+;;; ASCII
+(defun decode-ascii (byteseq charseq &key (start 0) (end (length byteseq)))
+ (declare (type (array (unsigned-byte 8)) byteseq)
+ (type (array character) charseq)
+ (type fixnum start end))
+ (loop
+ (restart-case
+ (loop
+ (unless (< start end) (return-from decode-ascii t))
+ (let ((byte (aref byteseq (prog1 start (incf start)))))
+ (unless (< byte 128)
+ (coding-error byteseq start charseq "Invalid byte ~D in ASCII stream." byte))
+ (vector-push-extend (unicode->char byte) charseq)))
+ (:replace-char (&optional (replacement (unicode->char #xfffd)))
+ :report "Replace the invalid byte with a character."
+ (vector-push-extend replacement charseq))
+ (:skip-char ()
+ :report "Ignore the invalid byte."
+ nil))))
+(defun encode-ascii (charseq byteseq &key (start 0) (end (length charseq)))
+ (declare (type (array (unsigned-byte 8)) byteseq)
+ (type (array character) charseq)
+ (type fixnum start end))
+ (loop
+ (restart-case
+ (loop
+ (unless (< start end) (return-from encode-ascii t))
+ (vector-push-extend (let ((cp (char->unicode (aref charseq (prog1 start (incf start))))))
+ (unless (< cp 128)
+ (coding-error charseq start byteseq "ASCII cannot encode code-points higher than 128."))
+ cp)
+ byteseq))
+ (:replace-char (&optional (replacement #\?))
+ :report "Replace this character with another."
+ (vector-push-extend (char->unicode replacement) byteseq))
+ (:skip-char ()
+ :report "Ignore this character."
+ nil))))
+(define-decoder (ascii)
+ #'decode-ascii)
+(define-encoder (ascii)
+ #'encode-ascii)