file exists. If it does, it will automatically start in its ordinary
mode, whereas if it does not, it will ask the user whether to start in
assistant or ordinary mode. It provides the `-a' and `-w' command-line
-options to immediately, regardless of the existance of the
+options to immediately, regardlessly of the existance of the
configuration file, enter the assistant or ordinary modes,
The dolcon-launch program is a little DWIM program for facilitating
the creation of a desktop file (a program menu entry). It is quite
-simply -- if $HOME/.doldacond.conf does not exist, it starts
+simple -- if $HOME/.doldacond.conf does not exist, it starts
dolconf. If it does exist, but no daemon can be found (again as
indicated by $HOME/, it starts doldacond-shell, and
otherwise it starts an instance of dolcon.