Mangle parameter names in formparams.
[wrw.git] / wrw /
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1import binascii, hashlib, threading, time
2from . import resp, proto
4class unauthorized(resp.httperror):
5 def __init__(self, challenge, message=None, detail=None):
6 super().__init__(401, message, detail)
7 if isinstance(challenge, str):
8 challenge = [challenge]
9 self.challenge = challenge
11 def handle(self, req):
12 for challenge in self.challenge:
13 req.ohead.add("WWW-Authenticate", challenge)
14 return super().handle(req)
16class forbidden(resp.httperror):
17 def __init__(self, message=None, detail=None):
18 super().__init__(403, message, detail)
20def parsemech(req):
21 h = req.ihead.get("Authorization", None)
22 if h is None:
23 return None, None
24 p = h.find(" ")
25 if p < 0:
26 return None, None
27 return h[:p].strip().lower(), h[p + 1:].strip()
29def parsebasic(req):
30 mech, data = parsemech(req)
31 if mech != "basic":
32 return None, None
33 try:
34 raw = proto.unb64(data)
35 except binascii.Error:
36 return None, None
37 try:
38 raw = raw.decode("utf-8")
39 except UnicodeError:
40 raw = raw.decode("latin1")
41 p = raw.find(":")
42 if p < 0:
43 return None, None
44 return raw[:p], raw[p + 1:]
46class basiccache(object):
47 cachetime = 300
49 def __init__(self, realm, authfn=None):
50 self._lock = threading.Lock()
51 self._cache = {}
52 self.realm = realm
53 if authfn is not None:
54 self.auth = authfn
56 def _obscure(self, nm, pw):
57 dig = hashlib.sha256()
58 dig.update(self.realm.encode("utf-8"))
59 dig.update(nm.encode("utf-8"))
60 dig.update(pw.encode("utf-8"))
61 return dig.digest()
63 def check(self, req):
64 nm, pw = parsebasic(req)
65 if nm is None:
66 raise unauthorized("Basic Realm=\"%s\"" % self.realm)
67 pwh = self._obscure(nm, pw)
68 now = time.time()
69 with self._lock:
70 if (nm, pwh) in self._cache:
71 lock, atime, res, resob = self._cache[nm, pwh]
72 if now - atime < self.cachetime:
73 if res == "s":
74 return resob
75 elif res == "f":
76 raise resob
77 else:
78 lock = threading.Lock()
79 self._cache[nm, pwh] = (lock, now, None, None)
80 with lock:
81 try:
82 ret = self.auth(req, nm, pw)
83 except forbidden as exc:
84 with self._lock:
85 self._cache[nm, pwh] = (lock, now, "f", exc)
86 raise
87 if ret is None:
88 raise forbidden()
89 with self._lock:
90 self._cache[nm, pwh] = (lock, now, "s", ret)
91 return ret
93 def auth(self, req, nm, pw):
94 raise Exception("authentication function neither supplied nor overridden")