--- /dev/null
+package dolda.jsvc;
+import java.util.*;
+public class ContextParam<T> {
+ private boolean bound;
+ private T value;
+ private final Object id = new Object();
+ private Map<ThreadContext, T> perctx = new WeakHashMap<ThreadContext, T>();
+ private Map<Thread, T> perthr = new WeakHashMap<Thread, T>();
+ public ContextParam(T def) {
+ this.value = def;
+ this.bound = true;
+ }
+ public ContextParam() {
+ this.bound = false;
+ }
+ public synchronized T get() {
+ Thread th = Thread.currentThread();
+ if(perthr.containsKey(th))
+ return(perthr.get(th));
+ ThreadContext ctx = getctx();
+ if(perctx.containsKey(ctx))
+ return(perctx.get(ctx));
+ if(!bound)
+ throw(new IllegalStateException("No value is bound to this parameter."));
+ return(value);
+ }
+ public synchronized T ctxset(T val) {
+ ThreadContext ctx = getctx();
+ return(perctx.put(ctx, val));
+ }
+ private static ThreadContext getctx() {
+ for(ThreadGroup tg = Thread.currentThread().getThreadGroup(); tg != null; tg = tg.getParent()) {
+ if(tg instanceof ThreadContext)
+ return((ThreadContext)tg);
+ }
+ return(null);
+ }
+ public static Responder let(final Responder next, Object... params) {
+ final Map<ContextParam, Object> values = new HashMap<ContextParam, Object>();
+ if((params.length % 2) != 0)
+ throw(new IllegalArgumentException("SvcConfig.let takes only an even number of parameters"));
+ for(int i = 0; i < params.length; i += 2)
+ values.put((ContextParam)params[i], params[i + 1]);
+ return(new Responder() {
+ /* This can very well actually be set to something
+ * of the wrong type, but since the result would,
+ * obviously, be a ClassCastException either way,
+ * this way is at least the more convenient. */
+ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+ public void respond(Request req) {
+ final Map<ContextParam, Object> old = new HashMap<ContextParam, Object>();
+ Thread th = Thread.currentThread();
+ for(Map.Entry<ContextParam, Object> val : values.entrySet()) {
+ ContextParam p = val.getKey();
+ synchronized(p) {
+ if(p.perthr.containsKey(th))
+ old.put(p, p.perthr.get(th));
+ p.perthr.put(th, val.getValue());
+ }
+ }
+ try {
+ next.respond(req);
+ } finally {
+ for(Map.Entry<ContextParam, Object> val : values.entrySet()) {
+ ContextParam p = val.getKey();
+ synchronized(p) {
+ if(old.containsKey(p)) {
+ p.perthr.put(th, old.get(p));
+ } else {
+ p.perthr.remove(th);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+++ /dev/null
-package dolda.jsvc;
-import java.util.*;
-public class SvcConfig {
- public static class Param<T> {
- private T value;
- private final Object id = new Object();
- public Param(T def) {
- this.value = def;
- }
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- public T get() {
- if(Thread.currentThread() instanceof RequestThread) {
- Map<Object, Object> props = RequestThread.request().props();
- if(props.containsKey(id)) {
- /* This can very well actually be set to something
- * of the wrong type, but since the result would,
- * obviously, be a ClassCastException either way,
- * this way is at least the more convenient. */
- return((T)props.get(id));
- }
- }
- return(value);
- }
- }
- public static Responder let(final Responder next, Object... params) {
- final Map<Param, Object> values = new HashMap<Param, Object>();
- if((params.length % 2) != 0)
- throw(new IllegalArgumentException("SvcConfig.let takes only an even number of parameters"));
- for(int i = 0; i < params.length; i += 2)
- values.put((Param)params[i], params[i + 1]);
- return(new Responder() {
- public void respond(Request req) {
- final Map<Param, Object> old = new HashMap<Param, Object>();
- {
- Map<Object, Object> props = req.props();
- for(Map.Entry<Param, Object> val : values.entrySet()) {
- Param p = val.getKey();
- if(props.containsKey(p.id))
- old.put(p, props.get(p.id));
- props.put(p.id, val.getValue());
- }
- }
- try {
- next.respond(req);
- } finally {
- Map<Object, Object> props = req.props();
- for(Map.Entry<Param, Object> val : values.entrySet()) {
- Param p = val.getKey();
- if(old.containsKey(p)) {
- props.put(p.id, old.get(p));
- } else {
- props.remove(p.id);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- });
- }