--- /dev/null
+ ashd - A Sane HTTP Daemon
+ Copyright (C) 2008 Fredrik Tolf <fredrik@dolda2000.com>
+ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ * XXX: This program is mostly copied from callscgi. It may be
+ * reasonable to unify some of their shared code in a source file.
+ */
+ * XXX: All the various ways to start a child process makes this
+ * program quite ugly at the moment. It is unclear whether it is
+ * meaningfully possible to unify them better than they currently are.
+ */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <sys/un.h>
+#include <netinet/in.h>
+#include <netdb.h>
+#include <sys/signal.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <config.h>
+#include <utils.h>
+#include <req.h>
+#include <log.h>
+#include <mt.h>
+#include <mtio.h>
+#define FCGI_PARAMS 4
+#define FCGI_STDIN 5
+#define FCGI_STDOUT 6
+#define FCGI_STDERR 7
+static char **progspec;
+static char *sockid, *unspec, *inspec;
+static int nolisten;
+static struct sockaddr *curaddr;
+static size_t caddrlen;
+static int cafamily, isanon;
+static pid_t child;
+static struct addrinfo *resolv(int flags)
+ int ret;
+ struct addrinfo *ai, h;
+ char *name, *srv, *p;
+ if((p = strchr(inspec, ':')) != NULL) {
+ name = smalloc(p - inspec + 1);
+ memcpy(name, inspec, p - inspec);
+ name[p - inspec] = 0;
+ srv = p + 1;
+ } else {
+ name = sstrdup("localhost");
+ srv = inspec;
+ }
+ memset(&h, 0, sizeof(h));
+ h.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC;
+ h.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
+ h.ai_flags = flags;
+ ret = getaddrinfo(name, srv, &h, &ai);
+ free(name);
+ if(ret != 0) {
+ flog(LOG_ERR, "could not resolve TCP specification `%s': %s", inspec, gai_strerror(ret));
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ return(ai);
+static char *mksockid(char *sockid)
+ char *home;
+ home = getenv("HOME");
+ if(home && !access(sprintf3("%s/.ashd/sockets/", home), X_OK))
+ return(sprintf3("%s/.ashd/sockets/fcgi-p-%s", home, sockid));
+ return(sprintf3("/tmp/fcgi-%i-%s", getuid(), sockid));
+static char *mkanonid(void)
+ char *home;
+ char *tmpl;
+ int fd;
+ home = getenv("HOME");
+ if(home && !access(sprintf3("%s/.ashd/sockets/", home), X_OK))
+ tmpl = sprintf2("%s/.ashd/sockets/fcgi-a-XXXXXX", home);
+ else
+ tmpl = sprintf2("/tmp/fcgi-a-%i-XXXXXX", getuid());
+ if((fd = mkstemp(tmpl)) < 0) {
+ flog(LOG_ERR, "could not create anonymous socket `%s': %s", tmpl, strerror(errno));
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ close(fd);
+ unlink(tmpl);
+ return(tmpl);
+static void startlisten(void)
+ int i, fd;
+ struct addrinfo *ai, *cai;
+ char *unpath;
+ struct sockaddr_un unm;
+ char *aname;
+ isanon = 0;
+ if(inspec != NULL) {
+ fd = -1;
+ for(cai = ai = resolv(AI_PASSIVE); cai != NULL; cai = cai->ai_next) {
+ if((fd = socket(cai->ai_family, cai->ai_socktype, cai->ai_protocol)) < 0)
+ continue;
+ if(bind(fd, cai->ai_addr, cai->ai_addrlen)) {
+ close(fd);
+ fd = -1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(listen(fd, 128)) {
+ close(fd);
+ fd = -1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ freeaddrinfo(ai);
+ if(fd < 0) {
+ flog(LOG_ERR, "could not bind to specified TCP address: %s", strerror(errno));
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ } else if((unspec != NULL) || (sockid != NULL)) {
+ if((fd = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) {
+ flog(LOG_ERR, "could not create Unix socket: %s", strerror(errno));
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ if(unspec != NULL)
+ unpath = unspec;
+ else
+ unpath = mksockid(sockid);
+ unlink(unpath);
+ unm.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
+ strcpy(unm.sun_path, unpath);
+ if(bind(fd, (struct sockaddr *)&unm, sizeof(unm))) {
+ flog(LOG_ERR, "could not bind Unix socket to `%s': %s", unspec, strerror(errno));
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ if(listen(fd, 128)) {
+ flog(LOG_ERR, "listen: %s", strerror(errno));
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if((fd = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) {
+ flog(LOG_ERR, "could not create Unix socket: %s", strerror(errno));
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ memset(&unm, 0, sizeof(unm));
+ aname = mkanonid();
+ unm.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
+ strcpy(unm.sun_path, aname);
+ free(aname);
+ if(bind(fd, (struct sockaddr *)&unm, sizeof(unm))) {
+ flog(LOG_ERR, "could not bind Unix socket to `%s': %s", unspec, strerror(errno));
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ if(listen(fd, 128)) {
+ flog(LOG_ERR, "listen: %s", strerror(errno));
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ curaddr = smalloc(caddrlen = sizeof(unm));
+ memcpy(curaddr, &unm, sizeof(unm));
+ cafamily = AF_UNIX;
+ isanon = 1;
+ }
+ if((child = fork()) < 0) {
+ flog(LOG_ERR, "could not fork: %s", strerror(errno));
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ if(child == 0) {
+ dup2(fd, 0);
+ for(i = 3; i < FD_SETSIZE; i++)
+ close(i);
+ execvp(*progspec, progspec);
+ flog(LOG_ERR, "callfcgi: %s: %s", *progspec, strerror(errno));
+ exit(127);
+ }
+ close(fd);
+static void startnolisten(void)
+ int i, fd;
+ if((child = fork()) < 0) {
+ flog(LOG_ERR, "could not fork: %s", strerror(errno));
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ if(child == 0) {
+ for(i = 3; i < FD_SETSIZE; i++)
+ close(i);
+ if((fd = open("/dev/null", O_RDONLY)) < 0) {
+ flog(LOG_ERR, "/dev/null: %s", strerror(errno));
+ exit(127);
+ }
+ dup2(fd, 0);
+ close(fd);
+ execvp(*progspec, progspec);
+ flog(LOG_ERR, "callfcgi: %s: %s", *progspec, strerror(errno));
+ exit(127);
+ }
+static int sconnect(void)
+ int fd;
+ int err;
+ socklen_t errlen;
+ fd = socket(cafamily, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
+ fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, fcntl(fd, F_GETFL) | O_NONBLOCK);
+ while(1) {
+ if(connect(fd, curaddr, caddrlen)) {
+ if(errno == EINPROGRESS) {
+ block(fd, EV_WRITE, 30);
+ errlen = sizeof(err);
+ if(getsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, &err, &errlen) || ((errno = err) != 0)) {
+ close(fd);
+ return(-1);
+ }
+ return(fd);
+ }
+ close(fd);
+ return(-1);
+ }
+ return(fd);
+ }
+static int econnect(void)
+ int fd;
+ struct addrinfo *ai, *cai;
+ int tries;
+ char *unpath;
+ struct sockaddr_un unm;
+ tries = 0;
+ if(inspec != NULL) {
+ fd = -1;
+ for(cai = ai = resolv(0); cai != NULL; cai = cai->ai_next) {
+ if((fd = socket(cai->ai_family, cai->ai_socktype, cai->ai_protocol)) < 0)
+ continue;
+ if(connect(fd, cai->ai_addr, cai->ai_addrlen)) {
+ close(fd);
+ fd = -1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if(fd < 0) {
+ if(tries++ < nolisten) {
+ sleep(1);
+ goto retry;
+ }
+ flog(LOG_ERR, "could not connect to specified TCP address: %s", strerror(errno));
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ curaddr = smalloc(caddrlen = cai->ai_addrlen);
+ memcpy(curaddr, cai->ai_addr, caddrlen);
+ cafamily = cai->ai_family;
+ isanon = 0;
+ freeaddrinfo(ai);
+ return(fd);
+ } else if((unspec != NULL) || (sockid != NULL)) {
+ if((fd = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) {
+ flog(LOG_ERR, "could not create Unix socket: %s", strerror(errno));
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ if(unspec != NULL)
+ unpath = unspec;
+ else
+ unpath = mksockid(sockid);
+ unlink(unpath);
+ unm.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
+ strcpy(unm.sun_path, unpath);
+ if(connect(fd, (struct sockaddr *)&unm, sizeof(unm))) {
+ close(fd);
+ if(tries++ < nolisten) {
+ sleep(1);
+ goto retry;
+ }
+ flog(LOG_ERR, "could not connect to Unix socket `%s': %s", unspec, strerror(errno));
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ curaddr = smalloc(caddrlen = sizeof(unm));
+ memcpy(curaddr, &unm, sizeof(unm));
+ cafamily = AF_UNIX;
+ isanon = 0;
+ return(fd);
+ } else {
+ flog(LOG_ERR, "callfcgi: cannot use an anonymous socket without a program to start");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+static int startconn(void)
+ if(*progspec) {
+ if(nolisten == 0)
+ startlisten();
+ else
+ startnolisten();
+ }
+ if(curaddr != NULL)
+ return(sconnect());
+ return(econnect());
+static void killcuraddr(void)
+ if(curaddr == NULL)
+ return;
+ if(isanon) {
+ unlink(((struct sockaddr_un *)curaddr)->sun_path);
+ if(child > 0)
+ kill(child, SIGTERM);
+ }
+ free(curaddr);
+ curaddr = NULL;
+static int reconn(void)
+ int fd;
+ if(curaddr != NULL) {
+ if((fd = sconnect()) >= 0)
+ return(fd);
+ killcuraddr();
+ }
+ return(startconn());
+static off_t passdata(FILE *in, FILE *out)
+ size_t read;
+ off_t total;
+ char buf[8192];
+ total = 0;
+ while(!feof(in)) {
+ read = fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf), in);
+ if(ferror(in))
+ return(-1);
+ if(fwrite(buf, 1, read, out) != read)
+ return(-1);
+ total += read;
+ }
+ return(total);
+static void bufcatkv(struct charbuf *dst, char *key, char *val)
+ size_t kl, vl;
+ if((kl = strlen(key)) < 128) {
+ bufadd(*dst, kl);
+ } else {
+ bufadd(*dst, ((kl & 0x7f000000) >> 24) | 0x80);
+ bufadd(*dst, (kl & 0x00ff0000) >> 16);
+ bufadd(*dst, (kl & 0x0000ff00) >> 8);
+ bufadd(*dst, kl & 0x000000ff);
+ }
+ if((vl = strlen(val)) < 128) {
+ bufadd(*dst, vl);
+ } else {
+ bufadd(*dst, ((vl & 0x7f000000) >> 24) | 0x80);
+ bufadd(*dst, (vl & 0x00ff0000) >> 16);
+ bufadd(*dst, (vl & 0x0000ff00) >> 8);
+ bufadd(*dst, vl & 0x000000ff);
+ }
+ bufcat(*dst, key, kl);
+ bufcat(*dst, val, vl);
+static void bufaddenv(struct charbuf *dst, char *name, char *fmt, ...)
+ va_list args;
+ char *val = NULL;
+ va_start(args, fmt);
+ val = vsprintf2(fmt, args);
+ va_end(args);
+ bufcatkv(dst, name, val);
+ free(val);
+static char *absolutify(char *file)
+ static int inited = 0;
+ static char cwd[1024];
+ if(*file != '/') {
+ if(!inited) {
+ getcwd(cwd, sizeof(cwd));
+ inited = 1;
+ }
+ return(sprintf2("%s/%s", cwd, file));
+ }
+ return(sstrdup(file));
+/* Mostly copied from callcgi. */
+static void mkcgienv(struct hthead *req, struct charbuf *dst)
+ int i;
+ char *url, *qp, *h, *p;
+ bufaddenv(dst, "SERVER_SOFTWARE", "ashd/%s", VERSION);
+ bufaddenv(dst, "GATEWAY_INTERFACE", "CGI/1.1");
+ bufaddenv(dst, "SERVER_PROTOCOL", "%s", req->ver);
+ bufaddenv(dst, "REQUEST_METHOD", "%s", req->method);
+ bufaddenv(dst, "REQUEST_URI", "%s", req->url);
+ bufaddenv(dst, "PATH_INFO", req->rest);
+ url = sstrdup(req->url);
+ if((qp = strchr(url, '?')) != NULL)
+ *(qp++) = 0;
+ /* XXX: This is an ugly hack (I think), but though I can think of
+ * several alternatives, none seem to be better. */
+ if(*req->rest && (strlen(url) >= strlen(req->rest)) &&
+ !strcmp(req->rest, url + strlen(url) - strlen(req->rest))) {
+ bufaddenv(dst, "SCRIPT_NAME", "%.*s", (int)(strlen(url) - strlen(req->rest)), url);
+ } else {
+ bufaddenv(dst, "SCRIPT_NAME", "%s", url);
+ }
+ bufaddenv(dst, "QUERY_STRING", "%s", qp?qp:"");
+ if((h = getheader(req, "Host")) != NULL)
+ bufaddenv(dst, "SERVER_NAME", "%s", h);
+ if((h = getheader(req, "X-Ash-Server-Port")) != NULL)
+ bufaddenv(dst, "SERVER_PORT", "%s", h);
+ if(((h = getheader(req, "X-Ash-Protocol")) != NULL) && !strcmp(h, "https"))
+ bufaddenv(dst, "HTTPS", "on");
+ if((h = getheader(req, "X-Ash-Address")) != NULL)
+ bufaddenv(dst, "REMOTE_ADDR", "%s", h);
+ if((h = getheader(req, "Content-Type")) != NULL)
+ bufaddenv(dst, "CONTENT_TYPE", "%s", h);
+ if((h = getheader(req, "Content-Length")) != NULL)
+ bufaddenv(dst, "CONTENT_LENGTH", "%s", h);
+ else
+ bufaddenv(dst, "CONTENT_LENGTH", "0");
+ if((h = getheader(req, "X-Ash-File")) != NULL)
+ bufaddenv(dst, "SCRIPT_FILENAME", "%s", absolutify(h));
+ for(i = 0; i < req->noheaders; i++) {
+ h = sprintf2("HTTP_%s", req->headers[i][0]);
+ for(p = h; *p; p++) {
+ if(isalnum(*p))
+ *p = toupper(*p);
+ else
+ *p = '_';
+ }
+ bufcatkv(dst, h, req->headers[i][1]);
+ free(h);
+ }
+static char *defstatus(int code)
+ if(code == 200)
+ return("OK");
+ else if(code == 201)
+ return("Created");
+ else if(code == 202)
+ return("Accepted");
+ else if(code == 204)
+ return("No Content");
+ else if(code == 300)
+ return("Multiple Choices");
+ else if(code == 301)
+ return("Moved Permanently");
+ else if(code == 302)
+ return("Found");
+ else if(code == 303)
+ return("See Other");
+ else if(code == 304)
+ return("Not Modified");
+ else if(code == 307)
+ return("Moved Temporarily");
+ else if(code == 400)
+ return("Bad Request");
+ else if(code == 401)
+ return("Unauthorized");
+ else if(code == 403)
+ return("Forbidden");
+ else if(code == 404)
+ return("Not Found");
+ else if(code == 500)
+ return("Internal Server Error");
+ else if(code == 501)
+ return("Not Implemented");
+ else if(code == 503)
+ return("Service Unavailable");
+ else
+ return("Unknown status");
+static struct hthead *parseresp(FILE *in)
+ struct hthead *resp;
+ char *st, *p;
+ omalloc(resp);
+ resp->ver = sstrdup("HTTP/1.1");
+ if(parseheaders(resp, in)) {
+ freehthead(resp);
+ return(NULL);
+ }
+ if((st = getheader(resp, "Status")) != NULL) {
+ if((p = strchr(st, ' ')) != NULL) {
+ *(p++) = 0;
+ resp->code = atoi(st);
+ resp->msg = sstrdup(p);
+ } else {
+ resp->code = atoi(st);
+ resp->msg = sstrdup(defstatus(resp->code));
+ }
+ headrmheader(resp, "Status");
+ } else if(getheader(resp, "Location")) {
+ resp->code = 303;
+ resp->msg = sstrdup("See Other");
+ } else {
+ resp->code = 200;
+ resp->msg = sstrdup("OK");
+ }
+ return(resp);
+#define fputc2(b, f) if(fputc((b), (f)) == EOF) return(-1);
+static int sendrec(FILE *out, int type, int rid, char *data, size_t dlen)
+ off_t off;
+ size_t cl;
+ int p;
+ off = 0;
+ do {
+ cl = min(dlen - off, 65535);
+ p = (8 - (cl % 8)) % 8;
+ fputc2(1, out);
+ fputc2(type, out);
+ fputc2((rid & 0xff00) >> 8, out);
+ fputc2(rid & 0x00ff, out);
+ fputc2((cl & 0xff00) >> 8, out);
+ fputc2(cl & 0x00ff, out);
+ fputc2(p, out);
+ fputc2(0, out);
+ if(fwrite(data + off, 1, cl, out) != cl)
+ return(-1);
+ for(; p > 0; p--)
+ fputc2(0, out);
+ } while((off += cl) < dlen);
+ return(0);
+#define fgetc2(f) ({int __c__ = fgetc(f); if(__c__ == EOF) return(-1); __c__;})
+static int recvrec(FILE *in, int *type, int *rid, char **data, size_t *dlen)
+ int b1, b2, pl;
+ if(fgetc2(in) != 1)
+ return(-1);
+ *type = fgetc2(in);
+ b1 = fgetc2(in);
+ b2 = fgetc2(in);
+ *rid = (b1 << 8) | b2;
+ b1 = fgetc2(in);
+ b2 = fgetc2(in);
+ *dlen = (b1 << 8) | b2;
+ pl = fgetc2(in);
+ if(fgetc2(in) != 0)
+ return(-1);
+ *data = smalloc(max(*dlen, 1));
+ if(fread(*data, 1, *dlen, in) != *dlen) {
+ free(data);
+ return(-1);
+ }
+ for(; pl > 0; pl--) {
+ if(fgetc(in) == EOF) {
+ free(data);
+ return(-1);
+ }
+ }
+ return(0);
+static int begreq(FILE *out, int rid)
+ char rec[] = {0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
+ return(sendrec(out, FCGI_BEGIN_REQUEST, rid, rec, 8));
+static void mtiopipe(FILE **read, FILE **write)
+ int fds[2];
+ pipe(fds);
+ *read = mtstdopen(fds[0], 0, 600, "r");
+ *write = mtstdopen(fds[1], 0, 600, "w");
+static void outplex(struct muth *muth, va_list args)
+ vavar(FILE *, sk);
+ struct {
+ struct ch {
+ FILE *s;
+ int id;
+ } *b;
+ size_t s, d;
+ } outs;
+ int i;
+ struct ch ch;
+ int type, rid;
+ char *data;
+ size_t dlen;
+ bufinit(outs);
+ while((ch.s = va_arg(args, FILE *)) != NULL) {
+ ch.id = va_arg(args, int);
+ bufadd(outs, ch);
+ }
+ data = NULL;
+ while(1) {
+ if(recvrec(sk, &type, &rid, &data, &dlen))
+ goto out;
+ if(rid != 1)
+ goto out;
+ for(i = 0; i < outs.d; i++) {
+ if(outs.b[i].id == type) {
+ if(outs.b[i].s != NULL) {
+ if(dlen == 0) {
+ fclose(outs.b[i].s);
+ outs.b[i].s = NULL;
+ } else {
+ if(fwrite(data, 1, dlen, outs.b[i].s) != dlen)
+ goto out;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ free(data);
+ data = NULL;
+ }
+ if(data != NULL)
+ free(data);
+ for(i = 0; i < outs.d; i++) {
+ if(outs.b[i].s != NULL)
+ fclose(outs.b[i].s);
+ }
+ buffree(outs);
+ fclose(sk);
+static void errhandler(struct muth *muth, va_list args)
+ vavar(FILE *, in);
+ char buf[1024];
+ char *p;
+ bufinit(buf);
+ while(fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), in) != NULL) {
+ p = buf + strlen(buf) - 1;
+ while((p >= buf) && (*p == '\n'))
+ *(p--) = 0;
+ if(buf[0])
+ flog(LOG_INFO, "child said: %s", buf);
+ }
+ fclose(in);
+static void serve(struct muth *muth, va_list args)
+ vavar(struct hthead *, req);
+ vavar(int, fd);
+ vavar(int, sfd);
+ FILE *is, *os, *outi, *outo, *erri, *erro;
+ struct charbuf head;
+ struct hthead *resp;
+ size_t read;
+ char buf[8192];
+ sfd = reconn();
+ is = mtstdopen(fd, 1, 60, "r+");
+ os = mtstdopen(sfd, 1, 600, "r+");
+ outi = NULL;
+ mtiopipe(&outi, &outo); mtiopipe(&erri, &erro);
+ mustart(outplex, mtstdopen(dup(sfd), 1, 600, "r+"), outo, FCGI_STDOUT, erro, FCGI_STDERR, NULL);
+ mustart(errhandler, erri);
+ if(begreq(os, 1))
+ goto out;
+ bufinit(head);
+ mkcgienv(req, &head);
+ if(sendrec(os, FCGI_PARAMS, 1, head.b, head.d))
+ goto out;
+ if(sendrec(os, FCGI_PARAMS, 1, NULL, 0))
+ goto out;
+ buffree(head);
+ if(fflush(os))
+ goto out;
+ while(!feof(is)) {
+ read = fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf), is);
+ if(ferror(is))
+ goto out;
+ if(sendrec(os, FCGI_STDIN, 1, buf, read))
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if(sendrec(os, FCGI_STDIN, 1, NULL, 0))
+ goto out;
+ if(fflush(os))
+ goto out;
+ if((resp = parseresp(outi)) == NULL)
+ goto out;
+ writeresp(is, resp);
+ freehthead(resp);
+ fputc('\n', is);
+ if(passdata(outi, is) < 0)
+ goto out;
+ freehthead(req);
+ buffree(head);
+ shutdown(sfd, SHUT_RDWR);
+ if(outi != NULL)
+ fclose(outi);
+ fclose(is);
+ fclose(os);
+static void listenloop(struct muth *muth, va_list args)
+ vavar(int, lfd);
+ int fd;
+ struct hthead *req;
+ while(1) {
+ block(0, EV_READ, 0);
+ if((fd = recvreq(lfd, &req)) < 0) {
+ if(errno != 0)
+ flog(LOG_ERR, "recvreq: %s", strerror(errno));
+ break;
+ }
+ mustart(serve, req, fd);
+ }
+static void sigign(int sig)
+static void sigexit(int sig)
+ exit(0);
+static void usage(FILE *out)
+ fprintf(out, "usage: callfcgi [-h] [-N RETRIES] [-i ID] [-u UNIX-PATH] [-t [HOST:]TCP-PORT] [PROGRAM [ARGS...]]\n");
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+ int c;
+ while((c = getopt(argc, argv, "+hN:i:u:t:")) >= 0) {
+ switch(c) {
+ case 'h':
+ usage(stdout);
+ exit(0);
+ case 'N':
+ nolisten = atoi(optarg);
+ break;
+ case 'i':
+ sockid = optarg;
+ break;
+ case 'u':
+ unspec = optarg;
+ break;
+ case 't':
+ inspec = optarg;
+ break;
+ default:
+ usage(stderr);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ }
+ progspec = argv + optind;
+ if(((sockid != NULL) + (unspec != NULL) + (inspec != NULL)) > 1) {
+ flog(LOG_ERR, "callfcgi: at most one of -i, -u or -t may be given");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_IGN);
+ signal(SIGPIPE, sigign);
+ signal(SIGINT, sigexit);
+ signal(SIGTERM, sigexit);
+ mustart(listenloop, 0);
+ atexit(killcuraddr);
+ ioloop();
+ return(0);