--- /dev/null
+ FreeBSD notes
+The build tree for Dolda Connect is not very portable at the moment,
+but work is under way to fix that. For now, at least the daemon should
+be possible to build on FreeBSD (though the ability to run it is not
+guaranteed ;), but even that requires some special care. Eventually,
+all this should be fixed.
+ For SVN/GIT users
+First of all, if you have gotten this copy of Dolda Connect through
+Subversion or git, you would normally need to run the `bootstrap'
+script to create the `configure' script. However, it does not work in
+FreeBSD, since the FreeBSD configuration of aclocal is a bit broken.
+Instead, you will need to run the following commands manually:
+$ autopoint
+$ aclocal -I m4 -I /usr/local/share/aclocal
+$ autoheader
+$ libtoolize --copy --force
+$ automake --add-missing --copy
+$ autoconf
+Note, also, that FreeBSD does not install version-number free aliases
+of these commands, so the appropriate versions must be added, which is
+easily done with the help of tab completion.
+Of course, none of the above is required for the tarball copies of
+Dolda Connect, which already have these steps completed for you.
+ For everyone
+When compiling Dolda Connect, there are also some caveats. FreeBSD's
+libc does not have an implementation of the iconv(3) functions, and
+Dolda Connect's `configure' script cannot detect that automatically,
+Also, Dolda Connect uses a lot of libraries that are located in
+/usr/local/lib, but by default, the FreeBSD linker does not look for
+libraries there.
+Therefore, the linker must be passed the arguments `-L/usr/local/lib
+-liconv' to compile Dolda Connect. The easiest way to do that is to
+pass it via the `configure' script, like this:
+$ ./configure other_args... "LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/lib -liconv"
+You may or may not also want to pass `CFLAGS=-g' as well, to ease any