--- /dev/null
+import os
+pj = os.path.join
+home = os.getenv("HOME")
+if home is None or not os.path.isdir(home):
+ raise Exception("Could not find home directory for profile keeping")
+basedir = pj(home, ".manga", "profiles")
+def openwdir(nm, mode="r"):
+ if os.path.exists(nm):
+ return open(nm, mode)
+ if mode != "r":
+ d = os.path.dirname(nm)
+ if not os.path.isdir(d):
+ os.makedirs(d)
+ return open(nm, mode)
+def splitline(line):
+ def bsq(c):
+ if c == "\\": return "\\"
+ elif c == '"': return '"'
+ elif c == " ": return " "
+ elif c == "n": return "\n"
+ else: return ""
+ ret = []
+ p = 0
+ buf = ""
+ a = False
+ while p < len(line):
+ c = line[p]
+ if c.isspace():
+ p += 1
+ else:
+ while p < len(line):
+ c = line[p]
+ p += 1
+ if c == '"':
+ a = True
+ while p < len(line):
+ c = line[p]
+ p += 1
+ if c == '"':
+ break
+ elif c == "\\" and p < len(line):
+ buf += bsq(line[p])
+ p += 1
+ else:
+ buf += c
+ elif c.isspace():
+ ret.append(buf)
+ buf = ""
+ break
+ elif c == "\\" and p < len(line):
+ buf += bsq(line[p])
+ p += 1
+ else:
+ buf += c
+ if a or buf != "":
+ ret.append(buf)
+ return ret
+def consline(*words):
+ buf = ""
+ for w in words:
+ if any((c == "\\" or c == '"' or c == "\n" for c in w)):
+ wb = ""
+ for c in w:
+ if c == "\\": wb += "\\\\"
+ elif c == '"': wb += '\\"'
+ elif c == "\n": wb += "\\n"
+ else: wb += c
+ w = wb
+ if w == "" or any((c.isspace() for c in w)):
+ w = '"' + w + '"'
+ if buf != "":
+ buf += " "
+ buf += w
+ return buf
+class manga(object):
+ def __init__(self, profile, libnm, id, path):
+ self.profile = profile
+ self.libnm = libnm
+ self.id = id
+ self.path = path
+ self.props = self.loadprops()
+ def loadprops(self):
+ ret = {}
+ with openwdir(self.path) as f:
+ for line in f:
+ words = splitline(line)
+ if len(words) < 1: continue
+ if words[0] == "set" and len(words) > 2:
+ ret[words[1]] = words[2]
+ elif words[0] == "lset" and len(words) > 1:
+ ret[words[1]] = words[2:]
+ return ret
+ def prop(self, key, default=KeyError):
+ if key not in self.props:
+ if default is KeyError:
+ raise KeyError(key)
+ return default
+ return self.props[key]
+ def setprop(self, key, val):
+ self.props[key] = val
+ def saveprops(self):
+ with openwdir(self.path, "w") as f:
+ for key, val in self.props.iteritems():
+ if isinstance(val, str):
+ f.write(consline("set", key, val) + "\n")
+ else:
+ f.write(consline("lset", key, *val) + "\n")
+ def open(self):
+ import lib
+ return lib.findlib(self.libnm).byid(self.id)
+class profile(object):
+ def __init__(self, dir):
+ self.dir = dir
+ self.name = None
+ def getmapping(self):
+ seq = 0
+ ret = {}
+ if os.path.exists(pj(self.dir, "map")):
+ with openwdir(pj(self.dir, "map")) as f:
+ for ln in f:
+ words = splitline(ln)
+ if len(words) < 1:
+ continue
+ if words[0] == "seq" and len(words) > 1:
+ try:
+ seq = int(words[1])
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ elif words[0] == "manga" and len(words) > 3:
+ try:
+ ret[words[1], words[2]] = int(words[3])
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ return seq, ret
+ def savemapping(self, seq, m):
+ with openwdir(pj(self.dir, "map"), "w") as f:
+ f.write(consline("seq", str(seq)) + "\n")
+ for (libnm, id), num in m.iteritems():
+ f.write(consline("manga", libnm, id, str(num)) + "\n")
+ def getmanga(self, libnm, id, creat=False):
+ seq, m = self.getmapping()
+ if (libnm, id) in m:
+ return manga(self, libnm, id, pj(self.dir, "%i.manga" % m[(libnm, id)]))
+ if not creat:
+ raise KeyError("no such manga: (%s, %s)" % (libnm, id))
+ while True:
+ try:
+ fp = openwdir(pj(self.dir, "%i.manga" % seq), "wx")
+ except IOError:
+ seq += 1
+ else:
+ break
+ fp.close()
+ m[(libnm, id)] = seq
+ self.savemapping(seq, m)
+ return manga(self, libnm, id, pj(self.dir, "%i.manga" % seq))
+ def setlast(self):
+ if self.name is None:
+ raise ValueError("profile at " + self.dir + " has no name")
+ with openwdir(pj(basedir, "last"), "w") as f:
+ f.write(self.name + "\n")
+ @classmethod
+ def byname(cls, name):
+ if not name or name == "last" or name[0] == '.':
+ raise KeyError("invalid profile name: " + name)
+ ret = cls(pj(basedir, name))
+ ret.name = name
+ return ret
+ @classmethod
+ def last(cls):
+ if not os.path.exists(pj(basedir, "last")):
+ raise KeyError("there is no last used profile")
+ with open(pj(basedir, "last")) as f:
+ return cls.byname(f.readline().strip())