Remove a couple of debug messages.
[wrw.git] /
... / ...
1import time, calendar,, binascii, base64
3statusinfo = {
4 400: ("Bad Request", "Invalid HTTP request."),
5 401: ("Unauthorized", "Authentication must be provided for the requested resource."),
6 403: ("Forbidden", "You are not authorized to request the requested resource."),
7 404: ("Not Found", "The requested resource was not found."),
8 405: ("Method Not Allowed", "The request method is not recognized or permitted by the requested resource."),
9 429: ("Too Many Requests", "Your client is sending more frequent requests than are accepted."),
10 500: ("Server Error", "An internal error occurred."),
11 501: ("Not Implemented", "The requested functionality has not been implemented."),
12 503: ("Service Unavailable", "Service is being denied at this time."),
13 }
15def httpdate(ts):
16 return time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000", time.gmtime(ts))
18def phttpdate(dstr):
19 tz = dstr[-6:]
20 dstr = dstr[:-6]
21 if tz[0] != " " or (tz[1] != "+" and tz[1] != "-") or not tz[2:].isdigit():
22 return None
23 tz = int(tz[1:])
24 tz = (((tz / 100) * 60) + (tz % 100)) * 60
25 return calendar.timegm(time.strptime(dstr, "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S")) - tz
27def pmimehead(hstr):
28 def pws(p):
29 while p < len(hstr) and hstr[p].isspace():
30 p += 1
31 return p
32 def token(p, sep):
33 buf = ""
34 p = pws(p)
35 if p >= len(hstr):
36 return "", p
37 if hstr[p] == '"':
38 p += 1
39 while p < len(hstr):
40 if hstr[p] == '\\':
41 p += 1
42 if p < len(hstr):
43 buf += hstr[p]
44 p += 1
45 else:
46 break
47 elif hstr[p] == '"':
48 p += 1
49 break
50 else:
51 buf += hstr[p]
52 p += 1
53 return buf, pws(p)
54 else:
55 while p < len(hstr):
56 if hstr[p] in sep:
57 break
58 buf += hstr[p]
59 p += 1
60 return buf.strip(), pws(p)
61 p = 0
62 val, p = token(p, ";")
63 pars = {}
64 while p < len(hstr):
65 if hstr[p] != ';':
66 break
67 p += 1
68 k, p = token(p, "=")
69 if k == "" or hstr[p:p + 1] != '=':
70 break
71 p += 1
72 v, p = token(p, ';')
73 pars[k.lower()] = v
74 return val, pars
76def htmlq(html):
77 ret = ""
78 for c in html:
79 if c == "&":
80 ret += "&amp;"
81 elif c == "<":
82 ret += "&lt;"
83 elif c == ">":
84 ret += "&gt;"
85 else:
86 ret += c
87 return ret
89def simpleerror(env, startreq, code, title, msg):
90 buf = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="US-ASCII"?>
91<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "">
92<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en-US">
101""" % (title, title, htmlq(msg))
102 buf = buf.encode("us-ascii")
103 startreq("%i %s" % (code, title), [("Content-Type", "text/html"), ("Content-Length", str(len(buf)))])
104 return [buf]
106def urlq(url):
107 if isinstance(url, str):
108 url = url.encode("utf-8")
109 ret = ""
110 invalid = b"%;&=+#?/\"'"
111 for c in url:
112 if c in invalid or (c <= 32) or (c >= 128):
113 ret += "%%%02X" % c
114 else:
115 ret += chr(c)
116 return ret
118class urlerror(ValueError):
119 pass
121def parseurl(url):
122 p = url.find("://")
123 if p < 0:
124 raise urlerror("Protocol not found in absolute URL `%s'" % url)
125 proto = url[:p]
126 l = url.find("/", p + 3)
127 if l < 0:
128 raise urlerror("Local part not found in absolute URL `%s'" % url)
129 host = url[p + 3:l]
130 local = url[l:]
131 q = local.find("?")
132 if q < 0:
133 query = ""
134 else:
135 query = local[q + 1:]
136 local = local[:q]
137 return proto, host, local, query
139def consurl(proto, host, local, query=""):
140 if len(local) < 1 and local[0] != '/':
141 raise urlerror("Local part of URL must begin with a slash")
142 ret = "%s://%s%s" % (proto, host, local)
143 if len(query) > 0:
144 ret += "?" + query
145 return ret
147def appendurl(url, other):
148 if "://" in other:
149 return other
150 proto, host, local, query = parseurl(url)
151 if len(other) > 0 and other[0] == '/':
152 return consurl(proto, host, other)
153 else:
154 p = local.rfind('/')
155 return consurl(proto, host, local[:p + 1] + other)
157def siteurl(req):
158 host = req.ihead.get("Host", None)
159 if host is None:
160 raise Exception("Could not reconstruct URL because no Host header was sent")
161 proto = "http"
162 if req.https:
163 proto = "https"
164 return "%s://%s/" % (proto, host)
166def scripturl(req):
167 s = siteurl(req)
168 if req.uriname[0] != '/':
169 raise Exception("Malformed local part when reconstructing URL")
170 return siteurl(req) + req.uriname[1:]
172def requrl(req, qs=True):
173 s = siteurl(req)
174 if req.uri[0] != '/':
175 raise Exception("Malformed local part when reconstructing URL")
176 pf = req.uri[1:]
177 if not qs:
178 p = pf.find('?')
179 if not p < 0:
180 pf = pf[:p]
181 return siteurl(req) + pf
183def parstring(pars={}, **augment):
184 buf = ""
185 for key in pars:
186 if key in augment:
187 val = augment[key]
188 del augment[key]
189 else:
190 val = pars[key]
191 if val is None:
192 continue
193 if buf != "": buf += "&"
194 buf += urlq(key) + "=" + urlq(str(val))
195 for key, val in augment.items():
196 if val is None:
197 continue
198 if buf != "": buf += "&"
199 buf += urlq(key) + "=" + urlq(str(val))
200 return buf
202def parurl(url, pars={}, **augment):
203 qs = parstring(pars, **augment)
204 if qs != "":
205 return url + ("&" if "?" in url else "?") + qs
206 else:
207 return url
209# Wrap these, since binascii is a bit funky. :P
210def enhex(bs):
211 return base64.b16encode(bs).decode("us-ascii")
212def unhex(es):
213 if not isinstance(es,
214 try:
215 es = es.encode("us-ascii")
216 except UnicodeError:
217 raise binascii.Error("non-ascii character in hex-string")
218 return base64.b16decode(es)
219def enb32(bs):
220 return base64.b32encode(bs).decode("us-ascii")
221def unb32(es):
222 if not isinstance(es,
223 try:
224 es = es.encode("us-ascii")
225 except UnicodeError:
226 raise binascii.Error("non-ascii character in base32-string")
227 if (len(es) % 8) != 0:
228 es += b"=" * (8 - (len(es) % 8))
229 es = es.upper() # The whole point of Base32 is that it's case-insensitive :P
230 return base64.b32decode(es)
231def enb64(bs):
232 return base64.b64encode(bs).decode("us-ascii")
233def unb64(es):
234 if not isinstance(es,
235 try:
236 es = es.encode("us-ascii")
237 except UnicodeError:
238 raise binascii.Error("non-ascii character in base64-string")
239 if (len(es) % 4) != 0:
240 es += b"=" * (4 - (len(es) % 4))
241 return base64.b64decode(es)
243def _quoprisafe():
244 ret = [False] * 256
245 for c in "-!*+/":
246 ret[ord(c)] = True
247 for c in range(ord('0'), ord('9') + 1):
248 ret[c] = True
249 for c in range(ord('A'), ord('Z') + 1):
250 ret[c] = True
251 for c in range(ord('a'), ord('z') + 1):
252 ret[c] = True
253 return ret
254_quoprisafe = _quoprisafe()
255def quopri(s, charset="utf-8"):
256 bv = s.encode(charset)
257 qn = sum(not _quoprisafe[b] for b in bv)
258 if qn == 0:
259 return s
260 if qn > len(bv) / 2:
261 return "=?%s?B?%s?=" % (charset, enb64(bv))
262 else:
263 return "=?%s?Q?%s?=" % (charset, "".join(chr(b) if _quoprisafe[b] else "=%02X" % b for b in bv))
265class mimeparam(object):
266 def __init__(self, name, val, fallback=None, charset="utf-8", lang=""):
267 = name
268 self.val = val
269 self.fallback = fallback
270 self.charset = charset
271 self.lang = lang
273 def __str__(self):
275 try:
276 self.val.encode("ascii")
277 except UnicodeError:
278 pass
279 else:
280 return "%s=%s" % (, self.val)
281 val = self.val.encode(self.charset)
282 self.charset.encode("ascii")
283 self.lang.encode("ascii")
284 ret = ""
285 if self.fallback is not None:
286 self.fallback.encode("ascii")
287 ret += "%s=%s; " % (, self.fallback)
288 ret += "%s*=%s'%s'%s" % (, self.charset, self.lang, urlq(val))
289 return ret
291class mimeheader(object):
292 def __init__(self, name, val, *, mime_charset="utf-8", mime_lang="", **params):
293 = name
294 self.val = val
295 self.params = {}
296 self.charset = mime_charset
297 self.lang = mime_lang
298 for k, v in params.items():
299 self[k] = v
301 def __getitem__(self, nm):
302 return self.params[nm.lower()]
304 def __setitem__(self, nm, val):
305 if not isinstance(val, mimeparam):
306 val = mimeparam(nm, val, charset=self.charset, lang=self.lang)
307 self.params[nm.lower()] = val
309 def __delitem__(self, nm):
310 del self.params[nm.lower()]
312 def value(self):
313 parts = []
314 if self.val != None:
315 parts.append(quopri(self.val))
316 parts.extend(str(x) for x in self.params.values())
317 return("; ".join(parts))
319 def __str__(self):
320 if is None:
321 return self.value()
322 return "%s: %s" % (, self.value())