import cgi
+import proto
__all__ = ["formdata"]
def values(self):
return [val for key, val in self.items()]
+class badmultipart(Exception):
+ pass
+class formpart(object):
+ def __init__(self, form):
+ self.form = form
+ self.buf = ""
+ self.eof = False
+ self.head = {}
+ def parsehead(self):
+ pass
+ def fillbuf(self, sz):
+ req = self.form.req
+ mboundary = "\r\n--" + self.form.boundary + "\r\n"
+ lboundary = "\r\n--" + self.form.boundary + "--\r\n"
+ while not self.eof:
+ p = self.form.buf.find(mboundary)
+ if p >= 0:
+ self.buf += self.form.buf[:p]
+ self.form.buf = self.form.buf[p + len(mboundary):]
+ self.eof = True
+ break
+ p = self.form.buf.find(lboundary)
+ if p >= 0:
+ self.buf += self.form.buf[:p]
+ self.form.buf = self.form.buf[p + len(lboundary):]
+ self.eof = True
+ self.form.eof = True
+ break
+ self.buf += self.form.buf[:-len(lboundary)]
+ self.form.buf = self.form.buf[-len(lboundary):]
+ if sz >= 0 and len(self.buf) >= sz:
+ break
+ while len(self.form.buf) <= len(lboundary):
+ ret = req.env["wsgi.input"].read(8192)
+ if ret == "":
+ raise badmultipart("Missing last multipart boundary")
+ self.form.buf += ret
+ def read(self, limit = -1):
+ self.fillbuf(limit)
+ if limit >= 0:
+ ret = self.buf[:limit]
+ self.buf = self.buf[limit:]
+ else:
+ ret = self.buf
+ self.buf = ""
+ return ret
+ def readline(self, limit = -1):
+ last = 0
+ while True:
+ p = self.buf.find('\n', last)
+ if p < 0:
+ if self.eof:
+ ret = self.buf
+ self.buf = ""
+ return ret
+ last = len(self.buf)
+ self.fillbuf(last + 128)
+ else:
+ ret = self.buf[:p + 1]
+ self.buf = self.buf[p + 1:]
+ return ret
+ def close(self):
+ self.fillbuf(-1)
+ def __enter__(self):
+ return self
+ def __exit__(self, *excinfo):
+ return False
+ def parsehead(self):
+ def headline():
+ ln = self.readline(256)
+ if ln[-1] != '\n':
+ raise badmultipart("Too long header line in part")
+ return ln.rstrip()
+ ln = headline()
+ while True:
+ if ln == "":
+ break
+ buf = ln
+ while True:
+ ln = headline()
+ if not ln[1:].isspace():
+ break
+ buf += ln.lstrip()
+ p = buf.find(':')
+ if p < 0:
+ raise badmultipart("Malformed multipart header line")
+ self.head[buf[:p].strip().lower()] = buf[p + 1:].lstrip()
+ val, par = proto.pmimehead(self.head.get("content-disposition", ""))
+ if val != "form-data":
+ raise badmultipart("Unexpected Content-Disposition in form part: %r" % val)
+ if not "name" in par:
+ raise badmultipart("Missing name in form part")
+ = par["name"]
+ self.filename = par.get("filename")
+ val, par = proto.pmimehead(self.head.get("content-type", ""))
+ self.ctype = val
+ self.charset = par.get("charset")
+ encoding = self.head.get("content-transfer-encoding", "binary")
+ if encoding != "binary":
+ raise badmultipart("Form part uses unexpected transfer encoding: %r" % encoding)
+class multipart(object):
+ def __init__(self, req):
+ val, par = proto.pmimehead(req.ihead.get("Content-Type", ""))
+ if req.method != "POST" or val != "multipart/form-data":
+ raise badmultipart("Request is not a multipart form")
+ if "boundary" not in par:
+ raise badmultipart("Multipart form lacks boundary")
+ self.boundary = par["boundary"]
+ self.req = req
+ self.buf = "\r\n"
+ self.eof = False
+ self.lastpart = formpart(self)
+ self.lastpart.close()
+ def __iter__(self):
+ return self
+ def next(self):
+ if not self.lastpart.eof:
+ raise RuntimeError("All form parts must be read entirely")
+ if self.eof:
+ raise StopIteration()
+ self.lastpart = formpart(self)
+ self.lastpart.parsehead()
+ return self.lastpart
def formdata(req):
return req.item(formwrap)