raise KeyError(id)
return manga(self, id, title.string.strip(), url)
- mure = re.compile(r"/comic/_/comics/([^/]*)$")
- def search(self, expr):
- resp = urllib.urlopen(self.base + "forums/index.php?app=core&module=search&do=search&fromMainBar=1",
- urllib.urlencode({"search_term": expr, "search_app": "ccs:database:3"}))
- try:
- page = soup(resp.read())
- finally:
- resp.close()
- none = page.find("p", attrs={"class": "no_messages"})
- if none is not None and u"No results" in none.text:
- return []
- ret = []
- for child in page.find("div", id="search_results").ol.childGenerator():
- if isinstance(child, BeautifulSoup.Tag) and child.name == u"li":
- info = child.find("div", attrs={"class": "result_info"})
- url = info.h3.a["href"].encode("us-ascii")
- m = self.mure.search(url)
- if m is None: raise Exception("Got weird manga URL: %r" % url)
- id = m.group(1)
- name = info.h3.a.string.strip()
- ret.append(manga(self, id, name, url))
- return ret
- rure = re.compile(r"/comic/_/([^/]*)$")
- def byname(self, prefix):
- if not isinstance(prefix, unicode):
- prefix = prefix.decode("utf8")
+ def _search(self, pars):
p = 1
while True:
- resp = urllib.urlopen(self.base + "search?" + urllib.urlencode({"name": prefix.encode("utf8"), "name_cond": "s", "p": str(p)}))
+ _pars = dict(pars)
+ _pars["p"] = str(p)
+ resp = urllib.urlopen(self.base + "search?" + urllib.urlencode(_pars))
page = soup(resp.read())
hasmore = False
for child in rls.findAll("tr"):
if child.th is not None: continue
+ if child.get("id", u"")[:11] == u"comic_rowo_": continue
if child.get("id") == u"show_more_row":
hasmore = True
if m is None: raise Exception("Got weird manga URL: %r" % url)
id = m.group(1)
name = link.text.strip()
- if name[:len(prefix)].lower() != prefix.lower():
- m = manga(self, id, name, url)
- for aname in m.altnames():
- if aname[:len(prefix)].lower() == prefix.lower():
- name = aname
- break
- else:
- if False:
- print "eliding " + name
- print m.altnames()
- continue
yield manga(self, id, name, url)
p += 1
if not hasmore:
+ rure = re.compile(r"/comic/_/([^/]*)$")
+ def search(self, expr):
+ if not isinstance(expr, unicode):
+ expr = expr.decode("utf8")
+ return self._search({"name": expr.encode("utf8"), "name_cond": "c"})
+ def byname(self, prefix):
+ if not isinstance(prefix, unicode):
+ prefix = prefix.decode("utf8")
+ for res in self._search({"name": prefix.encode("utf8"), "name_cond": "s"}):
+ if res.name[:len(prefix)].lower() == prefix.lower():
+ yield res
+ else:
+ for aname in res.altnames():
+ if aname[:len(prefix)].lower() == prefix.lower():
+ yield manga(self, res.id, aname, res.url)
+ break
+ else:
+ if False:
+ print "eliding " + res.name
+ print res.altnames()