MAXTP}},
+ /** The TOS value to use for download connections (see the TOS
+ * VALUES section). */
{CONF_VAR_INT, "dltos", {.num = SOCK_TOS_MAXTP}},
+ /** The name of the filter script (see the FILES section for
+ * lookup information). */
{CONF_VAR_STRING, "filter", {.str = L"dc-filter"}},
+ /** If true, only one upload is allowed per remote peer. This
+ * option is still experimental, so it is recommended to leave it
+ * off. */
{CONF_VAR_BOOL, "ulquota", {.num = 0}},
static struct configvar myvars[] =
+ /** If true, UI connections will only be accepted from localhost
+ * addresses (, ::1 or ::ffff: Unless you are
+ * completely sure that you know what you are doing, never turn
+ * this off when auth.authless is on. */
{CONF_VAR_BOOL, "onlylocal", {.num = 1}},
+ /** The port number on which to accept UI client connections. */
{CONF_VAR_INT, "port", {.num = 1500}},
+ /** The TOS value to use for UI connections (see the TOS VALUES
+ * section). */
{CONF_VAR_INT, "uitos", {.num = SOCK_TOS_MINDELAY}},
+ /** The name of the filtercmd script (see the FILES section for
+ * lookup information). */
{CONF_VAR_STRING, "filtercmd", {.str = L"dc-filtercmd"}},