local: Treat dots/periods as digits in destructuring directories.
[automanga.git] / lib.py
... / ...
1class library(object):
2 """Class representing a single source of multiple mangas."""
4 def byname(self, prefix):
5 """Returns an iterable object of all mangas in this library
6 whose names (case-insensitively) begin with the given
7 prefix.
9 All libraries should implement this."""
10 raise NotImplementedError()
12 def byid(self, id):
13 """Returns a previously known manga by its string ID, or
14 raises KeyError if no such manga could be found.
16 All libraries should implement this."""
17 raise KeyError(id)
19 def __iter__(self):
20 """Return an iterator of all known mangas in this library.
22 Not all libraries need implement this."""
23 raise NotImplementedError("manga.lib.library iterator")
25class pagetree(object):
26 """Base class for objects in the tree of pages and pagelists.
28 All pagetree objects should contain an attribute `stack',
29 containing a list of pairs. The last pair in the list should be
30 the pagetree object which yielded this pagetree object, along with
31 the index which yielded it. Every non-last pair should be the same
32 information for the pair following it. The only objects with empty
33 `stack' lists should be `manga' objects.
35 All non-root pagetree objects should also contain an attribute
36 `id', which should be a string that can be passed to the `byid'
37 function of its parent node to recover the node. Such string ID
38 should be more persistent than the node's numeric index in the
39 parent."""
41 def idlist(self):
42 """Returns a list of the IDs necessary to resolve this node
43 from the root node."""
44 if len(self.stack) == 0:
45 raise Exception("Cannot get ID list on root node.")
46 return [n.id for n, i in self.stack[1:]] + [self.id]
48 def byidlist(self, idlist):
49 if len(idlist) == 0:
50 return self
51 return self.byid(idlist[0]).byidlist(idlist[1:])
53class pagelist(pagetree):
54 """Class representing a list of either pages, or nested
55 pagelists. Might be, for instance, a volume or a chapter.
57 All pagelists should contain an attribute `name', containing some
58 human-readable Unicode representation of the pagelist."""
60 def __len__(self):
61 """Return the number of (direct) sub-nodes in this pagelist.
63 All pagelists need to implement this."""
64 raise NotImplementedError()
66 def __getitem__(self, idx):
67 """Return the direct sub-node of the given index in this
68 pagelist. Sub-node indexes are always zero-based and
69 contiguous, regardless of any gaps in the underlying medium,
70 which should be indicated instead by way of the `name'
71 attribute.
73 All pagelists need to implement this."""
74 raise NotImplementedError()
76 def byid(self, id):
77 """Return the direct sub-node of this pagelist which has the
78 given string ID. If none is found, a KeyError is raised.
80 This default method iterates the children of this node, but
81 may be overridden by some more efficient implementation.
82 """
83 for ch in self:
84 if ch.id == id:
85 return ch
86 raise KeyError(id)
88class manga(pagelist):
89 """Class reprenting a single manga. Includes the pagelist class,
90 and all constraints valid for it.
92 A manga is a root pagetree node, but should also contain an `id'
93 attribute, which can be used to recover the manga from its
94 library's `byid' function."""
95 pass
97class page(pagetree):
98 """Class representing a single page of a manga. Pages make up the
99 leaf nodes of a pagelist tree.
101 All pages should contain an attribute `manga', referring back to
102 the containing manga instance."""
104 def open(self):
105 """Open a stream for the image this page represents. The
106 returned object should be an imgstream class.
108 All pages need to implement this."""
109 raise NotImplementedError()
111class imgstream(object):
112 """An open image I/O stream for a manga page. Generally, it should
113 be file-like. This base class implements the resource-manager
114 interface for use in `with' statements, calling close() on itself
115 when exiting the with-scope.
117 All imgstreams should contain an attribute `ctype', being the
118 Content-Type of the image being read by the stream."""
120 def __enter__(self):
121 return self
123 def __exit__(self, *exc_info):
124 self.close()
126 def close(self):
127 """Close this stream."""
128 raise NotImplementedError()
130 def read(self, sz = None):
131 """Read SZ bytes from the stream, or the entire rest of the
132 stream of SZ is not given."""
133 raise NotImplementedError()
135class cursor(object):
136 def __init__(self, ob):
137 if isinstance(ob, cursor):
138 self.cur = ob.cur
139 else:
140 self.cur = self.descend(ob)
142 def descend(self, ob):
143 while isinstance(ob, pagelist):
144 ob = ob[0]
145 if not isinstance(ob, page):
146 raise TypeError("object in page tree was unexpectedly not a pagetree")
147 return ob
149 def next(self):
150 for n, i in reversed(self.cur.stack):
151 if i < len(n) - 1:
152 self.cur = self.descend(n[i + 1])
153 return self.cur
154 raise StopIteration()
156 def prev(self):
157 for n, i in reversed(self.cur,stack):
158 if i > 0:
159 self.cur = self.descend(n[i - 1])
160 return self.cur
161 raise StopIteration()
163 def __iter__(self):
164 return self