-"""Management for daemon processes
+"""Python Daemon Management -- Server functions
-This module contains a utility to listen for management commands on a
-socket, lending itself to managing daemon processes.
+This module implements the server part of the PDM protocols. The
+primary object of interest herein is the listen() function, which is
+the most generic way to create PDM listeners based on user
+configuration, and the documentation for the repl and perf classes,
+which describes the functioning of the REPL and PERF protocols.
import os, sys, socket, threading, grp, select
import types, pprint, traceback
import pickle, struct
-__all__ = ["listener", "unixlistener", "tcplistener", "listen"]
+__all__ = ["repl", "perf", "listener", "unixlistener", "tcplistener", "listen"]
protocols = {}
class repl(object):
+ """REPL protocol handler
+ Provides a read-eval-print loop. The primary client-side interface
+ is the pdm.cli.replclient class. Clients can send arbitrary code,
+ which is compiled and run on its own thread in the server process,
+ and output responses that are echoed back to the client.
+ Each client is provided with its own module, in which the code
+ runs. The module is prepared with a function named `echo', which
+ takes a single object and pretty-prints it as part of the command
+ response. If a command can be parsed as an expression, the value
+ it evaluates to is automatically echoed to the client. If the
+ evalution of the command terminates with an exception, its
+ traceback is echoed to the client.
+ The REPL protocol is only intended for interactive usage. In order
+ to interact programmatically with the server process, see the PERF
+ protocol instead.
+ """
def __init__(self, cl):
self.cl = cl
self.mod = types.ModuleType("repl")
protocols["repl"] = repl
class perf(object):
+ """PERF protocol handler
+ The PERF protocol provides an interface for program interaction
+ with the server process. It allows limited remote interactions
+ with Python objects over a few defined interfaces.
+ All objects that wish to be available for interaction need to
+ implement a method named `pdm_protocols' which, when called with
+ no arguments, should return a list of strings, each indicating a
+ PERF interface that the object implements. For each such
+ interface, the object must implement additional methods as
+ described below.
+ A client can find PERF objects to interact with either by
+ specifying the name of such an object in an existing module, or by
+ using the `dir' interface, described below. Thus, to make a PERF
+ object available for clients, it needs only be bound to a global
+ variable in a module and implement the `pdm_protocols'
+ method. When requesting an object from a module, the module must
+ already be imported. PDM will not import new modules for clients;
+ rather, the daemon process needs to import all modules that
+ clients should be able to interact with. PDM itself always imports
+ the pdm.perf module, which contains a few basic PERF objects. See
+ its documentation for details.
+ The following interfaces are currently known to PERF.
+ * attr:
+ An object that implements the `attr' interface models an
+ attribute that can be read by clients. The attribute can be
+ anything, as long as its representation can be
+ pickled. Examples of attributes could be such things as the CPU
+ time consumed by the server process, or the number of active
+ connections to whatever clients the program serves. To
+ implement the `attr' interface, an object must implement
+ methods called `readattr' and `attrinfo'. `readattr' is called
+ with no arguments to read the current value of the attribute,
+ and `attrinfo' is called with no arguments to read a
+ description of the attribute. Both should be
+ idempotent. `readattr' can return any pickleable object, and
+ `attrinfo' should return either None to indicate that it has no
+ description, or an instance of the pdm.perf.attrinfo class.
+ * dir:
+ The `dir' interface models a directory of other PERF
+ objects. An object implementing it must implement methods
+ called `lookup' and `listdir'. `lookup' is called with a single
+ string argument that names an object, and should either return
+ another PERF object based on the name, or raise KeyError if it
+ does not recognize the name. `listdir' is called with no
+ arguments, and should return a list of known names that can be
+ used as argument to `lookup', but the list is not required to
+ be exhaustive and may also be empty.
+ * invoke:
+ The `invoke' interface allows a more arbitrary form of method
+ calls to objects implementing it. Such objects must implement a
+ method called `invoke', which is called with one positional
+ argument naming a method to be called (which it is free to
+ interpret however it wishes), and with any additional
+ positional and keyword arguments that the client wishes to pass
+ to it. Whatever `invoke' returns is pickled and sent back to
+ the client. In case the method name is not recognized, `invoke'
+ should raise an AttributeError.
+ * event:
+ The `event' interface allows PERF objects to notify clients of
+ events asynchronously. Objects implementing it must implement
+ methods called `subscribe' and `unsubscribe'. `subscribe' will
+ be called with a single argument, which is a callable of one
+ argument, which should be registered to be called when an event
+ pertaining to the `event' object in question occurs. The
+ `event' object should then call all such registered callables
+ with a single argument describing the event. The argument could
+ be any object that can be pickled, but should be an instance of
+ a subclass of the pdm.perf.event class. If `subscribe' is
+ called with a callback object that it has already registered,
+ it should raise a ValueError. `unsubscribe' is called with a
+ single argument, which is a previously registered callback
+ object, which should then be unregistered to that it is no
+ longer called when an event occurs. If the given callback
+ object is not, in fact, registered, a ValueError should be
+ raised.
+ The pdm.perf module contains a few convenience classes which
+ implements the interfaces, but PERF objects are not required to be
+ instances of them. Any object can implement a PERF interface, as
+ long as it does so as described above.
+ The pdm.cli.perfclient class is the client-side implementation.
+ """
def __init__(self, cl):
self.cl = cl
self.odtab = {}
class listener(threading.Thread):
+ """PDM listener
+ This subclass of a thread listens to PDM connections and handles
+ client connections properly. It is intended to be subclassed by
+ providers of specific domains, such as unixlistener and
+ tcplistener.
+ """
def __init__(self):
super(listener, self).__init__(name = "Management listener")
def listen(self, sk):
+ """Listen for and accept connections."""
self.running = True
while self.running:
rfd, wfd, efd = select.select([sk], [], [sk], 1)
self.accept(nsk, addr)
def stop(self):
+ """Stop listening for client connections
+ Tells the listener thread to stop listening, and then waits
+ for it to terminate.
+ """
self.running = False
class unixlistener(listener):
+ """Unix socket listener"""
def __init__(self, name, mode = 0600, group = None):
+ """Create a listener that will bind to the Unix socket named
+ by `name'. The socket will not actually be bound until the
+ listener is started. The socket will be chmodded to `mode',
+ and if `group' is given, the named group will be set as the
+ owner of the socket.
+ """
super(unixlistener, self).__init__()
self.name = name
self.mode = mode
class tcplistener(listener):
+ """TCP socket listener"""
def __init__(self, port, bindaddr = ""):
+ """Create a listener that will bind to the given TCP port, and
+ the given local interface. The socket will not actually be
+ bound until the listener is started.
+ """
super(tcplistener, self).__init__()
self.port = port
self.bindaddr = bindaddr
def listen(spec):
+ """Create and start a listener according to a string
+ specification. The string specifications can easily be passed from
+ command-line options, user configuration or the like. Currently,
+ the two following specification formats are recognized:
+ PATH[:MODE[:GROUP]] -- PATH must contain at least one slash. A
+ Unix socket listener will be created listening to that path, and
+ the socket will be chmodded to MODE and owned by GROUP. If MODE is
+ not given, it defaults to 0600, and if GROUP is not given, the
+ process' default group is used.
+ ADDRESS:PORT -- PORT must be entirely numeric. A TCP socket
+ listener will be created listening to that port, bound to the
+ given local interface address. Since PDM has no authentication
+ support, ADDRESS should probably be localhost.
+ """
if ":" in spec:
first = spec[:spec.index(":")]
last = spec[spec.rindex(":") + 1:]