Add 617.
[doldaconnect.git] / clients / gtk2 / mainwnd.desc
1 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
2 #include "config.h"
3 #endif
4 ;prefix: main_
5 ;hasaccels: y
6 ;hascolumns: y
7 ;hasrenderers: y
8 :wnd name: wnd title: "Dolda Connect" var: y sig(delete_event):initdeath
9         :vbox
10                 :menubar
11                         :menuitem label: _Main
12                                 :menu
13                                         $menuitem name: connmenu label: _Connect sig: activate accel: "CONTROL+C" var: y
14                                         $menuitem name: dconnmenu label: _Disconnect sig: activate accel: "CONTROL+D" var: y sensitive: FALSE
15                                         $menusep
16                                         $menuitem name: sdmenu label: "_Shut down daemon" sig: activate 
17                                         $smenuitem stock: QUIT sig(activate):initdeath
18                                 end
19                         end
20                         :menuitem label: Op_tions
21                                 :menu
22                                         $smenuitem name: prefmenu stock: PREFERENCES sig: activate
23                                 end
24                         end
25                 end
26                 :vpaned name: pane1 var: y expand: TRUE fill: TRUE resize: 1
27                         :notebook
28                                 :vpaned name: pane2 var: y nblabel: "_Hub connections" resize: 2
29                                         :vbox
30                                                 $mlbl label: "Connected hu_bs" mwidget: fnetnodes
31                                                 :sw expand: TRUE fill: TRUE
32                                                         :treeview name: fnetnodes var: y rules: TRUE
33                                                                 :tvcol title: "Hub name" sortcol: 1 resizable: TRUE
34                                                                         $pixbufrend stock_id: 4
35                                                                         $textrend text: 1
36                                                                 end
37                                                                 $tvcol title: "# users" text: 3 sortcol: 3 resizable: TRUE
38                                                         end
39                                                 end
40                                                 $btn name: dcnctbtn label: "D_isconnect" sig: clicked
41                                         end
42                                         :vbox
43                                                 $mlbl label: "_Public hub list" mwidget: phublist
44                                                 :sw expand: TRUE fill: TRUE
45                                                         :treeview name: phublist var: y rules: TRUE searchcol: 0 sig(cursor-changed): cb_main_phublist_cchange sig(row-activated): cb_main_phublist_activate
46                                                                 $tvcol title: "# users" text: 3 sortcol: 3 resizable: TRUE
47                                                                 $tvcol title: "Name" text: 0 sortcol: 0 resizable: TRUE
48                                                                 $tvcol title: "Description" text: 2 sortcol: 2 resizable: TRUE
49                                                         end
50                                                 end
51                                                 :table rows: 2 cols: 3 fill: TRUE
52                                                         $mlbl label: "_Filter:" tx: 0 ty: 0 mwidget: pubhubfilter
53                                                         $text name: pubhubfilter var: y expand: y fill: y sig: activate tx: 1 ty: 0
54                                                         $btn label: "_Get public hub list" sig(clicked): cb_main_pubhubfilter_activate tx: 2 ty: 0
55                                                         $mlbl label: "_Address:" tx: 0 ty: 1 mwidget: fnaddr
56                                                         $text name: fnaddr var: y expand: y fill: y sig: activate tx: 1 ty: 1
57                                                         $btn label: "C_onnect" sig(clicked): cb_main_fnaddr_activate tx: 2 ty: 1
58                                                 end
59                                         end
60                                 end
61                                 :vpaned name: pane3 var: y nblabel: "_Chat" resize: 2
62                                         :vbox
63                                                 $mlbl label: "Hu_bs" mwidget: chatnodes
64                                                 :sw fill: TRUE expand: TRUE
65                                                         :treeview name: chatnodes var: y rules: TRUE sig(row-activated): cb_main_chatnodes_activate
66                                                                 :tvcol title: "Hub name" sortcol: 1
67                                                                         $pixbufrend stock_id: 5
68                                                                         $textrend text: 1
69                                                                 end
70                                                         end
71                                                 end
72                                         end
73                                         :vbox
74                                                 :sw fill: TRUE expand: TRUE
75                                                         $textview name: chatview var: y editable: FALSE
76                                                 end
77                                                 :hbox
78                                                         $mlbl label: "Chat st_ring:" mwidget: chatstr
79                                                         $text name: chatstr var: y expand: TRUE fill: TRUE sig: activate
80                                                         $btn label: "S_end" sig(clicked): cb_main_chatstr_activate
81                                                 end
82                                         end
83                                 end
84                                 :vbox nblabel: "_Search"
85                                         :hbox
86                                                 $mlbl label: "S_imple search:" mwidget: simplesrch
87                                                 $text name: simplesrch var: y expand: TRUE fill: TRUE sig: changed sig(activate): cb_main_srchbtn_clicked
88                                                 $btn name: srchbtn var: y label: "S_earch" sig: clicked
89                                                 $btn name: srchcanbtn var: y label: "C_ancel" sig: clicked sensitive: FALSE
90                                         end
91                                         $chk name: filternoslots var: y label: "Displa_y results with free slots only" sig: toggled
92                                         :exp label: "Ad_vanced" name: advexp var: y
93                                                 :table rows: 2 cols: 2
94                                                         $mlbl tx: 0 ty: 0 label: "C_omplete search expression:" mwidget: realsrch
95                                                         $text tx: 1 ty: 0 name: realsrch var: y expand: y fill: y sig: changed sig(activate): cb_main_srchbtn_clicked
96                                                         $mlbl tx: 0 ty: 1 label: "Filter ar_gument:" mwidget: dlarg
97                                                         $text tx: 1 ty: 1 name: dlarg var: y expand: y fill: y
98                                                 end
99                                         end
100                                         $lbl name: srchstatus var: y label: "Ready to search" fill: TRUE
101                                         $hr pad: 5
102                                         $mlbl label: "Search _results:" mwidget: srchres
103                                         :sw expand: TRUE fill: TRUE
104                                                 :treeview name: srchres var: y rules: TRUE searchcol: 3 sig(row-activated): cb_main_srchres_activate
105                                                         :tvcol title: "#" sortcol: 7 resizable: FALSE
106                                                                 $textrend func: hidezerofunc funcdata: "(gpointer)7"
107                                                         end
108                                                         $tvcol title: "Peer name" text: 2 sortcol: 2 resizable: TRUE
109                                                         $tvcol title: "File name" text: 3 sortcol: 3 resizable: TRUE expander: y
110                                                         :tvcol title: "Size" sortcol: 4 resizable: TRUE
111                                                                 $textrend func: transnicebytefunc funcdata: "(gpointer)4"
112                                                         end
113                                                         $tvcol title: "Slots" text: 5 sortcol: 5 resizable: TRUE
114                                                         :tvcol title: "Known speed" sortcol: 8 resizable: TRUE
115                                                                 $textrend func: speedtimefunc
116                                                         end
117                                                         $tvcol title: "Rsp. time" text: 6 sortcol: 6 resizable: TRUE
118                                                 end
119                                         end
120                                 end
121                         end
122                         :notebook
123                                 :vbox nblabel: "_Downloads"
124                                         $mlbl label: "_List of downloads:" mwidget: downloads
125                                         :sw fill: TRUE expand: TRUE
126                                                 :treeview name: downloads var: y sig(key-press-event): cb_main_trlist_keypress
127                                                         :tvcol title: "User Name"
128                                                                 $pixbufrend stock_id: 8
129                                                                 $textrend text: 4
130                                                         end
131                                                         $tvcol title: "File Name" text: 5
132                                                         :tvcol title: "Size"
133                                                                 $textrend func: transnicebytefunc funcdata: "(gpointer)6"
134                                                         end
135                                                         :tvcol title: "Position"
136 #ifdef ENABLE_GTK2PBAR
137                                                                 $custrend newfunc: custom_cell_renderer_progress_new attr(percentage): 9
138 #else
139                                                                 $textrend func: percentagefunc funcdata: "(gpointer)9" expand: FALSE
140 #endif
141                                                                 $textrend func: transnicebytefunc funcdata: "(gpointer)7"
142                                                         end
143                                                         :tvcol title: "Error"
144                                                                 $textrend func: transerrorinfo
145                                                         end
146                                                 end
147                                         end
148                                 end
149                                 :vbox nblabel: "_Uploads"
150                                         $mlbl label: "_List of uploads:" mwidget: uploads
151                                         :sw fill: TRUE expand: TRUE
152                                                 :treeview name: uploads var: y sig(key-press-event): cb_main_trlist_keypress
153                                                         :tvcol title: "User Name"
154                                                                 $pixbufrend stock_id: 8
155                                                                 $textrend text: 4
156                                                         end
157                                                         $tvcol title: "File Name" text: 5
158                                                         :tvcol title: "Size"
159                                                                 $textrend func: transnicebytefunc funcdata: "(gpointer)6"
160                                                         end
161                                                         :tvcol title: "Position"
162 #ifdef ENABLE_GTK2PBAR
163                                                                 $custrend newfunc: custom_cell_renderer_progress_new attr(percentage): 9
164 #else
165                                                                 $textrend func: percentagefunc funcdata: "(gpointer)9" expand: FALSE
166 #endif
167                                                                 $textrend func: transnicebytefunc funcdata: "(gpointer)7"
168                                                         end
169                                                 end
170                                         end
171                                 end
172                         end
173                 end
174         $sbar var: y name: statusbar
175         end
176 end