--- /dev/null
+.\" Copyright (C) 2007 Fredrik Tolf (fredrik@dolda2000.com)
+.\" This is free documentation; you can redistribute it and/or
+.\" modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+.\" published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+.\" the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+.\" The GNU General Public License's references to "object code"
+.\" and "executables" are to be interpreted as the output of any
+.\" document formatting or typesetting system, including
+.\" intermediate and printed output.
+.\" This manual is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+.\" but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+.\" GNU General Public License for more details.
+.\" You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+.\" License along with this manual; if not, write to the Free
+.\" Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111,
+.\" USA.
+.TH DOLDACOND.CONF 5 "@DATE@" "" "Dolda Connect manual"
+doldacond.conf \- Dolda Connect daemon configuration file
+The \fBdoldacond\fP(8) daemon will examine the doldacond.conf upon
+startup and reception of SIGHUP. The file is written in a
+line-oriented ASCII format, using the following rules.
+A line is either empty, a comment, or a configuration directive. Empty
+lines are permitted to contain horizontal whitespace, but nothing
+else. A comment line begins with a hash sign (`#'). A configuration
+directive is a line with at least one token, each token being a series
+of non-whitespace characters or quoted whitespace characters. Quoting
+can be done either by surrounding the characters to be quoted with
+double quotation marks, or by preceding a single character to be
+quoted with a backslash. The first token is considered the directive
+to be evaluated, and the rest being arguments to the directive. Each
+of the possible configuration directives are described in their own
+The vast majority of the daemon's configuration is controlled via
+named configuration variables. The \fBset\fP directive is used to set
+the value of the configuration variables, which obeys the following
+\fBset\fP \fIvariable\fP \fIvalue\fP
+The value of a variable is either a boolean, an integer, a string or
+an IPv4 address. Which one depends on the variable. A boolean may be
+specified using either \fBtrue\fP/\fBfalse\fP, \fBon\fP/\fBoff\fP,
+\fByes\fP/\fBno\fP or \fB1\fP/\fB0\fP. Integers may be given in either
+decimal, octal or hexadecimal format, using standard C syntax \- that
+is, hexadecimal numbers prefixed with \fB0x\fP, octal numbers prefixed
+with \fB0\fP, or directly entered decimal numbers. Strings may contain
+arbitrary Unicode characters, and are decoded according to the
+system's default character coding. IPv4 addresses are specified in
+dotted quad decimal notation. A list of all the known configuration
+variables follows.
+Some configuration variables specify IP Type of Service values. Valid
+values for those variables are as follows:
+System default TOS.
+Minimize cost
+Maximize reliability
+Maximize throughput
+Minimize delay
+How routers interpret TOS values is defined by the administrator of
+those routers. For IPv6 connections, which use Diffserv instead of the
+older IPv4 TOS values, the Diffserv values to use are specified by the
+\fBnet.diffserv-mincost\fP, \fBnet.diffserv-maxrel\fP,
+\fBnet.diffserv-maxtp\fP and \fBnet.diffserv-mindelay\fP configuration
+variables, as described above.
+All file names specified in the configuration file, and the
+configuration file itself, are looked up by the daemon in a rather
+flexible manner. The only difference between the main configuration
+file and all other files is that the configuration must always be
+named \fBdoldacond.conf\fP, while the name of all other files may be
+specified in the configuration file. In all else, lookup is done
+according to the following rules:
+If the specified name contains any slashes (not applicable for
+doldacond.conf), it will be considered absolute, and no locations
+other than the explicitly specified will be examined.
+The home directory of the user running the daemon (as specified by
+either the \fBHOME\fP environment variable or as returned by the
+\fBgetpwuid\fP(3) function) is checked for a dot-file with the
+specified name.
+If the \fBPATH\fP environment variable exists, the directories it
+specifies are iterated, the last path element of each is replaced by
+`etc', and the resulting directories are checked for the existence of
+the specified file. For example, if \fBPATH\fP is
+/bin:/opt/doldaconnect/bin:/usr/bin, the directories /etc,
+/opt/doldaconnect/etc and /usr/etc will be checked for the file.
+If the \fBPATH\fP environment variable does not exist (but \fInot\fP
+if \fBPATH\fP does exist and the file simply could not be found
+according to the previous rule), the directories /usr/local/etc, /etc
+and /usr/etc are checked for the file.
+For files that are created on the fly, such as the hash cache, the
+file will be overwritten in place if found. If not found, it will be
+created in the home directory of the user running the daemon. If the
+home directory cannot be determined, the file will be created in /etc.
+Fredrik Tolf <fredrik@dolda2000.com>
--- /dev/null
+for $filename (@ARGV) {
+ open(SRC, $filename) || die "$filename: $!";
+ $state = 0;
+ delete @tvars{keys %tvars};
+ while(<SRC>) {
+ chomp;
+ if(/struct configvar/ && /\[\]/) {
+ $state = 1;
+ }
+ if(($state == 1) && /^\s*\/\*\*/) {
+ $curdoc = "";
+ $state = 2;
+ s/^\s*\/\*//;
+ }
+ if(($state == 1) && /\{CONF_VAR_(\w+), \"([^\"]*)\"/) {
+ $var = $2; $type = $1; $def = "";
+ if($type eq "INT") {
+ ($def) = /\.num = (\d+)/;
+ } elsif($type eq "BOOL") {
+ ($def) = /\.num = (\d+)/;
+ if($def) {
+ $def = "true";
+ } else {
+ $def = "false";
+ }
+ } elsif($type eq "STRING") {
+ ($def) = /\.str = L\"([^\"]*)\"/;
+ $def = "\"$def\"";
+ }
+ $tvars{$var} = {"doc" => $curdoc, "type" => $type, "def" => $def};
+ $curdoc = "";
+ }
+ if(($state == 1) && /\s*\};$/) {
+ $state = 0;
+ }
+ if($state == 2) {
+ if(/\*\/$/) {
+ $state = 1;
+ s/\*\/$//;
+ }
+ s/^\s*\*\s*//;
+ s/\s*$//;
+ if(length($curdoc) > 0) {
+ $curdoc .= " ";
+ }
+ $curdoc .= $_;
+ }
+ }
+ close SRC;
+ $module = $filename;
+ $module =~ s/^.*\///;
+ $module =~ s/\..*$//;
+ for $var (keys %tvars) {
+ $vars{"$module.$var"} = $tvars{$var};
+ }
+$types{"BOOL"} = "boolean";
+$types{"INT"} = "integer";
+$types{"STRING"} = "string";
+$types{"IPV4"} = "IPv4 address";
+while(<STDIN>) {
+ if(/\@DATE\@/) {
+ @lt = localtime time;
+ $date = sprintf("%04i-%02i-%02i", $lt[5] + 1900, $lt[4] + 1, $lt[3]);
+ s/\@DATE\@/$date/;
+ }
+ if(/\@VARIABLES\@/) {
+ $_ = "";
+ for $var (sort keys %vars) {
+ $_ .= ".TP\n.BI $var \" ";
+ $_ .= $types{$vars{$var}->{"type"}};
+ $_ .= "\"\n";
+ $_ .= $vars{$var}->{"doc"};
+ if(!($vars{$var}->{"type"} eq "IPV4")) {
+ $_ .= "\n\nDefault value: ";
+ $_ .= $vars{$var}->{"def"};
+ }
+ $_ .= "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ print;