403: ("Forbidden", "You are not authorized to request the requested resource."),
404: ("Not Found", "The requested resource was not found."),
405: ("Method Not Allowed", "The request method is not recognized or permitted by the requested resource."),
+ 406: ("Not Acceptable", "No way was found to satisfy the given content-negotiation criteria."),
+ 407: ("Proxy Authentication Required", "Authentication must be provided to proxy the request."),
+ 408: ("Request Timeout", "The connection timed out."),
+ 409: ("Conflict", "The request conflicts with the live state."),
+ 410: ("Gone", "The requested resource has been deleted."),
+ 411: ("Length Required", "The requested resource requires the Content-Length header."),
+ 412: ("Precondition Failed", "The preconditions specified in the request are not met."),
+ 413: ("Payload Too Large", "The request entity is larger than permitted."),
+ 414: ("URI Too Long", "The requested URI is too long."),
+ 415: ("Unsupported Media Type", "The request entity format is not supported."),
+ 416: ("Range Not Satisfiable", "The specified Range cannot be satisfied."),
+ 417: ("Expectation Failed", "The expectation specified by the Expect header cannot be met."),
+ 421: ("Misdirected Request", "This server cannot handle the request."),
+ 422: ("Unprocessable Content", "The requet entity cannot be processed."),
+ 423: ("Locked", "The requested resource is locked."),
+ 424: ("Failed Dependency", "A previous required request failed."),
+ 425: ("TOo Early", "The requested action has already been performed."),
+ 426: ("Upgrade Required", "The requested resource is not available over this protocol."),
+ 428: ("Precondition Requred", "The requested resource needs to be conditionally requested."),
429: ("Too Many Requests", "Your client is sending more frequent requests than are accepted."),
+ 431: ("Request Header Fields Too Large", "The request headers are too large."),
+ 451: ("Unavilable For Legal Reasons", "The requested resource has been censored."),
500: ("Server Error", "An internal error occurred."),
501: ("Not Implemented", "The requested functionality has not been implemented."),
+ 502: ("Bad Gateway", "The backing server indicated an error."),
503: ("Service Unavailable", "Service is being denied at this time."),
+ 504: ("Gateway Timeout", "The backing server is not responding."),
+ 505: ("Unsupported HTTP Version", "The server does not support the requested HTTP version."),
+ 506: ("Variant Also Negotiates", "The server content-negotiation is misconfigured."),
+ 507: ("Insufficient Storage", "The server is out of storage to process the request."),
+ 508: ("Loop Detected", "An infinite loop was detected while processing the request."),
+ 510: ("Not Extended", "The requested extension is not supported."),
+ 511: ("Network Authentication Required", "Authentication for network access is required."),
def httpdate(ts):