-#[derive(Debug, Default)]
+#[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct Dimension<T> {
pub width: T,
pub height: T,
+impl<T> From<Dimension<T>> for (T, T) {
+ fn from(item: Dimension<T>) -> Self {
+ (item.width, item.height)
+ }
+pub fn supercover_line_int(p1: Point<isize>, p2: Point<isize>) -> Vec<Point<isize>> {
+ let d = p2 - p1;
+ let n = point!(d.x.abs(), d.y.abs());
+ let step = point!(
+ if d.x > 0 { 1 } else { -1 },
+ if d.y > 0 { 1 } else { -1 }
+ );
+ let mut p = p1.clone();
+ let mut points = vec!(point!(p.x as isize, p.y as isize));
+ let mut i = point!(0, 0);
+ while i.x < n.x || i.y < n.y {
+ let decision = (1 + 2 * i.x) * n.y - (1 + 2 * i.y) * n.x;
+ if decision == 0 { // next step is diagonal
+ p.x += step.x;
+ p.y += step.y;
+ i.x += 1;
+ i.y += 1;
+ } else if decision < 0 { // next step is horizontal
+ p.x += step.x;
+ i.x += 1;
+ } else { // next step is vertical
+ p.y += step.y;
+ i.y += 1;
+ }
+ points.push(point!(p.x as isize, p.y as isize));
+ }
+ points
+/// Calculates all points a line crosses, unlike Bresenham's line algorithm.
+/// There might be room for a lot of improvement here.
+pub fn supercover_line(mut p1: Point<f64>, mut p2: Point<f64>) -> Vec<Point<isize>> {
+ let mut delta = p2 - p1;
+ if (delta.x.abs() > delta.y.abs() && delta.x.is_sign_negative()) || (delta.x.abs() <= delta.y.abs() && delta.y.is_sign_negative()) {
+ std::mem::swap(&mut p1, &mut p2);
+ delta = -delta;
+ }
+ let mut last = point!(p1.x as isize, p1.y as isize);
+ let mut coords: Vec<Point<isize>> = vec!();
+ coords.push(last);
+ if delta.x.abs() > delta.y.abs() {
+ let k = delta.y / delta.x;
+ let m = p1.y as f64 - p1.x as f64 * k;
+ for x in (p1.x as isize + 1)..=(p2.x as isize) {
+ let y = (k * x as f64 + m).floor();
+ let next = point!(x as isize - 1, y as isize);
+ if next != last {
+ coords.push(next);
+ }
+ let next = point!(x as isize, y as isize);
+ coords.push(next);
+ last = next;
+ }
+ } else {
+ let k = delta.x / delta.y;
+ let m = p1.x as f64 - p1.y as f64 * k;
+ for y in (p1.y as isize + 1)..=(p2.y as isize) {
+ let x = (k * y as f64 + m).floor();
+ let next = point!(x as isize, y as isize - 1);
+ if next != last {
+ coords.push(next);
+ }
+ let next = point!(x as isize, y as isize);
+ coords.push(next);
+ last = next;
+ }
+ }
+ let next = point!(p2.x as isize, p2.y as isize);
+ if next != last {
+ coords.push(next);
+ }
+ coords
////////// TESTS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ #[test]
+ fn some_coordinates_on_line() {
+ // horizontally up
+ let coords = supercover_line(point!(0.0, 0.0), point!(3.3, 2.2));
+ assert_eq!(coords.as_slice(), &[point!(0, 0), point!(1, 0), point!(1, 1), point!(2, 1), point!(2, 2), point!(3, 2)]);
+ // horizontally down
+ let coords = supercover_line(point!(0.0, 5.0), point!(3.3, 2.2));
+ assert_eq!(coords.as_slice(), &[point!(0, 5), point!(0, 4), point!(1, 4), point!(1, 3), point!(2, 3), point!(2, 2), point!(3, 2)]);
+ // vertically right
+ let coords = supercover_line(point!(0.0, 0.0), point!(2.2, 3.3));
+ assert_eq!(coords.as_slice(), &[point!(0, 0), point!(0, 1), point!(1, 1), point!(1, 2), point!(2, 2), point!(2, 3)]);
+ // vertically left
+ let coords = supercover_line(point!(5.0, 0.0), point!(3.0, 3.0));
+ assert_eq!(coords.as_slice(), &[point!(5, 0), point!(4, 0), point!(4, 1), point!(3, 1), point!(3, 2), point!(3, 3)]);
+ // negative
+ let coords = supercover_line(point!(0.0, 0.0), point!(-3.0, -2.0));
+ assert_eq!(coords.as_slice(), &[point!(-3, -2), point!(-2, -2), point!(-2, -1), point!(-1, -1), point!(-1, 0), point!(0, 0)]);
+ //
+ let coords = supercover_line(point!(0.0, 0.0), point!(2.3, 1.1));
+ assert_eq!(coords.as_slice(), &[point!(0, 0), point!(1, 0), point!(2, 0), point!(2, 1)]);
+ }
+ supercover_line,
mod time;
-use common::{Point, Dimension, Intersection};
+use common::{Point, Dimension, Intersection, supercover_line};
use core::render::Renderer;
use sprites::SpriteManager;
use std::rc::Rc;
let size = dimen!(lvlsize.width / 20, lvlsize.height / 20); // TODO: make sure all walls fit within the grid bounds
let cs = point!(lvlsize.width / size.width, lvlsize.height / size.height);
//let cs = point!(cell_size.width as f64, cell_size.height as f64);
- let mut grid = vec!(vec!(vec!(); size.height); size.width);
+ let mut grid = Grid {
+ cells: vec!(vec!(vec!(); size.height); size.width),
+ size,
+ cell_size: dimen!(cs.x, cs.y),
+ };
for wall in walls {
for edge in &wall.edges {
- // TODO: include cells that this edge overlaps
- for p in &[edge.p1, edge.p2] {
- let p = point!(p.x as usize, p.y as usize) / cs;
- grid[0.max(p.x as usize).min(size.width - 1)][0.max(p.y as usize).min(size.height - 1)].push(Rc::clone(edge));
+ for c in grid.grid_coordinates_on_line(edge.p1, edge.p2) {
+ grid.cells[c.x][c.y].push(Rc::clone(edge));
- Grid {
- size,
- cell_size: dimen!(cs.x, cs.y),
- cells: grid,
- }
+ grid
pub fn render(&mut self, renderer: &mut Renderer, _sprites: &SpriteManager) {
for x in 0..self.wall_grid.size.width {
for y in 0..self.wall_grid.size.height {
if !self.wall_grid.cells[x][y].is_empty() {
+ let num = self.wall_grid.cells[x][y].len();
+ renderer.canvas().set_draw_color((0, 32*num as u8, 0));
x as i32 * size.width as i32,
y as i32 * size.height as i32,
pub fn intersect_walls(&self, p1: Point<f64>, p2: Point<f64>) -> IntersectResult {
- let c = point!(p2.x as isize / self.wall_grid.cell_size.width as isize, p2.y as isize / self.wall_grid.cell_size.height as isize);
- if let Some(walls) = self.wall_grid.at(c) {
- for w in walls {
- if let Intersection::Point(p) = Intersection::lines(p1, p2, w.p1, w.p2) {
- let wall = Wall {
- edge: Rc::clone(&w),
- };
- return IntersectResult::Intersection(wall, p)
+ for c in self.wall_grid.grid_coordinates_on_line(p1, p2) {
+ if let walls = &self.wall_grid.cells[c.x][c.y] {
+ for w in walls {
+ if let Intersection::Point(p) = Intersection::lines(p1, p2, w.p1, w.p2) {
+ let wall = Wall {
+ region: &self.walls[w.region],
+ edge: Rc::clone(&w),
+ };
+ return IntersectResult::Intersection(wall, p)
+ }
+ pub fn to_grid_coordinate<C>(&self, c: C) -> Option<Point<usize>>
+ where C: Into<(isize, isize)>
+ {
+ let c = c.into();
+ if c.0 >= 0 && c.0 < self.size.width as isize && c.1 >= 0 && c.1 < self.size.height as isize {
+ Some(point!(c.0 as usize, c.1 as usize))
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+ }
+ /// Returns a list of grid coordinates that a line in world coordinates passes through.
+ pub fn grid_coordinates_on_line(&self, p1: Point<f64>, p2: Point<f64>) -> Vec<Point<usize>> {
+ let scale = (self.cell_size.width as f64, self.cell_size.height as f64);
+ supercover_line(p1 / scale, p2 / scale)
+ .iter()
+ .map(|c| self.to_grid_coordinate(*c))
+ .flatten()
+ .collect()
+ }
////////// WALL REGION /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-use common::{Point, Intersection};
+use common::{Dimension, Point, Intersection};
use core::app::{AppState, StateChange};
use core::controller::ControllerManager;
+use core::level::Grid;
use core::render::Renderer;
-use point; // defined in common, but loaded from main...
+use {point, dimen};
use sdl2::event::Event;
use sprites::SpriteManager;
use time::{Duration, Instant};
pub struct TestState {
start: Instant,
+ mouse: Point<i32>,
impl TestState {
pub fn new() -> TestState {
TestState {
start: Instant::now(),
+ mouse: point!(0, 0),
let y2 = ((self.start.elapsed().as_seconds_f64() + std::f64::consts::FRAC_PI_4).sin() * 60.0) as i32;
self.draw_intersecting_lines(renderer, (100 + x, 100 + y), (150 + x, 150 + y), (100 + x2, 150 + y2), (150 + x2, 100 + y2));
self.draw_intersecting_lines(renderer, (250 + x, 85 + y), (250 + x, 165 + y), (210 + x2, 125 + y2), (290 + x2, 125 + y2));
+ let grid = Grid {
+ size: dimen!(10, 10),
+ cell_size: dimen!(30, 30),
+ cells: vec!(vec!(false; 10); 10),
+ };
+ let offset = point!(200, 200);
+ let size = grid.cell_size;
+ for x in 0..grid.size.width {
+ for y in 0..grid.size.height {
+ let col = (32 + 32 * ((x + y) % 2)) as u8;
+ renderer.canvas().set_draw_color((col, col, col));
+ renderer.canvas().fill_rect(sdl2::rect::Rect::new(
+ offset.x + x as i32 * size.width as i32,
+ offset.y + y as i32 * size.height as i32,
+ size.width as u32,
+ size.height as u32)).unwrap();
+ }
+ }
+ let offsetf = point!(offset.x as f64, offset.y as f64);
+// let p1 = point!(23.0, 16.0);
+ let p1 = point!(300.0 / 2.0, 300.0 / 2.0);
+ let p2 = {
+ //let p = point!(78.0*3.0, 54.0*3.0);
+ let p = self.mouse - offset;
+ point!(p.x as f64, p.y as f64)
+ };
+ for p in grid.grid_coordinates_on_line(p1, p2) {
+ renderer.canvas().set_draw_color((0, 96, 0));
+ renderer.canvas().fill_rect(sdl2::rect::Rect::new(
+ offset.x + p.x as i32 * size.width as i32,
+ offset.y + p.y as i32 * size.height as i32,
+ size.width as u32,
+ size.height as u32)).unwrap();
+ }
+ let p1 = p1 + offsetf;
+ let p2 = self.mouse;//p2 + offsetf;
+ renderer.draw_line((p1.x as i32, p1.y as i32), (p2.x as i32, p2.y as i32), (255, 255, 0));
fn leave(&mut self) {
fn handle_event(&mut self, _event: Event) -> Option<StateChange> {
+ match _event {
+ Event::MouseMotion { x, y, .. } => self.mouse = point!(x, y),
+ _ => {}
+ }