ret += c
return ret
+class urlerror(ValueError):
+ pass
+def parseurl(url):
+ p = url.find("://")
+ if p < 0:
+ raise urlerror("Protocol not found in absolute URL `%s'" % url)
+ proto = url[:p]
+ l = url.find("/", p + 3)
+ if l < 0:
+ raise urlerror("Local part not found in absolute URL `%s'" % url)
+ host = url[p + 3:l]
+ local = url[l:]
+ q = local.find("?")
+ if q < 0:
+ query = ""
+ else:
+ query = local[q + 1:]
+ local = local[:q]
+ return proto, host, local, query
+def consurl(proto, host, local, query = ""):
+ if len(local) < 1 and local[0] != '/':
+ raise urlerror("Local part of URL must begin with a slash")
+ ret = "%s://%s%s" % (proto, host, local)
+ if len(query) > 0:
+ ret += "?" + query
+ return ret
+def appendurl(url, other):
+ if "://" in other:
+ return other
+ proto, host, local, query = parseurl(url)
+ if len(other) > 0 and other[0] == '/':
+ return consurl(proto, host, other)
+ else:
+ p = local.rfind('/')
+ return consurl(proto, host, local[:p + 1] + other)
+def requrl(req):
+ host = req.ihead.get("Host", None)
+ if host is None:
+ raise Exception("Could not reconstruct URL because no Host header was sent")
+ proto = "http"
+ if req.https:
+ proto = "https"
+ if req.uri[0] != '/':
+ raise Exception("Malformed local part when reconstructing URL")
+ return "%s://%s%s" % (proto, host, req.uri)
def parstring(pars = {}, **augment):
buf = ""
for key in pars: