--- /dev/null
+from struct import pack, unpack, calcsize
+class fmterror(Exception):
+ pass
+class eomerror(fmterror):
+ pass
+def mutf8dec(bs):
+ ret = ""
+ i = 0
+ while i < len(bs):
+ b = bs[i]
+ i += 1
+ if b & 0x80 == 0:
+ ret += chr(b)
+ else:
+ c = 0
+ while (c < 7) and (b & (1 << (6 - c))):
+ c += 1
+ if c == 0 or c == 7: raise fmterror("invalid utf8 start-byte")
+ iacc = acc = b & ((1 << (6 - c)) - 1)
+ ic = c
+ while c > 0:
+ if i >= len(bs): raise fmterror("unterminated utf8 compound")
+ b = bs[i]
+ i += 1
+ if b & 0xc0 != 0x80: raise fmterror("invalid utf8 continuation byte")
+ acc = (acc << 6) | bs & 0x3f
+ c -= 1
+ if iacc == 0 and ic != 2 and acc != 0: raise fmterror("invalid utf8 compound")
+ ret += chr(acc)
+ return ret
+def mutf8enc(cs):
+ ret = bytearray()
+ for c in cs:
+ c = ord(c)
+ if c == 0:
+ ret.extend(b"\xc0\x80")
+ elif 1 <= c < 128:
+ ret.append(c)
+ elif 128 <= c < 2048:
+ ret.append(0xc0 | ((c & 0x7c0) >> 6))
+ ret.append(0x80 | (c & 0x03f))
+ elif 2048 <= c < 65536:
+ ret.append(0xe0 | ((c & 0xf000) >> 12))
+ ret.append(0x80 | ((c & 0x0fc0) >> 6))
+ ret.append(0x80 | (c & 0x003f))
+ else:
+ raise fmterror("non-BMP unicode not supported by Java")
+ return bytes(ret)
+class decoder(object):
+ def destruct(self, fmt):
+ return unpack(fmt, self.splice(calcsize(fmt)))
+ def skip(self, ln):
+ self.splice(ln)
+ def int8(self):
+ return self.destruct(">b")[0]
+ def uint8(self):
+ return self.destruct(">B")[0]
+ def int16(self):
+ return self.destruct(">h")[0]
+ def uint16(self):
+ return self.destruct(">H")[0]
+ def int32(self):
+ return self.destruct(">i")[0]
+ def uint32(self):
+ return self.destruct(">I")[0]
+ def int64(self):
+ return self.destruct(">q")[0]
+ def uint64(self):
+ return self.destruct(">Q")[0]
+ def float32(self):
+ return self.destruct(">f")[0]
+ def float64(self):
+ return self.destruct(">d")[0]
+class decstream(decoder):
+ def __init__(self, bk):
+ self.bk = bk
+ self.buf = bytearray()
+ def eom(self):
+ if len(self.buf) > 0:
+ return False
+ ret = self.bk.read(1024)
+ if ret == b"":
+ return True
+ self.buf.extend(ret)
+ return False
+ def splice(self, ln=-1):
+ buf = self.buf
+ if ln < 0:
+ while True:
+ ret = self.bk.read()
+ if ret == b"":
+ self.buf = bytearray()
+ return bytes(buf)
+ buf.extend(ret)
+ else:
+ while len(buf) < ln:
+ rl = max(ln - len(buf), 1024)
+ ret = self.bk.read(rl)
+ if ret == b"":
+ raise eomerror("unexpected end-of-file")
+ buf.extend(ret)
+ self.buf = buf[ln:]
+ return bytes(buf[:ln])
+ def skip(self, ln):
+ if ln < len(self.buf):
+ self.buf = self.buf[ln:]
+ else:
+ ln -= len(self.buf)
+ self.buf = bytearray()
+ if hasattr(self.bk, "seek"):
+ self.bk.seek(ln - 1, 1)
+ if len(self.bk.read(1)) != 1:
+ raise eomerror("unexpected end-of-file")
+ else:
+ while ln > 0:
+ r = self.bk.read(ln)
+ if r == b"":
+ raise eomerror("unexpected end-of-file")
+ ln -= len(r)
+ def str(self):
+ buf = self.buf
+ p = 0
+ while True:
+ p2 = buf.find(b'\0', p)
+ if p2 > 0:
+ self.buf = buf[p2 + 1:]
+ return str(buf[:p2], "utf-8")
+ ret = self.bk.read(1024)
+ if ret == b"":
+ if len(buf) == 0:
+ raise eomerror("unexpected end-of-file")
+ raise fmterror("no string terminator found")
+ p = len(buf)
+ buf.extend(ret)
+ def close(self):
+ self.bk.close()
+ def __enter__(self):
+ return self
+ def __exit__(self, *excinfo):
+ self.close()
+ return False
+class decbuf(decoder):
+ def __init__(self, data):
+ self.data = data
+ self.offset = 0
+ def __len__(self):
+ return len(self.data) - self.offset
+ def eom(self):
+ return self.offset >= len(self.data)
+ def splice(self, ln=-1):
+ if ln < 0:
+ ret = self.data[self.offset:]
+ self.offset = len(self.data)
+ return ret
+ else:
+ if self.offset + ln > len(self.data):
+ raise eomerror("out of data to decode")
+ ret = self.data[self.offset:self.offset + ln]
+ self.offset += ln
+ return ret
+ def str(self):
+ p = self.data.find(b'\0', self.offset)
+ if p < 0:
+ if self.offset == len(self.data):
+ raise eomerror("out of data to decode")
+ raise fmterror("no string terminator found")
+ ret = str(self.data[self.offset:p], "utf-8")
+ self.offset = p + 1
+ return str(ret)
+class encoder(object):
+ def enstruct(self, fmt, *args):
+ self.extend(pack(fmt, *args))
+ return self
+ def int8(self, val):
+ self.enstruct(">b", val)
+ return self
+ def uint8(self, val):
+ self.enstruct(">B", val)
+ return self
+ def int16(self, val):
+ self.enstruct(">h", val)
+ return self
+ def uint16(self, val):
+ self.enstruct(">H", val)
+ return self
+ def int32(self, val):
+ self.enstruct(">i", val)
+ return self
+ def uint32(self, val):
+ self.enstruct(">I", val)
+ return self
+ def int64(self, val):
+ self.enstruct(">q", val)
+ return self
+ def uint64(self, val):
+ self.enstruct(">Q", val)
+ return self
+ def float32(self, val):
+ self.enstruct(">f", val)
+ return self
+ def float64(self, val):
+ self.enstruct(">d", val)
+ return self
+ def str(self, val):
+ if val.find('\0') >= 0:
+ raise ValueError("encoded strings must not contain NULs")
+ self.extend(val.encode("utf-8"))
+ self.extend(b"\0")
+ return self
+ def ttol(self, val, term=False):
+ for obj in val:
+ if isinstance(obj, int):
+ if 0 <= obj < 256:
+ self.uint8(T_UINT8)
+ self.uint8(obj)
+ elif 0 <= obj < 65536:
+ self.uint8(T_UINT16)
+ self.uint16(obj)
+ else:
+ self.uint8(T_INT)
+ self.int32(obj)
+ elif isinstance(obj, str):
+ self.uint8(T_STR)
+ self.str(obj)
+ elif isinstance(obj, utils.coord):
+ self.uint8(T_COORD)
+ self.coord(obj)
+ elif isinstance(obj, utils.color):
+ self.uint8(T_COLOR)
+ self.color(obj)
+ elif isinstance(obj, list):
+ self.uint8(T_TTOL)
+ self.ttol(obj, True)
+ elif isinstance(obj, float):
+ self.uint8(T_FLOAT32)
+ self.float32(obj)
+ elif obj is None:
+ self.uint8(T_NIL)
+ elif isinstance(obj, collections.ByteString):
+ self.uint8(T_BYTES)
+ if len(obj) < 128:
+ self.uint8(len(obj))
+ else:
+ self.uint8(0x80).int32(len(obj))
+ self.extend(obj)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("unexpected type in tto-list: %s" % type(obj))
+ if term:
+ self.uint8(T_END)
+ return self
+class encstream(encoder):
+ def __init__(self, bk):
+ self.bk = bk
+ def extend(self, data):
+ self.bk.write(data)
+ return self
+ def close(self):
+ self.bk.close()
+ def __enter__(self):
+ return self
+ def __exit__(self, *excinfo):
+ self.close()
+ return False
+class encbuf(encoder, bytearray):
+ def extend(self, data):
+ bytearray.extend(self, data)
+ return self
--- /dev/null
+import collections
+from . import binfmt
+ACC_PUBLIC = 0x0001
+ACC_PRIVATE = 0x0002
+ACC_STATIC = 0x0008
+ACC_FINAL = 0x0010
+ACC_SUPER = 0x0020
+ACC_VOLATILE = 0x0040
+ACC_BRIDGE = 0x0040
+ACC_VARARGS = 0x0080
+ACC_NATIVE = 0x0100
+ACC_ABSTRACT = 0x0400
+ACC_STRICT = 0x0800
+ACC_ENUM = 0x4000
+CONSTANT_Class = 7
+CONSTANT_Fieldref = 9
+CONSTANT_Methodref = 10
+CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref = 11
+CONSTANT_String = 8
+CONSTANT_Integer = 3
+CONSTANT_Float = 4
+CONSTANT_Long = 5
+CONSTANT_Double = 6
+CONSTANT_NameAndType = 12
+CONSTANT_Utf8 = 1
+CONSTANT_MethodHandle = 15
+CONSTANT_MethodType = 16
+CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic = 18
+version = collections.namedtuple("version", ["major", "minor"])
+version.__eq__ = lambda s, o: s.major == o.major and s.minor == o.minor
+version.__ne__ = lambda s, o: s.major != o.major or s.minor != o.minor
+version.__lt__ = lambda s, o: (s.major < o.major) or (s.major == o.major and s.minor < o.minor)
+version.__gt__ = lambda s, o: (s.major > o.major) or (s.major == o.major and s.minor > o.minor)
+version.__le__ = lambda s, o: (s.major < o.major) or (s.major == o.major and s.minor <= o.minor)
+version.__ge__ = lambda s, o: (s.major > o.major) or (s.major == o.major and s.minor >= o.minor)
+version.J5 = version(49, 0)
+version.J6 = version(50, 0)
+version.J7 = version(51, 0)
+version.J8 = version(52, 0)
+class constint(object):
+ def __init__(self, val):
+ self.val = val
+ def __hash__(self):
+ return hash(constint) + self.val
+ def __eq__(s, o):
+ return isinstance(o, constint) and o.val == s.val
+class constfloat(object):
+ def __init__(self, val):
+ self.val = val
+ def __hash__(self):
+ return hash(constfloat) + self.val
+ def __eq__(s, o):
+ return isinstance(o, constfloat) and o.val == s.val
+class constlong(object):
+ def __init__(self, val):
+ self.val = val
+ def __hash__(self):
+ return hash(constlong) + self.val
+ def __eq__(s, o):
+ return isinstance(o, constlong) and o.val == s.val
+class constdouble(object):
+ def __init__(self, val):
+ self.val = val
+ def __hash__(self):
+ return hash(constdouble) + self.val
+ def __eq__(s, o):
+ return isinstance(o, constdouble) and o.val == s.val
+class conststr(object):
+ def __init__(self, idx):
+ self.idx = idx
+ def __hash__(self):
+ return hash(conststr) + self.idx
+ def __eq__(s, o):
+ return isinstance(o, conststr) and o.idx == s.idx
+class classref(object):
+ def __init__(self, nm):
+ self.nm = nm
+ def __hash__(self):
+ return hash(classref) + self.nm
+ def __eq__(s, o):
+ return isinstance(o, classref) and o.nm == s.nm
+class sig(object):
+ def __init__(self, nm, tp):
+ self.nm = nm
+ self.tp = tp
+ def __hash__(self):
+ return hash(sig) + self.nm * 31 + self.tp
+ def __eq__(s, o):
+ return isinstance(o, sig) and o.nm == s.nm and o.tp == s.tp
+class fieldref(object):
+ def __init__(self, cls, sig):
+ self.cls = cls
+ self.sig = sig
+ def __hash__(self):
+ return hash(fieldref) + self.cls * 31 + self.sig
+ def __eq__(s, o):
+ return isinstance(o, fieldref) and o.cls == s.cls and o.sig == s.sig
+class methodref(object):
+ def __init__(self, cls, sig):
+ self.cls = cls
+ self.sig = sig
+ def __hash__(self):
+ return hash(methodref) + self.cls * 31 + self.sig
+ def __eq__(s, o):
+ return isinstance(o, methodref) and o.cls == s.cls and o.sig == s.sig
+class imethodref(object):
+ def __init__(self, cls, sig):
+ self.cls = cls
+ self.sig = sig
+ def __hash__(self):
+ return hash(imethodref) + self.cls * 31 + self.sig
+ def __eq__(s, o):
+ return isinstance(o, imethodref) and o.cls == s.cls and o.sig == s.sig
+class field(object):
+ def __init__(self, acc, nm, descr):
+ self.acc = acc
+ self.nm = nm
+ self.descr = descr
+ self.const = None
+ self.syn = False
+ self.sig = None
+ self.deprecated = False
+ self.rtann = []
+ self.cpann = []
+ self.attrs = []
+class localdef(object):
+ def __init__(self, start, end, nm, descr, reg):
+ self.start = start
+ self.end = end
+ self.nm = nm
+ self.descr = descr
+ self.reg = reg
+class code(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.maxstack = 0
+ self.maxlocals = 0
+ self.code = b""
+ self.exctab = []
+ self.lintab = None
+ self.locals = None
+ self.tlocals = None
+ self.attrs = []
+class method(object):
+ def __init__(self, acc, nm, descr):
+ self.acc = acc
+ self.nm = nm
+ self.descr = descr
+ self.code = None
+ self.throws = []
+ self.syn = False
+ self.sig = None
+ self.deprecated = False
+ self.rtann = []
+ self.cpann = []
+ self.prtann = None
+ self.pcpann = None
+ self.anndef = None
+ self.attrs = []
+class annotation(object):
+ def __init__(self, tp):
+ self.tp = tp
+ self.vals = {}
+class innerclass(object):
+ def __init__(self, cls, outer, nm, acc):
+ self.cls = cls
+ self.outer = outer
+ self.nm = nm
+ self.acc = acc
+class classfile(object):
+ def __init__(self, ver, access=None):
+ self.ver = ver
+ self.cp = []
+ self.access = access
+ self.this = None
+ self.super = None
+ self.ifaces = []
+ self.fields = []
+ self.methods = []
+ self.srcfile = None
+ self.innerclasses = []
+ self.enclosingmethod = None
+ self.syn = False
+ self.sig = None
+ self.deprecated = False
+ self.rtann = []
+ self.cpann = []
+ self.attrs = []
+ def loadconstant(self, buf):
+ t = buf.uint8()
+ if t == CONSTANT_Utf8:
+ return binfmt.mutf8dec(buf.splice(buf.uint16())), False
+ elif t == CONSTANT_Class:
+ return classref(buf.uint16()), False
+ elif t == CONSTANT_String:
+ return conststr(buf.uint16()), False
+ elif t == CONSTANT_Integer:
+ return constint(buf.int32()), False
+ elif t == CONSTANT_Float:
+ return constfloat(buf.float32()), False
+ elif t == CONSTANT_Long:
+ return constlong(buf.int64()), True
+ elif t == CONSTANT_Double:
+ return constdouble(buf.float64()), True
+ elif t == CONSTANT_Fieldref:
+ return fieldref(buf.uint16(), buf.uint16()), False
+ elif t == CONSTANT_Methodref:
+ return methodref(buf.uint16(), buf.uint16()), False
+ elif t == CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref:
+ return imethodref(buf.uint16(), buf.uint16()), False
+ elif t == CONSTANT_NameAndType:
+ return sig(buf.uint16(), buf.uint16()), False
+ else:
+ raise binfmt.fmterror("unknown constant tag: " + str(t))
+ def saveconstant(self, buf, const):
+ if isinstance(const, str):
+ buf.uint8(CONSTANT_Utf8).extend(binfmt.mutf8enc(const))
+ elif isinstance(const, classref):
+ buf.uint8(CONSTANT_Class).uint16(const.nm)
+ elif isinstance(const, conststr):
+ buf.uint8(CONSTANT_String).uint16(const.idx)
+ elif isinstance(const, constint):
+ buf.uint8(CONSTANT_Integer).int32(const.val)
+ elif isinstance(const, constfloat):
+ buf.uint8(CONSTANT_Float).float32(const.val)
+ elif isinstance(const, constlong):
+ buf.uint8(CONSTANT_Long).int64(const.val)
+ elif isinstance(const, constdouble):
+ buf.uint8(CONSTANT_Double).float64(const.val)
+ elif isinstance(const, fieldref):
+ buf.uint8(CONSTANT_Fieldref).uint16(const.cls).uint16(const.sig)
+ elif isinstance(const, methodref):
+ buf.uint8(CONSTANT_Methodref).uint16(const.cls).uint16(const.sig)
+ elif isinstance(const, imethodref):
+ buf.uint8(CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref).uint16(const.cls).uint16(const.sig)
+ elif isinstance(const, sig):
+ buf.uint8(CONSTANT_NameAndType).uint16(const.nm).uint16(const.tp)
+ else:
+ raise Exception("unexpected object type in constant pool: " + const)
+ def checkcp(self, idx, tp):
+ return 0 <= idx < len(self.cp) and isinstance(self.cp[idx], tp)
+ def intern(self, const, new=Exception):
+ for i, cur in enumerate(self.cp):
+ if cur == const:
+ return i
+ if new == Exception:
+ raise Exception("constant not present in pool: " + const)
+ if new:
+ self.cp.append(const)
+ return len(self.cp) - 1
+ else:
+ return None
+ def loadattr(self, buf):
+ nm = buf.uint16()
+ if not self.checkcp(nm, str):
+ raise binfmt.fmterror("invalid attribute name reference")
+ return nm, binfmt.decbuf(buf.splice(buf.uint32()))
+ def saveattrs(self, buf, attrs):
+ buf.uint16(len(attrs))
+ for nm, data in attrs:
+ buf.uint16(nm).uint32(len(data)).extend(data)
+ def loadannval(self, buf):
+ t = chr(buf.uint8())
+ if t in "BCDFIJSZs":
+ return buf.uint16()
+ elif t == "e":
+ return (buf.uint16(), buf.uint16())
+ elif t == "c":
+ return classref(buf.uint16()) # XXX, but meh
+ elif t == "@":
+ return loadannotation(buf)
+ elif t == "[":
+ return [self.loadannval(buf) for i in range(buf.uint16())]
+ else:
+ raise binfmt.fmterror("unknown annotation-value type tag: " + t)
+ def saveannval(self, buf, val):
+ if isinstance(val, int):
+ const = self.cp[val]
+ if isinstance(const, str):
+ buf.uint8(ord('s')).uint16(val)
+ else:
+ raise Exception("unexpected constant type in annotation value: " + const)
+ elif isinstance(val, tuple) and len(val) == 2:
+ buf.uint8(ord('e')).uint16(val[0]).uint16(val[1])
+ elif isinstance(val, classref):
+ buf.uint8(ord('c')).uint16(val.nm)
+ elif isinstance(val, annotation):
+ buf.uint8(ord('@'))
+ saveannotation(buf, val)
+ elif isinstance(val, list):
+ buf.uint8(ord('['))
+ for sval in val: self.saveannval(buf, sval)
+ else:
+ raise Exception("unexpected annotation value type: " + val)
+ def loadannotation(self, buf):
+ tp = buf.uint16()
+ if not self.checkcp(tp, str):
+ raise binfmt.fmterror("invalid annotation type reference")
+ ret = annotation(tp)
+ nval = buf.uint16()
+ for i in range(nval):
+ nm = buf.uint16()
+ if not self.checkcp(nm, str):
+ raise binfmt.fmterror("invalid annotation-value name reference")
+ ret.vals[nm] = self.loadannval(buf)
+ return ret
+ def saveannotation(self, buf, ann):
+ buf.uint16(ann.tp)
+ buf.uint16(len(ann.vals))
+ for key, val in ann.vals.items():
+ buf.uint16(key)
+ self.saveannval(buf, val)
+ def loadfield(self, buf):
+ acc = buf.uint16()
+ nm = buf.uint16()
+ if not self.checkcp(nm, str):
+ raise binfmt.fmterror("invalid field name reference")
+ descr = buf.uint16()
+ if not self.checkcp(descr, str):
+ raise binfmt.fmterror("invalid field descriptor reference")
+ ret = field(acc, nm, descr)
+ nattr = buf.uint16()
+ for i in range(nattr):
+ nm, data = self.loadattr(buf)
+ pnm = self.cp[nm]
+ if pnm == "ConstantValue":
+ ret.const = data.uint16()
+ elif pnm == "Synthetic":
+ ret.syn = True
+ elif pnm == "Signature":
+ ret.sig = data.uint16()
+ elif pnm == "Deprecated":
+ ret.deprecated = True
+ elif pnm == "RuntimeVisibleAnnotations":
+ for o in range(data.uint16()):
+ ret.rtann.append(self.loadannotation(data))
+ elif pnm == "RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations":
+ for o in range(data.uint16()):
+ ret.cpann.append(self.loadannotation(data))
+ else:
+ ret.attrs.append((nm, data.splice()))
+ return ret
+ def savefield(self, buf, field):
+ buf.uint16(field.acc)
+ buf.uint16(field.nm).uint16(field.descr)
+ attrs = list(field.attrs)
+ enc = binfmt.encbuf
+ if field.const is not None:
+ attrs.append((self.intern("ConstantValue"), enc().uint16(field.const)))
+ if field.syn:
+ attrs.append((self.intern("Synthetic"), b""))
+ if field.sig is not None:
+ attrs.append((self.intern("Signature"), enc().uint16(field.sig)))
+ if field.deprecated:
+ attrs.append((self.intern("Deprecated"), b""))
+ if len(field.rtann) > 0:
+ data = enc()
+ data.uint16(len(field.rtann))
+ for ann in field.rtann: self.saveannotation(data, ann)
+ attrs.append((self.intern("RuntimeVisibleAnnotations"), data))
+ if len(field.cpann) > 0:
+ data = enc()
+ data.uint16(len(field.cpann))
+ for ann in field.cpann: self.saveannotation(data, ann)
+ attrs.append((self.intern("RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations"), data))
+ self.saveattrs(buf, attrs)
+ def loadcode(self, buf):
+ ret = code()
+ ret.maxstack = buf.uint16()
+ ret.maxlocals = buf.uint16()
+ ret.code = buf.splice(buf.uint32())
+ for i in range(buf.uint16()):
+ estart = buf.uint16()
+ eend = buf.uint16()
+ ehnd = buf.uint16()
+ ctp = buf.uint16()
+ if not (ctp == 0 or self.checkcp(ctp, classref)):
+ raise binfmt.fmterror("invalid exception-catch reference")
+ ret.exctab.append((estart, eend, ehnd, ctp))
+ nattr = buf.uint16()
+ for i in range(nattr):
+ nm, data = self.loadattr(buf)
+ pnm = self.cp[nm]
+ if pnm == "LineNumberTable":
+ lintab = []
+ for o in range(data.uint16()):
+ pc = data.uint16()
+ ln = data.uint16()
+ lintab.append((pc, ln))
+ ret.lintab = lintab
+ elif pnm in ("LocalVariableTable", "LocalVariableTypeTable"):
+ locals = []
+ for o in range(data.uint16()):
+ start = data.uint16()
+ ln = data.uint16()
+ nm = data.uint16()
+ descr = data.uint16()
+ reg = data.uint16()
+ if not self.checkcp(nm, str):
+ raise binfmt.fmterror("invalid local variable name reference")
+ if not self.checkcp(descr, str):
+ raise binfmt.fmterror("invalid local variable descriptor reference")
+ locals.append(localdef(start, start + ln, nm, descr, reg))
+ if nm == "LocalVariableTypeTable":
+ ret.tlocals = locals
+ else:
+ ret.locals = locals
+ else:
+ ret.attrs.append((nm, data.splice()))
+ return ret
+ def savecode(self, buf, code):
+ buf.uint16(code.maxstack).uint16(code.maxlocals)
+ buf.uint32(len(code.code)).extend(code.code)
+ buf.uint16(len(code.exctab))
+ for estart, eend, ehnd, ctp in code.exctab:
+ buf.uint16(estart).uint16(eend).uint16(ehnd).uint16(ctp)
+ attrs = list(code.attrs)
+ enc = binfmt.encbuf
+ if code.lintab is not None:
+ data = enc()
+ data.uint16(len(code.lintab))
+ for pc, ln in code.lintab:
+ data.uint16(pc).uint16(ln)
+ attrs.append((self.intern("LineNumberTable"), data))
+ def savelocals(ltab):
+ data = enc()
+ data.uint16(len(ltab))
+ for local in ltab:
+ data.uint16(local.start).uint16(local.end - local.start).uint16(local.nm).uint16(local.descr).uint16(local.reg)
+ return data
+ if code.locals is not None:
+ attrs.append((self.intern("LocalVariableTable"), savelocals(code.locals)))
+ if code.tlocals is not None:
+ attrs.append((self.intern("LocalVariableTypeTable"), savelocals(code.tlocals)))
+ self.saveattrs(buf, attrs)
+ def loadmethod(self, buf):
+ acc = buf.uint16()
+ nm = buf.uint16()
+ if not self.checkcp(nm, str):
+ raise binfmt.fmterror("invalid field name reference")
+ descr = buf.uint16()
+ if not self.checkcp(descr, str):
+ raise binfmt.fmterror("invalid field descriptor reference")
+ ret = method(acc, nm, descr)
+ nattr = buf.uint16()
+ for i in range(nattr):
+ nm, data = self.loadattr(buf)
+ pnm = self.cp[nm]
+ if pnm == "Code":
+ ret.code = self.loadcode(data)
+ elif pnm == "Exceptions":
+ for o in range(data.uint16()):
+ eref = data.uint16()
+ if not self.checkcp(eref, classref):
+ raise binfmt.fmterror("invalid exception reference")
+ ret.throws.append(eref)
+ elif pnm == "Synthetic":
+ ret.syn = True
+ elif pnm == "Signature":
+ ret.sig = data.uint16()
+ elif pnm == "Deprecated":
+ ret.deprecated = True
+ elif pnm == "RuntimeVisibleAnnotations":
+ for o in range(data.uint16()):
+ ret.rtann.append(self.loadannotation(data))
+ elif pnm == "RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations":
+ for o in range(data.uint16()):
+ ret.cpann.append(self.loadannotation(data))
+ elif pnm == "RuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations":
+ ret.prtann = []
+ for o in range(data.uint8()):
+ abuf = []
+ for u in range(data.uint16()):
+ abuf.append(self.loadannotation(data))
+ ret.prtann.append(abuf)
+ elif pnm == "RuntimeInvisibleParameterAnnotations":
+ ret.pcpann = []
+ for o in range(data.uint8()):
+ abuf = []
+ for u in range(data.uint16()):
+ abuf.append(self.loadannotation(data))
+ ret.pcpann.append(abuf)
+ elif pnm == "AnnotationDefault":
+ ret.anndef = self.loadannval(data)
+ else:
+ ret.attrs.append((nm, data.splice()))
+ return ret
+ def savemethod(self, buf, method):
+ buf.uint16(method.acc)
+ buf.uint16(method.nm).uint16(method.descr)
+ attrs = list(method.attrs)
+ enc = binfmt.encbuf
+ if method.code:
+ data = enc()
+ self.savecode(data, method.code)
+ attrs.append((self.intern("Code"), data))
+ if len(method.throws) > 0:
+ data = enc()
+ data.uint16(len(method.throws))
+ for eref in method.throws: data.uint16(eref)
+ attrs.append((self.intern("Exceptions"), data))
+ if method.syn:
+ attrs.append((self.intern("Synthetic"), b""))
+ if method.sig is not None:
+ attrs.append((self.intern("Signature"), enc().uint16(method.sig)))
+ if method.deprecated:
+ attrs.append((self.intern("Deprecated"), b""))
+ if len(method.rtann) > 0:
+ data = enc()
+ data.uint16(len(method.rtann))
+ for ann in method.rtann: self.saveannotation(data, ann)
+ attrs.append((self.intern("RuntimeVisibleAnnotations"), data))
+ if len(method.cpann) > 0:
+ data = enc()
+ data.uint16(len(method.cpann))
+ for ann in method.cpann: self.saveannotation(data, ann)
+ attrs.append((self.intern("RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations"), data))
+ if method.prtann is not None:
+ data = enc()
+ data.uint8(len(method.prtann))
+ for par in method.prtann:
+ buf.uint16(len(par))
+ for ann in par: self.saveannotation(data, ann)
+ attrs.append((self.intern("RuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations"), data))
+ if method.pcpann is not None:
+ data = enc()
+ data.uint8(len(method.pcpann))
+ for par in method.pcpann:
+ buf.uint16(len(par))
+ for ann in par: self.saveannotation(data, ann)
+ attrs.append((self.intern("RuntimeInvisibleParameterAnnotations"), data))
+ if method.anndef is not None:
+ data = enc()
+ self.saveannval(data, method.anndef)
+ attrs.append((self.intern("AnnotationDefault"), data))
+ self.saveattrs(buf, attrs)
+ @classmethod
+ def load(cls, fp):
+ buf = binfmt.decstream(fp)
+ if buf.uint32() != cls.MAGIC:
+ raise binfmt.fmterror("invalid magic number")
+ minor, major = buf.uint16(), buf.uint16()
+ self = cls(version(major, minor))
+ cplen = buf.uint16()
+ if cplen < 1:
+ raise binfmt.fmterror("invalid constant-pool length")
+ self.cp.append(None)
+ while len(self.cp) < cplen:
+ loaded, dbl = self.loadconstant(buf)
+ self.cp.append(loaded)
+ if dbl:
+ self.cp.append(None)
+ self.acc = buf.uint16()
+ self.this = buf.uint16()
+ self.super = buf.uint16()
+ if not self.checkcp(self.this, classref):
+ raise binfmt.fmterror("invalid class name reference")
+ if not self.checkcp(self.super, classref):
+ raise binfmt.fmterror("invalid super-class reference")
+ iflen = buf.uint16()
+ while len(self.ifaces) < iflen:
+ iref = buf.uint16()
+ if not self.checkcp(iref, classref):
+ raise binfmt.fmterror("invalid interface reference")
+ self.ifaces.append(iref)
+ nfields = buf.uint16()
+ while len(self.fields) < nfields:
+ self.fields.append(self.loadfield(buf))
+ nmethods = buf.uint16()
+ while len(self.methods) < nmethods:
+ self.methods.append(self.loadmethod(buf))
+ nattrs = buf.uint16()
+ for i in range(nattrs):
+ nm, data = self.loadattr(buf)
+ pnm = self.cp[nm]
+ if pnm == "SourceFile":
+ self.srcfile = data.uint16()
+ elif pnm == "Signature":
+ self.sig = data.uint16()
+ elif pnm == "Synthetic":
+ self.syn = True
+ elif pnm == "Deprecated":
+ self.deprecated = True
+ elif pnm == "InnerClasses":
+ for o in range(data.uint16()):
+ cref = data.uint16()
+ outer = data.uint16()
+ cnm = data.uint16()
+ acc = data.uint16()
+ if not self.checkcp(cref, classref):
+ raise binfmt.fmterror("invalid inner-class reference")
+ if not (outer == 0 or self.checkcp(outer, classref)):
+ raise binfmt.fmterror("invalid inner-class outer reference")
+ if not (cnm == 0 or self.checkcp(cnm, str)):
+ raise binfmt.fmterror("invalid inner-class name reference")
+ self.innerclasses.append(innerclass(cref, outer, cnm, acc))
+ elif pnm == "EnclosingMethod":
+ self.enclosingmethod = (data.uint16(), data.uint16())
+ if not self.checkcp(self.enclosingmethod[0], classref):
+ raise binfmt.fmterror("invalid enclosing-method class reference")
+ if not (self.enclosingmethod[1] == 0 or self.checkcp(self.enclosingmethod[1], sig)):
+ raise binfmt.fmterror("invalid enclosing-method method reference")
+ elif pnm == "RuntimeVisibleAnnotations":
+ for o in range(data.uint16()):
+ self.rtann.append(self.loadannotation(data))
+ elif pnm == "RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations":
+ for o in range(data.uint16()):
+ self.cpann.append(self.loadannotation(data))
+ else:
+ self.attrs.append((nm, data.splice()))
+ return self
+ def _save(self, buf):
+ buf.uint32(self.MAGIC)
+ buf.uint16(self.ver.minor).uint16(self.ver.major)
+ buf.uint16(len(self.cp) + 1)
+ for const in self.cp:
+ if const is not None:
+ self.saveconstant(buf, const)
+ buf.uint16(self.acc)
+ buf.uint16(self.this).uint16(self.super)
+ buf.uint16(len(self.ifaces))
+ for iref in self.ifaces: buf.uint16(iref)
+ buf.uint16(len(self.fields))
+ for field in self.fields:
+ self.savefield(buf, field)
+ buf.uint16(len(self.methods))
+ for method in self.methods:
+ self.savemethod(buf, method)
+ enc = binfmt.encbuf
+ attrs = list(self.attrs)
+ if self.srcfile is not None:
+ attrs.append((self.intern("SourceFile"), enc().uint16(self.srcfile)))
+ if self.syn:
+ attrs.append((self.intern("Synthetic"), b""))
+ if self.deprecated:
+ attrs.append((self.intern("Deprecated"), b""))
+ if self.sig is not None:
+ attrs.append((self.intern("Signature"), enc().uint16(self.sig)))
+ if len(self.innerclasses) > 0:
+ data = enc()
+ data.uint16(len(self.innerclasses))
+ for inner in self.innerclasses: data.uint16(inner.cls).uint16(inner.outer).uint16(inner.nm).uint16(inner.acc)
+ attrs.append((self.intern("InnerClasses"), data))
+ if self.enclosingmethod is not None:
+ attrs.append((self.intern("EnclosingMethod", enc().uint16(self.enclosingmethod[0]).uint16(self.enclosingmethod[1]))))
+ if len(self.rtann) > 0:
+ data = enc()
+ data.uint16(len(self.rtann))
+ for ann in self.rtann: self.saveannotation(data, ann)
+ attrs.append((self.intern("RuntimeVisibleAnnotations"), data))
+ if len(self.cpann) > 0:
+ data = enc()
+ data.uint16(len(self.cpann))
+ for ann in self.cpann: self.saveannotation(data, ann)
+ attrs.append((self.intern("RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations"), data))
+ self.saveattrs(buf, attrs)
+ def save(self, fp):
+ return self._save(binfmt.encstream(fp))
+ @classmethod
+ def fromfile(cls, fn):
+ with open(fn, "rb") as fp:
+ return cls.load(fp)
+ def tofile(self, fn):
+ with open(fn, "wb") as fp:
+ return self.save(fp)