#### ACME client (only http-01 challenges supported thus far)
-import sys, os, getopt, binascii, json, pprint, signal, time, threading
+import sys, os, getopt, binascii, json, pprint, signal, time, calendar, threading
import urllib.request
import Crypto.PublicKey.RSA, Crypto.Random, Crypto.Hash.SHA256, Crypto.Signature.PKCS1_v1_5
### Crypto utilities
+class dererror(Exception):
+ pass
+class pemerror(Exception):
+ pass
+def pemdec(pem, ptypes):
+ if isinstance(ptypes, str):
+ ptypes = [ptypes]
+ p = 0
+ while True:
+ p = pem.find("-----BEGIN ", p)
+ if p < 0:
+ raise pemerror("could not find any %s in PEM-encoded data" % (ptypes,))
+ p2 = pem.find("-----", p + 11)
+ if p2 < 0:
+ raise pemerror("incomplete PEM header")
+ ptype = pem[p + 11 : p2]
+ if ptype not in ptypes:
+ p = p2 + 5
+ continue
+ p3 = pem.find("-----END " + ptype + "-----", p2 + 5)
+ if p3 < 0:
+ raise pemerror("incomplete PEM data")
+ pem = pem[p2 + 5 : p3]
+ return binascii.a2b_base64(pem)
+class derdecoder(object):
+ def __init__(self, data, offset=0, size=None):
+ self.data = data
+ self.offset = offset
+ self.size = len(data) if size is None else size
+ def end(self):
+ return self.offset >= self.size
+ def byte(self):
+ if self.offset >= self.size:
+ raise dererror("unexpected end-of-data")
+ ret = self.data[self.offset]
+ self.offset += 1
+ return ret
+ def splice(self, ln):
+ if self.offset + ln > self.size:
+ raise dererror("unexpected end-of-data")
+ ret = self.data[self.offset : self.offset + ln]
+ self.offset += ln
+ return ret
+ def dectag(self):
+ h = self.byte()
+ cl = (h & 0xc0) >> 6
+ cons = (h & 0x20) != 0
+ tag = h & 0x1f
+ if tag == 0x1f:
+ raise dererror("extended type tags not supported")
+ return cl, cons, tag
+ def declen(self):
+ h = self.byte()
+ if (h & 0x80) == 0:
+ return h
+ if h == 0x80:
+ raise dererror("indefinite lengths not supported in DER")
+ if h == 0xff:
+ raise dererror("invalid length byte")
+ n = h & 0x7f
+ ret = 0
+ for i in range(n):
+ ret = (ret << 8) + self.byte()
+ return ret
+ def get(self):
+ cl, cons, tag = self.dectag()
+ ln = self.declen()
+ return cons, cl, tag, self.splice(ln)
+ def getcons(self, ckcl, cktag):
+ cons, cl, tag, data = self.get()
+ if not cons:
+ raise dererror("expected constructed value")
+ if (ckcl != None and ckcl != cl) or (cktag != None and cktag != tag):
+ raise dererror("unexpected value tag: got (%d, %d), expected (%d, %d)" % (cl, tag, ckcl, cktag))
+ return derdecoder(data)
+ def getint(self):
+ cons, cl, tag, data = self.get()
+ if (cons, cl, tag) == (False, 0, 2):
+ ret = 0
+ for b in data:
+ ret = (ret << 8) + b
+ return ret
+ raise dererror("unexpected integer type: (%s, %d, %d)" % (cons, cl, tag))
+ def getstr(self):
+ cons, cl, tag, data = self.get()
+ if (cons, cl, tag) == (False, 0, 12):
+ return data.decode("utf-8")
+ if (cons, cl, tag) == (False, 0, 13):
+ return data.decode("us-ascii")
+ if (cons, cl, tag) == (False, 0, 22):
+ return data.decode("us-ascii")
+ if (cons, cl, tag) == (False, 0, 30):
+ return data.decode("utf-16-be")
+ raise dererror("unexpected string type: (%s, %d, %d)" % (cons, cl, tag))
+ def getbytes(self):
+ cons, cl, tag, data = self.get()
+ if (cons, cl, tag) == (False, 0, 4):
+ return data
+ raise dererror("unexpected byte-string type: (%s, %d, %d)" % (cons, cl, tag))
+ def getoid(self):
+ cons, cl, tag, data = self.get()
+ if (cons, cl, tag) == (False, 0, 6):
+ ret = []
+ ret.append(data[0] // 40)
+ ret.append(data[0] % 40)
+ p = 1
+ while p < len(data):
+ n = 0
+ v = data[p]
+ p += 1
+ while v & 0x80:
+ n = (n + (v & 0x7f)) * 128
+ v = data[p]
+ p += 1
+ n += v
+ ret.append(n)
+ return tuple(ret)
+ raise dererror("unexpected object-id type: (%s, %d, %d)" % (cons, cl, tag))
+ @staticmethod
+ def parsetime(data, c):
+ if c:
+ y = int(data[0:4])
+ data = data[4:]
+ else:
+ y = int(data[0:2])
+ y += 1900 if y > 50 else 2000
+ data = data[2:]
+ m = int(data[0:2])
+ d = int(data[2:4])
+ H = int(data[4:6])
+ data = data[6:]
+ if data[:1].isdigit():
+ M = int(data[0:2])
+ data = data[2:]
+ else:
+ M = 0
+ if data[:1].isdigit():
+ S = int(data[0:2])
+ data = data[2:]
+ else:
+ S = 0
+ if data[:1] == '.':
+ p = 1
+ while len(data) < p and data[p].isdigit():
+ p += 1
+ S += float("0." + data[1:p])
+ data = data[p:]
+ if len(data) < 1:
+ raise dererror("unspecified local time not supported for decoding")
+ if data[0] == 'Z':
+ tz = 0
+ elif data[0] == '+':
+ tz = (int(data[1:3]) * 60) + int(data[3:5])
+ elif data[0] == '-':
+ tz = -((int(data[1:3]) * 60) + int(data[3:5]))
+ else:
+ raise dererror("cannot parse X.690 timestamp")
+ return calendar.timegm((y, m, d, H, M, S)) - (tz * 60)
+ def gettime(self):
+ cons, cl, tag, data = self.get()
+ if (cons, cl, tag) == (False, 0, 23):
+ return self.parsetime(data.decode("us-ascii"), False)
+ if (cons, cl, tag) == (False, 0, 24):
+ return self.parsetime(data.decode("us-ascii"), True)
+ raise dererror("unexpected time type: (%s, %d, %d)" % (cons, cl, tag))
+ @classmethod
+ def frompem(cls, pem, ptypes):
+ return cls(pemdec(pem, ptypes))
class certificate(object):
- @property
- def enddate(self):
- # No X509 parser for Python?
- import subprocess, re, calendar
- with subprocess.Popen(["openssl", "x509", "-noout", "-enddate"], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) as openssl:
- openssl.stdin.write(self.data.encode("us-ascii"))
- openssl.stdin.close()
- resp = openssl.stdout.read().decode("utf-8")
- if openssl.wait() != 0:
- raise Exception("openssl error")
- m = re.search(r"notAfter=(.*)$", resp)
- if m is None: raise Exception("unexpected openssl reply: %r" % (resp,))
- return calendar.timegm(time.strptime(m.group(1), "%b %d %H:%M:%S %Y GMT"))
+ def __init__(self, der):
+ ci = der.getcons(0, 16).getcons(0, 16)
+ self.ver = ci.getcons(2, 0).getint()
+ self.serial = ci.getint()
+ ci.getcons(0, 16) # Signature algorithm
+ ci.getcons(0, 16) # Issuer
+ vl = ci.getcons(0, 16)
+ self.startdate = vl.gettime()
+ self.enddate = vl.gettime()
def expiring(self, timespec):
if timespec.endswith("y"):
def read(cls, fp):
- self = cls()
- self.data = fp.read()
- return self
+ return cls(derdecoder.frompem(fp.read(), {"CERTIFICATE", "X509 CERTIFICATE"}))
class signreq(object):
+ def __init__(self, der):
+ self.raw = der
+ req = derdecoder(der).getcons(0, 16).getcons(0, 16)
+ self.ver = req.getint()
+ req.getcons(0, 16) # Subject
+ req.getcons(0, 16) # Public key
+ self.altnames = []
+ if not req.end():
+ attrs = req.getcons(2, 0)
+ while not attrs.end():
+ attr = attrs.getcons(0, 16)
+ anm = attr.getoid()
+ if anm == (1, 2, 840, 113549, 1, 9, 14):
+ # Certificate extension request
+ exts = attr.getcons(0, 17).getcons(0, 16)
+ while not exts.end():
+ ext = exts.getcons(0, 16)
+ extnm = ext.getoid()
+ if extnm == (2, 5, 29, 17):
+ # Subject alternative names
+ names = derdecoder(ext.getbytes()).getcons(0, 16)
+ while not names.end():
+ cons, cl, tag, data = names.get()
+ if (cons, cl, tag) == (False, 2, 2):
+ self.altnames.append(("DNS", data.decode("us-ascii")))
def domains(self):
- # No PCKS10 parser for Python?
- import subprocess, re
- with subprocess.Popen(["openssl", "req", "-noout", "-text"], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) as openssl:
- openssl.stdin.write(self.data.encode("us-ascii"))
- openssl.stdin.close()
- resp = openssl.stdout.read().decode("utf-8")
- if openssl.wait() != 0:
- raise Exception("openssl error")
- m = re.search(r"X509v3 Subject Alternative Name:[^\n]*\n\s*((\w+:\S+,\s*)*\w+:\S+)\s*\n", resp)
- if m is None:
- return []
- ret = []
- for nm in m.group(1).split(","):
- nm = nm.strip()
- typ, nm = nm.split(":", 1)
- if typ == "DNS":
- ret.append(nm)
- return ret
+ return [nm[1] for nm in self.altnames if nm[0] == "DNS"]
def der(self):
- import subprocess
- with subprocess.Popen(["openssl", "req", "-outform", "der"], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) as openssl:
- openssl.stdin.write(self.data.encode("us-ascii"))
- openssl.stdin.close()
- resp = openssl.stdout.read()
- if openssl.wait() != 0:
- raise Exception("openssl error")
- return resp
+ return self.raw
def read(cls, fp):
- self = cls()
- self.data = fp.read()
- return self
+ return cls(pemdec(fp.read(), {"CERTIFICATE REQUEST"}))
### Somewhat general request utilities