+# ldd - DNS implementation in Python
+# Copyright (C) 2006 Fredrik Tolf <fredrik@dolda2000.com>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+import socket
+import struct
+import proto
+import dn
+rtypes = []
+def addrtype(id, name, syntax):
+ rtypes.append((id, name, syntax))
+def rtypebyid(id):
+ for rtype in rtypes:
+ if rtype[0] == id:
+ return rtype
+ return None
+def rtypebyname(name):
+ for rtype in rtypes:
+ if rtype[1] == name.upper():
+ return rtype[0]
+ return None
+class error(Exception):
+ def __init__(self, text):
+ self.text = text
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.text
+class malformedrr(Exception):
+ def __init__(self, text):
+ self.text = text
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.text
+class rrhead:
+ def __init__(self, name = None, rtype = None, rclass = None):
+ if rclass is None: rclass = CLASSIN
+ if type(name) == str:
+ self.name = dn.fromstring(name)
+ else:
+ self.name = name
+ if type(rtype) == str:
+ self.rtype = rtypebyname(rtype)
+ if self.rtype is None:
+ raise error("no such rtype " + rtype)
+ else:
+ self.rtype = rtype
+ self.rclass = rclass
+ def encode(self, names, offset):
+ ret, names = proto.encodename(self.name, names, offset)
+ ret += struct.pack(">HH", self.rtype, self.rclass)
+ return ret, names
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ return self.name == other.name and self.rtype == other.rtype
+ def __str__(self):
+ rtype = rtypebyid(self.rtype)
+ if rtype is None:
+ return "%02x RRhead %s" % (self.rtype, self.name)
+ else:
+ return "%s RRhead %s" % (rtype[1], self.name)
+ def istype(self, rtype):
+ if type(rtype) == str:
+ rtype = rtypebyname(rtype)
+ return self.rtype == rtype
+ def decode(self, packet, offset):
+ name, offset = proto.decodename(packet, offset)
+ rtype, rclass = struct.unpack(">HH", packet[offset:offset + struct.calcsize(">HH")])
+ offset += struct.calcsize(">HH")
+ ret = rrhead(name, rtype, rclass)
+ return ret, offset
+ decode = classmethod(decode)
+class rrdata:
+ def __init__(self, rtype, *args):
+ if type(rtype) == tuple and type(args[0]) == dict:
+ self.rtype = rtype
+ self.rdata = args[0]
+ return
+ if type(rtype) == str:
+ self.rtype = rtypebyname(rtype)
+ if self.rtype is None:
+ raise error("no such rtype " + rtype)
+ else:
+ self.rtype = rtype
+ rtid = self.rtype
+ self.rtype = rtypebyid(rtid)
+ if self.rtype is None:
+ raise error("no such rtype " + rtid)
+ self.rdata = {}
+ for i, e in enumerate(self.rtype[2]):
+ d = self.convdata(e[0], args[i])
+ self.rdata[e[1]] = d
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ return(self.rdata == other.rdata)
+ def __str__(self):
+ ret = "{"
+ first = True
+ for e in self.rtype[2]:
+ if not first:
+ ret += ", "
+ first = False
+ ret += e[1] + ": "
+ d = self.rdata[e[1]]
+ if e[0] == "4":
+ ret += socket.inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET, d)
+ elif e[0] == "6":
+ ret += socket.inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET6, d)
+ elif e[0] == "s":
+ ret += '"' + d + '"'
+ else:
+ ret += str(d)
+ ret += "}"
+ return ret
+ def istype(self, rtype):
+ if type(rtype) == str:
+ rtype = rtypebyname(rtype)
+ return self.rtype[0] == rtype
+ def convdata(self, dtype, data):
+ if dtype == "4":
+ if type(data) != str:
+ raise error("IPv4 address must be a string")
+ if len(data) == 4:
+ d = data
+ else:
+ d = socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET, data)
+ if dtype == "6":
+ if type(data) != str:
+ raise error("IPv6 address must be a string")
+ if len(data) == 16 and data.find(":") == -1:
+ d = data
+ else:
+ d = socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, data)
+ if dtype == "d":
+ if type(data) == str:
+ d = dn.fromstring(data)
+ elif isinstance(data, dn.domainname):
+ d = data
+ else:
+ raise error("Domain name must be either proper or string")
+ if dtype == "s":
+ d = str(data)
+ if dtype == "i":
+ d = int(data)
+ return d
+ def __iter__(self):
+ return iter(self.rdata)
+ def __getitem__(self, i):
+ return self.rdata[i]
+ def __setitem__(self, i, v):
+ for e in self.rtype[2]:
+ if e[1] == i:
+ break
+ else:
+ raise error("No such data for " + self.rtype[1] + " record: " + str(i))
+ self.rdata[i] = self.convdata(e[0], v)
+ def encode(self, names, offset):
+ ret = ""
+ for e in self.rtype[2]:
+ d = self.rdata[e[1]]
+ if e[2] == "strc":
+ ret += d
+ offset += len(d)
+ if e[2] == "cmdn":
+ buf, names = proto.encodename(d, names, offset)
+ ret += buf
+ offset += len(buf)
+ if e[2] == "lstr":
+ ret += chr(len(d)) + d
+ offset += 1 + len(d)
+ if e[2] == "llstr":
+ ret += struct.pack(">H", len(d)) + d
+ offset += struct.calcsize(">H") + len(d)
+ if e[2] == "short":
+ ret += struct.pack(">H", d)
+ offset += struct.calcsize(">H")
+ if e[2] == "long":
+ ret += struct.pack(">L", d)
+ offset += struct.calcsize(">L")
+ if e[2] == "int6":
+ ret += struct.pack(">Q", d)[-6:]
+ offset += 6
+ return ret, names
+ def decode(self, rtid, packet, offset, dlen):
+ rtype = rtypebyid(rtid)
+ origoff = offset
+ rdata = {}
+ if rtype is None:
+ rtype = (rtid, "Unknown", [("s", "unknown", "strc", dlen)])
+ for e in rtype[2]:
+ if e[2] == "strc":
+ d = packet[offset:offset + e[3]]
+ offset += e[3]
+ if e[2] == "cmdn":
+ d, offset = proto.decodename(packet, offset)
+ if e[2] == "lstr":
+ dl = ord(packet[offset])
+ offset += 1
+ d = packet[offset:offset + dl]
+ offset += dl
+ if e[2] == "llstr":
+ (dl,) = struct.unpack(">H", packet[offset:offset + struct.calcsize(">H")])
+ offset += struct.calcsize(">H")
+ d = packet[offset:offset + dl]
+ offset += dl
+ if e[2] == "short":
+ (d,) = struct.unpack(">H", packet[offset:offset + struct.calcsize(">H")])
+ offset += struct.calcsize(">H")
+ if e[2] == "long":
+ (d,) = struct.unpack(">L", packet[offset:offset + struct.calcsize(">L")])
+ offset += struct.calcsize(">L")
+ if e[2] == "int6":
+ (d,) = struct.unpack(">Q", ("\0" * (struct.calcsize(">Q") - 6)) + packet[offset:offset + 6])
+ offset += 6
+ rdata[e[1]] = d
+ if origoff + dlen != offset:
+ raise malformedrr(rtype[1] + " RR data length mismatch")
+ return rrdata(rtype, rdata)
+ decode = classmethod(decode)
+class rr:
+ def __init__(self, head, ttl, data):
+ if type(head) == tuple:
+ self.head = rrhead(*head)
+ else:
+ self.head = head
+ self.ttl = ttl
+ self.data = data
+ self.flags = set()
+ def setflags(self, flags):
+ self.flags |= set(flags)
+ def clrflags(self, flags):
+ self.flags -= set(flags)
+ def encode(self, names, offset):
+ ret, names = self.head.encode(names, offset)
+ if self.data is None:
+ data = ""
+ else:
+ data, names = self.data.encode(names, offset + len(ret) + struct.calcsize(">LH"))
+ ret += struct.pack(">LH", self.ttl, len(data))
+ ret += data
+ return ret, names
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ return self.head == other.head and self.ttl == other.ttl and self.data == other.data
+ def __str__(self):
+ rtype = rtypebyid(self.head.rtype)
+ if rtype is None:
+ ret = "%02x" % self.head.rtype
+ else:
+ ret = rtype[1]
+ ret += " RR %s, TTL=%i: %s" % (self.head.name, self.ttl, self.data)
+ if len(self.flags) > 0:
+ ret += " (Flags:"
+ for f in self.flags:
+ ret += " " + f
+ ret += ")"
+ return ret
+ def decode(self, packet, offset):
+ head, offset = rrhead.decode(packet, offset)
+ ttl, dlen = struct.unpack(">LH", packet[offset:offset + struct.calcsize(">LH")])
+ offset += struct.calcsize(">LH")
+ if dlen == 0:
+ data = None
+ else:
+ data = rrdata.decode(head.rtype, packet, offset, dlen)
+ offset += dlen
+ return rr(head, ttl, data), offset
+ decode = classmethod(decode)
+addrtype(0x01, "A", [("4", "address", "strc", 4)])
+addrtype(0x02, "NS", [("d", "nsname", "cmdn")])
+addrtype(0x05, "CNAME", [("d", "priname", "cmdn")])
+addrtype(0x06, "SOA", [("d", "priserv", "cmdn"),
+ ("d", "mailbox", "cmdn"),
+ ("i", "serial", "long"),
+ ("i", "refresh", "long"),
+ ("i", "retry", "long"),
+ ("i", "expire", "long"),
+ ("i", "minttl", "long")])
+addrtype(0x0c, "PTR", [("d", "target", "cmdn")])
+addrtype(0x0f, "MX", [("i", "prio", "short"),
+ ("d", "target", "cmdn")])
+addrtype(0x10, "TXT", [("s", "rrtext", "lstr")])
+addrtype(0x1c, "AAAA", [("6", "address", "strc", 16)])
+addrtype(0x21, "SRV", [("i", "prio", "short"),
+ ("i", "weight", "short"),
+ ("i", "port", "short"),
+ ("d", "target", "cmdn")])
+addrtype(0xfa, "TSIG", [("d", "algo", "cmdn"),
+ ("i", "stime", "int6"),
+ ("i", "fudge", "short"),
+ ("s", "mac", "llstr"),
+ ("i", "orgid", "short"),
+ ("i", "err", "short"),
+ ("s", "other", "llstr")])