--- /dev/null
+import urllib, re, BeautifulSoup
+import lib, htcache
+soup = BeautifulSoup.BeautifulSoup
+def byclass(el, name, cl):
+ for ch in el.findAll(name):
+ if not isinstance(ch, BeautifulSoup.Tag): continue
+ cll = ch.get("class", "")
+ if cl in cll.split():
+ return ch
+ return None
+def nextel(el):
+ while True:
+ el = el.nextSibling
+ if isinstance(el, BeautifulSoup.Tag):
+ return el
+class page(lib.page):
+ def __init__(self, chapter, stack, n, url):
+ self.stack = stack
+ self.chapter = chapter
+ self.n = n
+ self.id = str(n)
+ self.name = u"Page %s" % n
+ self.url = url
+ self.ciurl = None
+ def iurl(self):
+ if self.ciurl is None:
+ page = soup(htcache.fetch(self.url))
+ img = nextel(page.find("div", id="full_image")).img
+ self.ciurl = img["src"].encode("us-ascii")
+ return self.ciurl
+ def open(self):
+ return lib.stdimgstream(self.iurl())
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.name
+ def __repr(self):
+ return "<batoto.page %r.%r.%r>" % (self.chapter.manga.name, self.chapter.name, self.name)
+class chapter(lib.pagelist):
+ def __init__(self, manga, stack, id, name, url):
+ self.stack = stack
+ self.manga = manga
+ self.id = id
+ self.name = name
+ self.url = url
+ self.cpag = None
+ def __getitem__(self, i):
+ return self.pages()[i]
+ def __len__(self):
+ return len(self.pages())
+ pnre = re.compile(r"page (\d+)")
+ def pages(self):
+ if self.cpag is None:
+ pg = soup(htcache.fetch(self.url))
+ cpag = []
+ for opt in pg.find("select", id="page_select").findAll("option"):
+ url = opt["value"].encode("us-ascii")
+ n = int(self.pnre.match(opt.string).group(1))
+ cpag.append(page(self, self.stack + [(self, len(cpag))], n, url))
+ self.cpag = cpag
+ return self.cpag
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.name
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<batoto.chapter %r.%r>" % (self.manga.name, self.name)
+class manga(lib.manga):
+ def __init__(self, lib, id, name, url):
+ self.lib = lib
+ self.id = id
+ self.name = name
+ self.url = url
+ self.cch = None
+ self.stack = []
+ def __getitem__(self, i):
+ return self.ch()[i]
+ def __len__(self):
+ return len(self.ch())
+ cure = re.compile(r"/read/_/(\d+)/[^/]*")
+ def ch(self):
+ if self.cch is None:
+ page = soup(htcache.fetch(self.url))
+ cls = byclass(page, u"table", u"chapters_list")
+ if cls.tbody is not None:
+ cls = cls.tbody
+ scl = u"lang_" + self.lib.lang
+ cch = []
+ for ch in cls.childGenerator():
+ if isinstance(ch, BeautifulSoup.Tag) and ch.name == u"tr":
+ cll = ch.get("class", "").split()
+ if u"row" in cll and scl in cll:
+ url = ch.td.a["href"].encode("us-ascii")
+ m = self.cure.search(url)
+ if m is None: raise Exception("Got weird chapter URL: %r" % url)
+ cid = m.group(1)
+ url = self.lib.base + "read/_/" + cid
+ name = ch.td.a.text
+ cch.append(chapter(self, [(self, len(cch))], cid, name, url))
+ cch.reverse()
+ self.cch = cch
+ return self.cch
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.name
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<batoto.manga %r>" % self.name
+class library(lib.library):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.base = "http://www.batoto.net/"
+ self.lang = u"English"
+ def byid(self, id):
+ url = self.base + "comic/_/comics/" + id
+ page = soup(htcache.fetch(url))
+ title = page.find("h1", attrs={"class": "ipsType_pagetitle"})
+ if title is None:
+ raise KeyError(id)
+ return manga(self, id, title.string.strip(), url)
+ mure = re.compile(r"/comic/_/comics/([^/]*)$")
+ def search(self, expr):
+ resp = urllib.urlopen(self.base + "forums/index.php?app=core&module=search&do=search&fromMainBar=1",
+ urllib.urlencode({"search_term": expr, "search_app": "ccs:database:3"}))
+ try:
+ page = soup(resp.read())
+ finally:
+ resp.close()
+ ret = []
+ for child in page.find("div", id="search_results").ol.childGenerator():
+ if isinstance(child, BeautifulSoup.Tag) and child.name == u"li":
+ info = child.find("div", attrs={"class": "result_info"})
+ url = info.h3.a["href"].encode("us-ascii")
+ m = self.mure.search(url)
+ if m is None: raise Exception("Got weird manga URL: %r" % url)
+ id = m.group(1)
+ name = info.h3.a.string.strip()
+ ret.append(manga(self, id, name, url))
+ return ret