Not all libraries need implement this."""
raise NotImplementedError("manga.lib.library iterator")
-class pagelist(object):
+class pagetree(object):
+ """Base class for objects in the tree of pages and pagelists.
+ All pagetree objects should contain an attribute `stack', contains
+ a list of pairs. The last pair in the list should be the pagetree
+ object which yielded this pagetree object, along with the index
+ which yielded it. Every non-last pair should be the same
+ information for the pair following it. The only objects with empty
+ `stack' lists should be `manga' objects."""
+ pass
+class pagelist(pagetree):
"""Class representing a list of either pages, or nested
pagelists. Might be, for instance, a volume or a chapter.
and all constraints valid for it."""
-class page(object):
+class page(pagetree):
"""Class representing a single page of a manga. Pages make up the
leaf nodes of a pagelist tree.
class page(
- def __init__(self, chapter, n, url):
+ def __init__(self, chapter, stack, n, url):
+ self.stack = stack
self.chapter = chapter
self.volume = self.chapter.volume
self.manga = self.volume.manga
return imgstream(self.iurl())
class chapter(lib.pagelist):
- def __init__(self, volume, name, url):
+ def __init__(self, volume, stack, name, url):
+ self.stack = stack
self.volume = volume
self.manga = volume.manga = name
m = l.contents[2].strip()
if m[:3] != u"of ":
raise Exception("parse error: weird page list for %r" % self)
- self.cpag = [page(self, n + 1, self.url + ("%i.html" % (n + 1))) for n in xrange(int(m[3:]))]
+ self.cpag = [page(self, self.stack + [(self, n)], n + 1, self.url + ("%i.html" % (n + 1))) for n in xrange(int(m[3:]))]
return self.cpag
def __str__(self):
return "<mangafox.chapter %r.%r.%r>" % (,,
class volume(lib.pagelist):
- def __init__(self, manga, name):
+ def __init__(self, manga, stack, name):
+ self.stack = stack
self.manga = manga = name = [] = name
self.url = url
self.cvol = None
+ self.stack = []
def __getitem__(self, i):
return self.vols()[i]
page = soup(htcache.fetch(self.url))
vls = page.find("div", id="chapters").findAll("div", attrs={"class": "slide"})
self.cvol = []
- for i in xrange(len(vls)):
- vol = volume(self, vls[i].find("h3", attrs={"class": "volume"}).contents[0].strip())
- cls = nextel(vls[i])
+ for i, vn in enumerate(reversed(vls)):
+ vol = volume(self, [(self, i)], vn.find("h3", attrs={"class": "volume"}).contents[0].strip())
+ cls = nextel(vn)
if != u"ul" or cls["class"] != u"chlist":
raise Exception("parse error: weird volume list for %r" % self)
- for ch in cls.findAll("li"):
+ for o, ch in enumerate(reversed(cls.findAll("li"))):
n = ch.div.h3 or ch.div.h4
name = n.a.string
for span in ch("span"):
url = n.a["href"].encode("us-ascii")
if url[-7:] != "/1.html":
raise Exception("parse error: unexpected chapter URL for %r: %s" % (self, url))
-, chapter(vol, name, url[:-6]))
- self.cvol.insert(0, vol)
+, vol.stack + [(vol, o)], name, url[:-6]))
+ self.cvol.append(vol)
return self.cvol
def __str__(self):