Mangle parameter names in formparams.
[wrw.git] /
... / ...
1statusinfo = {
2 400: ("Bad Request", "Your issued HTTP request is invalid."),
3 403: ("Forbidden", "You are not authorized to view the requested resource."),
4 404: ("Not Found", "The requested resource was not found."),
5 500: ("Server Error", "An internal error occurred.")
6 }
8def httpdate(ts):
9 return time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000", time.gmtime(ts))
11def phttpdate(dstr):
12 tz = dstr[-6:]
13 dstr = dstr[:-6]
14 if tz[0] != " " or (tz[1] != "+" and tz[1] != "-") or not tz[2:].isdigit():
15 return None
16 tz = int(tz[1:])
17 tz = (((tz / 100) * 60) + (tz % 100)) * 60
18 return time.mktime(time.strptime(dstr, "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S")) - tz - time.altzone
20def htmlq(html):
21 ret = ""
22 for c in html:
23 if c == "&":
24 ret += "&"
25 elif c == "<":
26 ret += "&lt;"
27 elif c == ">":
28 ret += "&gt;"
29 else:
30 ret += c
31 return ret
33def urlq(url):
34 ret = ""
35 for c in url:
36 if c == "&" or c == "=" or c == "#" or c == "?" or c == "/" or (ord(c) <= 32):
37 ret += "%%%02X" % ord(c)
38 else:
39 ret += c
40 return ret
42def parstring(pars = {}, **augment):
43 buf = ""
44 for key in pars:
45 if key in augment:
46 val = augment[key]
47 del augment[key]
48 else:
49 val = pars[key]
50 if buf != "": buf += "&"
51 buf += urlq(key) + "=" + urlq(str(val))
52 for key in augment:
53 if buf != "": buf += "&"
54 buf += urlq(key) + "=" + urlq(str(augment[key]))
55 return buf