the PDM module was imported (which likely coincides with the
amount of time the server process has been running).
- - cputime -- An attribute returning the amount of CPU time
- consumed by the server process (in both user and kernel mode).
- - utime -- An attribute returning the amount of CPU time the
- server process has spent in user mode.
- - stime -- An attribute returning the amount of CPU time the
- server process has spent in kernel mode.
- - maxrss -- An attribute returning the largest resident set size
- the server process has used during its lifetime.
- - rusage -- An attribute returning the current rusage of the
- server process.
- sysinfo -- A directory containing the following objects pertaining
to the environment of the server process:
- pid -- An attribute returning the PID of the server process.
- - uname -- An attribute returning the uname information of the
- system.
- hostname -- An attribute returning the hostname of the system.
- platform -- An attribute returning the Python build platform.
-import os, sys, resource, time, socket, threading
+import os, sys, time, socket, threading
__all__ = ["attrinfo", "simpleattr", "valueattr", "eventobj",
"staticdir", "event", "procevent", "startevent",
sysres = staticdir()
itime = time.time()
-ires = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF)
-def ct():
- ru = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF)
- return (ru.ru_utime - ires.ru_utime) + (ru.ru_stime - ires.ru_stime)
sysres["realtime"] = simpleattr(func = lambda: time.time() - itime)
-sysres["cputime"] = simpleattr(func = ct)
-sysres["utime"] = simpleattr(func = lambda: resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_utime - ires.ru_utime)
-sysres["stime"] = simpleattr(func = lambda: resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_stime - ires.ru_stime)
-sysres["maxrss"] = simpleattr(func = lambda: resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss)
-sysres["rusage"] = simpleattr(func = lambda: resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF))
sysinfo = staticdir()
sysinfo["pid"] = simpleattr(func = os.getpid)
-sysinfo["uname"] = simpleattr(func = os.uname)
sysinfo["hostname"] = simpleattr(func = socket.gethostname)
sysinfo["platform"] = valueattr(init = sys.platform)